Well, a couple of pages back another user posted a 32-bit version, I'm currently downloading it and will try it out later... You can try downloading that version, but as they say, download at your own risk, that wasn't uploaded by a verified uploader so be careful. If you don't want to take the risk, then just wait until an uploader decides to share the 32-bit version...Downloading then crying cant install because setup for x64 only . Imma cryin
On page 16 I put the link for the 32 bit version, you can download it from there.Downloading then crying cant install because setup for x64 only . Imma cryin
It's an entirely linear game other than the chance to fight nations in a different order than usual or at least it was true of the original. Currently playing it right now and it seems like it is the same. However, iirc the original had some event scenes that play out differently depending on who you have in your roster.I'm new to Eiyuu Senki, are there different routes and a true end in gold?
There may have been a problem during the download, I did not give an errorwell i already found a bug it is in the middle of the game on 1 of the mission on EU
you don't have to do it to continue but if you do it , it crash the game
hey did you download and test it, got an error?Well, a couple of pages back another user posted a 32-bit version, I'm currently downloading it and will try it out later... You can try downloading that version, but as they say, download at your own risk, that wasn't uploaded by a verified uploader so be careful. If you don't want to take the risk, then just wait until an uploader decides to share the 32-bit version...
You can either increase your troop count with money or by getting medals during a fight which give all participating units extra troops.Im playing on hard difficulty right now and dont understand how i scale my troops properly. Finished the EU Colony Region and my heros have 2800 - 3000 troops and I have the feeling the troop count is to low. I am heading to Australia now but after that the MM Coalition is on 4000.
Do I have to favourite some heros or shall i simply wait. I'm on turn 75 right now.
Not sure if you've already done it but there is a mission where you have to scale a 50 floor tower in the starting province. In each mission you have to fight 3 rounds. The beauty here is that, unlike in all other multi-battle fights, you can use every character you bring with you in every round even if you've used them already. This is a great way of getting extra funds and troops for free.Well...
Maybe i rushed to much than
You need to conquer Venice (and be at war with Russia) before that event shows up. As far as I can tell, at least.So is there an event i'm missing like in the original where you get cold weather clothing so you don't get the stat penalty in Russia? Or do I have to like win one fight IN Russia and then there's an event about getting the clothing? I'm on like turn 175 on Hard mode and game hasn't forced me to go there yet.