Endgame for NTR players in a NTR game


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Sep 26, 2019
is an interesting take, all of the girls seem to be slightly off, as if there is an undertone of psychological damage. It most resembles a cult in its focus on in-group/out-group dynamics. The MC is depicted as being "creepy" for two reasons being: he is an otaku and he likes the girl in the blue hair, Aoi.

However, you find out as the game goes on that this doesn't hold much water, his "friend," Genta, who at first claims he was basically pretending to be his friend to keep the charade going, was actually the guy who got the MC into otaku culture a few years ago and is much more of an otaku than the MC could ever hope to be. Aoi claims to find the MC gross but you later learn this is an opinion she has only held since meeting the girl with the pink hair, Kaho, prior she thought it was flattering and even considered dating him more than once.

Everything changed once Kaho entered the picture, Genta actually notices this at one point and begins to dig around, asking several classmates why they find the MC creepy, and their reaction are like some who was told how to think, Kaho says he is creepy, and so that's what he is. Aoi admits to how she used to feel about the MC but Kaho changed her mind.

Everything seems to lead back to Kaho being a sociopath and head of this personality cult centered around herself, with the MC being the out-group and warning, saying "oppose me and you will end up like him." Eventually Kaho warns Genta that if he continues to ask questions he will be kicked from the group. In one of the endings the MC is at college making good grades while his classmates are still back at his old town, working part-time jobs and meeting up for regular orgies.

It's supposed to be netorare but if not being able to wait in line to have a crack at a semen encrusted vagina sounds disappointing then you need your head checked.
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Aug 2, 2018
where are we now?
NTR routes should end when?
The ways we could insert them are a lot. Seems a lot people want their own ways of corruption/netorare. but the final question "where to go" isn't really much talked about.
I would say it depends on the way the ntr is implemented:
If it isn't avoidable, and you see your partner fall (or fall before them, if you are the girl) the end would be when the relationship is ended by the cheating partner, because he like's the other one more.
If you start with potential "rivals" (like harvest moon games have done it lately) where some of them are faster than you, the end will be with them getting together. So your chance is gone.
And bringing in the option of winning her back (would this be re-netorare?) is a nice idea, but would take away the real meaning of netorare (which is inducing jealousy to the MC or more specific: often to the male partner of the realtionship), but then ending would be if they are reunited...forever?

Good NTR is far more complex than: guy fucks girl of other guy. It's the falling of the girl (most times) to a third party. Going from Love to Lust, Comparing both, surprise uf getting something better, the corroding of the mind which says "yeah take the new" and all this over a specific time-period. Real good stories won't tell you she fucked once...thrice and was corrupted...it was something which was ongoing all the time, and when the point is reached, she will decide that the new one is better....not because he gave her a good dick, no she should also getting feelings for him, a lot more than for her old partner.

Yeah, that is what I think good NTR would be, and for me, I want this to happen in games, because in real life, this would be the fucking hell...and nobody deserves such shit.

PS: I'm reading the storys of Jen and Mike from xleglover (on literotica). There are some "Books" (series) which tell us the story of these both. It has some strong NTR-Vibes in it, but is long to read, and often repeating itself, but the emotions are good in this story, I mean these people are ALL retards somehow, but if you read it not just for fapping, you get some good sense of what NTR/cuckold is about. (First one is "He fucked my girl")


Jan 14, 2018
where are we now?
NTR routes should end when?
Oh, I want to see the fucking consequences. I want a satisfying end to the story. Most of the NTR quits at the height of the emotional climax, like a horror movie where the last survivor decides to go after the killer- and then cuts to black.
Maybe my favorite cheating hentai is Soredemo Tsuma wo Aishiteru. Except that it ends with the husband about to enter a room where the wife is fucking her lover. Give me the next scene, goddamit!
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 26, 2019
Oh, I want to see the fucking consequences. I want a satisfying end to the story. Most of the NTR quits at the height of the emotional climax, like a horror movie where the last survivor decides to go after the killer- and then cuts to black.
Maybe my favorite cheating hentai is Soredemo Tsuma wo Aishiteru. Except that it ends with the husband about to enter a room where the wife is fucking her lover. Give me the next scene, goddamit!
There are a few that continue on, most end up with him marrying her in a sexless relationship where he works to support her as she has sex with any man as long as it isn't him. Generally, taunting him as much as possible with that fact, driving home the point that the only part of their relationship that makes him special is that he is the one man she won't have sex with. How someone could live like that, much less volunteer for it, is beyond me.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Say you're in a relationship for a few weeks, and things have quieted down. You want to spice it up a bit. NTR is your answer. You arrange it so that ho cheats on you. Catch her red handed, so there's no way out of it, she's busted.
That slut knows she did wrong, and she deserves to be punished. It's only fair that you get a free pass allowing you to get away with cheating too. Not that you would ever get caught cheating, but just in case it happens, you'll be able to remind her of her transgressions. She doesn't want to see you cheating, so she makes you sammiches.
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 26, 2019
Say you're in a relationship for a few weeks, and things have quieted down. You want to spice it up a bit. NTR is your answer. You arrange it so that ho cheats on you. Catch her red handed, so there's no way out of it, she's busted.
That slut knows she did wrong, and she deserves to be punished. It's only fair that you get a free pass allowing you to get away with cheating too. Not that you would ever get caught cheating, but just in case it happens, you'll be able to remind her of her transgressions. She doesn't want to see you cheating, so she makes you sammiches.
That isn't how hentai works. When you catch her she'll just say that his dick is bigger and feels better so you might as well just leave now. If you do manage to come to an agreement she won't stop and she will start telling her "lover" about the girls you are bringing home which he will steal. Every time you catch her it will be him and a harem you're gathering for him.

