Week 1 FAQ
I wrote this in large part to help people help others. If you asked a question and someone pointed you to this FAQ, be grateful and give them a

If a linked post was helpful, be sure to give it a

Q1: How is Week 1 different to the original three chapters?
A: Core content is mostly the same, a few features were added. It was largely a code rework.
Q2: Why so long for a code rework with little new content?

A: It's complicated. The changelog gives a brief explanation.
Q3: Why so long for a code rework with little new content?

A: You don't deserve an answer.
Q4: What about the specials?
A: Halloween special is included in Week 1, though slightly different to the original. Other holiday specials are not included.
Q4b: What patch do I need for the specials?
A: On the lewdpatcher page, click "Show previous versions." A lot of links will appear, but most of them actually point to the same file. Download any one of them
except "Week 1 Beta". Then copy the downloaded file to the folder named "game" in the Ecchi Sensei install.
Q5: What do i need to download?
Q6: Android version?
A: There don't seem to be any plans for
official Android versions after Week 1.
Q7: OMG! Why is full version so big?!?
A: Because the images and videos are uncompressed.
Q8: What is different about Full vs Compressed versions?
A: Image quality is reduced somewhat in light compressed and somewhat more in Heavy Compressed. There are no gameplay differences.
Q9: Ok, but how much is quality reduced in Compressed versions?
A: FWIW, most have said they can't tell the difference between Full and Light Compressed.
Q10: Why don't my old saves show up?
A: Week 1 is incompatible with saves from previous releases. Yes, this means you'll need a save from week 1 to use with future releases, and yes, it also means you have to start week 1 from scratch.
Q11: Who wants to hear me complain about the save incompatibility or the need to start from scratch?
A: No one.
Q12: Is there a walkthrough?
A: Unofficial walkthrough
here. Note that Week 1 has a built in hints system that functions as a walkthrough. IMO the unofficial walkthrough is still worth downloading.
Q13: How do I install/enable/configure Dark Mind content?
Q14: I get an error when extracting the Dark Mind patch archive.
A: If you used 7-zip to extract and got "Headers Error", it's believed you can safely ignore it as long as extraction progress made it to 100%. If you used something other than 7-zip to extract, try extracting with 7-zip instead. For all other cases, make a detailed post describing your problem.
Q15: Why is the Dark Mind patch so big?
A: Because unlike your average patch found on lewdpatcher, it contains images and videos.
Q16: OK, but why?
A: Patreon.
Q17: Is there a link to Dark Mind patch hosted somewhere other than Mega?
A: Direct links to the patch are prohibited by f95zone rules. If and when it's uploaded to another host, you'll find it on the lewdpatcher page.
Q18: Can someone provide a download with Dark Mind patch already installed?
A: No, again because of f95zone rules. Be a mensch and don't complain.
Q19: What's a mensch?
A: "A person of integrity or honour." For example, one might say that I'm a mensch for not responding with LMGTFY or an insulting meme, even though it's what you deserve for asking.
Q20: I get an error when extracting the archive and/or "Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream" when playing the game.
A: You got a corrupt archive. Original Full - Single Link on Uploadhaven was corrupt and was
fixed just a few hours ago. If you're having problems with something else, make a detailed post describing your problem.
Q21: I get an error running the game on Mac.
Fix it through command line or
run it with Renpy Dev Kit.
Q22: What is the door code?
A: 5911.
Please PM me with suggestions, additions, etc.