Though if it was real life, there is no such thing as a "cheat pass" with women, to her mind, when she cheats on you it, it was your fault. "You weren't there when she needed you" because you had to pay the mortgage or something equally selfish. When you cheat, it's because you don't care for her anymore. Even if she agrees to it, the jealousy is stewing, and when you do it she will use pretzel logic to decide that it doesn't count or you took it too far and she will break up with you telling everyone that you broke up because you cheated on her.
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Jan 18, 2018
The thing I think most developers either don't pay attention to or forget is that eroticism is based on tension buildup and release

There has to always be something that is building tension and driving towards release to properly trigger our reward system

So a player has to be chasing a specific fetish or outcome where release is anticipated, and the climax is the point where tension ends and relief happens

With NTR, tension is created by the female character's existing relationships and the potential release of the new relationship. This release comes via both sex and humiliation aspects. Choices are necessary that result in an escalation of sexual and humiliation tension. But the climax needs specific attention- the point of "surrender" needs to be well managed so that there is enough tension to make it feel rewarding, and after the climax, some kind of status quo must be restored again so that tension building can begin again towards another climax.

That's a really long way of saying that no matter what, the best "Endgame" would be a fade out into the idea of future tension and climax.

Here's an example of how to end a generic game with three endings. Say there's the typical game where the relationship starts out normalish and at some point the wife/girlfriend gives in to screwing the antagonist of the story. There are a couple of CGs and just some text describing the outcome.

Ending 1- "and they just keep screwing forever, eventually the MC is left alone, until he meets another girl, who seems real sweet... but the same thing starts to happen again"
Ending 2- "and this becomes their new normal, MC is now a cuckold and the wife/gf just keeps banging whoever she wants, even his friends and coworkers etc"
Ending 3- "the heat of the scenario dies down, and the girl stays with the MC. But sometimes, when they need a little boost to their love life, they still go back and talk dirty about Dick"

Essentially, you don't actually have to script the endgame in detail, just paint a picture of various stories and make the outcomes dependent on player choice.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
The thing I think most developers either don't pay attention to or forget is that eroticism is based on tension buildup and release

There has to always be something that is building tension and driving towards release to properly trigger our reward system

So a player has to be chasing a specific fetish or outcome where release is anticipated, and the climax is the point where tension ends and relief happens

With NTR, tension is created by the female character's existing relationships and the potential release of the new relationship. This release comes via both sex and humiliation aspects. Choices are necessary that result in an escalation of sexual and humiliation tension. But the climax needs specific attention- the point of "surrender" needs to be well managed so that there is enough tension to make it feel rewarding, and after the climax, some kind of status quo must be restored again so that tension building can begin again towards another climax.

That's a really long way of saying that no matter what, the best "Endgame" would be a fade out into the idea of future tension and climax.

Here's an example of how to end a generic game with three endings. Say there's the typical game where the relationship starts out normalish and at some point the wife/girlfriend gives in to screwing the antagonist of the story. There are a couple of CGs and just some text describing the outcome.

Ending 1- "and they just keep screwing forever, eventually the MC is left alone, until he meets another girl, who seems real sweet... but the same thing starts to happen again"
Ending 2- "and this becomes their new normal, MC is now a cuckold and the wife/gf just keeps banging whoever she wants, even his friends and coworkers etc"
Ending 3- "the heat of the scenario dies down, and the girl stays with the MC. But sometimes, when they need a little boost to their love life, they still go back and talk dirty about Dick"

Essentially, you don't actually have to script the endgame in detail, just paint a picture of various stories and make the outcomes dependent on player choice.
NTR is very much a masochism thing and there have been a lot of psychiatric studies about masochism and what makes them tick. Turns out masochism isn't just a sexual kink, but it and sadism exists and affects your day-to-day outlook on life. Take for example, a person works hard and is recognized for their work with an employee of the month plaque, a round of applause, and maybe a pay raise. A masochist wouldn't actually be happy about this. Masochist seek out being the low man on the totem poll, where no matter how hard they work or devote themselves, it will never be recognized, going above and beyond being met with "is this it? you're so pathetic" while around them those who barely do anything are lauded and praised instead. While this varies between person to person, with extremely few actually wanting the scenario I described, most do tend to be unsatisfied when rewarded for their time and effort.

They seek out some type of person or organization that will do that to them. Where they can devote their life and soul and be met with scorn, abuse, and betrayal. And when all this happens, they want zero control over changing this, they want to be trapped down this dark pit with no escape. Masochist look for a story where they have no control or ability to change the incoming train wreck. Which is why so few NTR games give you an alternate path, because the people like NTR don't want to even have that option, though some games will give them choices that don't affect the plot in the slightest to reinforce that sense of hopelessness.

That is why after most NTR games the MC doesn't say "I'll move on and find a new girl" but he stays focused on the girl who left him. It tends to be that the girl will often have sex with just about anyone except the protagonist, that's really the only "special" place he holds in her heart. As a result of this fantasy, the game often going to great lengths to drive this point home, that out of 3 billion men on earth, he alone is the one person she won't have sex with. After that he just goes "okay, well I love you anyway, so I'll just stay faithful, I don't need sex or love or dignity as long as you're happy." And afterwords he either stays single and celibate out of devotion for a girl who is never coming back or staying with the girl to be used as slave labor to basically work to pay for her opulence and only acknowledging him long enough to abuse and humiliate him while she has sex others.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2018
NTR isn't just one thing. I say it is an erotic tragedy. Though I understand that a lot of people have their own takes on it.

Sometimes it ends with a suicide, the end of the world or a marriage.

You can also let the story end it's self. It will have a direction, you can just follow it through to the end.

But if you stick around until the MC is playing ball with his wife's son and realizing it's not so bad... You stuck around too long.
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Steve Carter

Apr 28, 2017
Well, here's two short NTR films if that helps. and . Both end on kind of a cliffhanger (which is kind of a characteristic of short films and not necessarily exclusinve to NTR films).

I maintain that NTR should share a structure with horror, where you imply the NTR and have the MC's brain going wild about how bad the NTR is, then you finally revel it. Like horror, NTR is a world shattering experience the MC goes through and is normally fundamentally changed after it (good horror as with good NTR should include a character arc for the protagonist). Honestly, I'd watch horror movies and pay close attention to their endings if you want to figure out a good ending for an NTR game.
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 26, 2019
Well, here's two short NTR films if that helps. and . Both end on kind of a cliffhanger (which is kind of a characteristic of short films and not necessarily exclusinve to NTR films).

I maintain that NTR should share a structure with horror, where you imply the NTR and have the MC's brain going wild about how bad the NTR is, then you finally revel it. Like horror, NTR is a world shattering experience the MC goes through and is normally fundamentally changed after it (good horror as with good NTR should include a character arc for the protagonist). Honestly, I'd watch horror movies and pay close attention to their endings if you want to figure out a good ending for an NTR game.
Rarely is there a character arc, normally they end in one of two ways:

1. Guy just locks himself in the house and masturbates to the fucked up videos they send him.
2. Guy decides to tolerate the girlfriend's cheating and lives a life of celibacy as long as she never breaks up with him.

He is the same pathetic loser he was in the beginning of the game as the end of the game, he learns nothing from his failure and never recovers. I'm not sure which one is more pathetic.

The only game I've ever encountered that broke this mold was but since it is trap/yaoi and has feminization, it probably isn't for everyone, but since the bull(guy who steals) wanted to have sex with the cuck as well, it had a rather interesting ending.
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Dec 1, 2019
Hi, I am making a game that has NTR in it. My question is specifically for NTR loving people.

What is your end game in a NTR game. Most NTR games, where the guy who is stealing the girls are either abandoned or under development. I want to ask what an NTR gamer see as an end game for such games.

Is it to get as many NTR scenes possible while slowly and steadily winning your girls back in the end or having the other guy winning it all.

I have a good well thought plan about MC following the first part while keep the NTR loving part of his personality intact but when I think about the latter part, I can't seem to be able to think more content than 2-3 updates and an early game over.
As wyrmlayer70 mentioned there are more than 1 type of ntr. In VNDB you will see the tags explained between ntr type a: , type b , or type c . Each gamer will like some of it or instead will like the Netori type wich is the opposite (MC stealing someone else's girl).
In the end will have to do with what you are more comfortable/confindent to work on with in order to get something good :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
One ending that might be interesting is something Cuck and Cucked 4some Adventure had where the MC has his girl stolen but in exchange he stole the other guy's girl. It sounds like swinging but it actually really isn't as there was no agreement between the parties to swap partners. The game also didn't do a good job of showing the build up at all. Also even if you don't have switching partners like that the MC could always find another woman. I agree with the above comment that most MCs never recover because they are losers who never learn.

Having a strong and clever MC would be interesting as it can lead to different paths. Maybe you can have a romance system like Rune Factory in that if you don't start dating a girl by a certain time they marry a specific (canon marriage) character. I noticed several games on DLsite that haven't been translated yet that have something like that. For instance Working as a Knight in an Isekai can have your wife cucked but you can also have sex with other girls. I haven't played it but it seems interesting.

Basically having an MC who can recover would be a great way to build a game.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
One ending that might be interesting is something Cuck and Cucked 4some Adventure had where the MC has his girl stolen but in exchange he stole the other guy's girl. It sounds like swinging but it actually really isn't as there was no agreement between the parties to swap partners. The game also didn't do a good job of showing the build up at all. Also even if you don't have switching partners like that the MC could always find another woman. I agree with the above comment that most MCs never recover because they are losers who never learn.

Having a strong and clever MC would be interesting as it can lead to different paths. Maybe you can have a romance system like Rune Factory in that if you don't start dating a girl by a certain time they marry a specific (canon marriage) character. I noticed several games on DLsite that haven't been translated yet that have something like that. For instance Working as a Knight in an Isekai can have your wife cucked but you can also have sex with other girls. I haven't played it but it seems interesting.

Basically having an MC who can recover would be a great way to build a game.
can you give me the name of these games you mentioned
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Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
, those are a couple examples the Cucked and Cuck is on the f95 should be easy to find is an MTL though blech
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Aug 12, 2018

As for the rune factory i know it's a normal game (not hentai) unless he means rune's pharmacy : https://f95zone.to/threads/runes-pharmacy.1347/
I mean the actual Rune Factory games that are non-hentai. I love how the girls who you don't pursue move on if you aren't quick enough to date them because in real life no woman will watch as you slowly woo everyone in the village or wait forever for you to decide you want them.
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Apr 28, 2017
For me a good NTR game is not the one that just makes the MC a cuckold because he likes it. A good NTR game has to "torture" the player and make him realise the wrong in his way of trying to get girls. The MC has to like the girl(s) enough that he would never want to see them with another person in order for the cheating/refusal to make sense and create a strong NTR feeling. Also the NTR ellement must be forced, based on the choices you made throughout the game. Games that just warn the player of NTR content or just hand it to them, don't do it the right way, in my opinion.
So, a satishfing ending would be for the player who has been cheated on/cuckolded all game long, to realise his mistakes and adopt to the ways that the other characters used in game to score. Thus turning to the dark side and joining the debauchery that goes on around him.

Something more, it is even better for the NTR ellement if the girls in the game are very innocent at the begining and you witness, as a player, their corruption and watching those who you love turn in to complete sluts being unable to stop that.
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Dec 1, 2019
For me a good NTR game is not the one that just makes the MC a cuckold because he likes it. A good NTR game has to "torture" the player and make him realise the wrong in his way of trying to get girls. The MC has to like the girl(s) enough that he would never want to see them with another person in order for the cheating/refusal to make sense and create a strong NTR feeling. Also the NTR ellement must be forced, based on the choices you made throughout the game. Games that just warn the player of NTR content or just hand it to them, don't do it the right way, in my opinion.
So, a satishfing ending would be for the player who has been cheated on/cuckolded all game long, to realise his mistakes and adopt to the ways that the other characters used in game to score. Thus turning to the dark side and joining the debauchery that goes on around him.

Something more, it is even better for the NTR ellement if the girls in the game are very innocent at the begining and you witness, as a player, their corruption and watching those who you love turn in to complete sluts being unable to stop that.
That is called netorase and should be different category altogether
read there discription of the tag for more infos