Sex Curse Studio, I hope its okay to report on some bugs and some feedback here.
I've played your latest public build 0.06a (downloaded from your site), PC, Win x64.
-Played it a couple of times and met quite a bug.
I was fortune enough to find a seller on the 3d floor and bought a Lvl5 agility sword for MC. To that I also bought 50 keys for chests and around 15+ lvl5 Monster essences (about that bug later on). With that I proceeded to lvl 5 dungeon, got everyone up to level 20, got a checkpoint, left the dungeon, changed the armor on the MC from +1HP/MP to a +5HP pro round, saved and left the game. Today I entered the game to find out that my characters are back to level 19, no lvl5 sword, no lvl5 Monster essences, I'm back to level 3 Dungeon and my money for buying those things were not back. Basically everything I gaind after level 3 dungeon was gone for some reason, except for money and armor that I changed. That was one unpleasant surprise.
I tried to replicate the bug, but without luck. Don't know what happened, but now I don't even know if I should continue exploring if such a thing exists and can just happen, deleting all the progress I got.
That was the biggest one, now to the little ones:
- Remember that I said that I was able to buy 15+ lvl5 monster essences? You have a merchant bug with limited goods. Whenever there is a limited in amount thing to buy, you can buy its maximum amount and then this thing becomes infinite.
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This is a picture of such item list AFTER I bought that limited item - it stays on "2" forever. You can't buy 2 of such things though, because after you open the trade dialogue the amount of such a thing is allways "1" and whatever key you press ↑ arrow or ↓ arrow, the amount allways goes down to 0. But if you don't press anything, you can just allways buy that 1 thing. So basically thats how you can buy infinite amount of any limited-stock goods. And thats what I did with that merchant i nthe dungeon.
Now to think of it, maybe that was the reason why my save glitched, since when replicating I wasnt able to findone more merchant to test it.
- One more little bug that you have is a "revisit" to a Paladin scene. You have 2 dialogue options in a revisit option:
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Both work as intended and both have the same progression. Just 2 similar dialogues.
Now with bugs over I simply wanted to say a couple of things about some details that I find... questionable:
From that point out - those are my IMHOs. So whether taking those to consideration or not - is up to you as developers and what kind of vision you have towards your game.
1. Item lvl progression and description.
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These 2 items are level 1 and level 3 armors, but they have the same description. Unless I waste my resources, make them and only then compare the stats, I have no other way to know if those 2 even have differences in any stats whatsoever. Its extremely uncomfortable.
Also level 1 and lvl 3 armors have the SAME amount of crit on them - why? Why is there no progression tier-wise?
Another example description-wise areitems that give you elemental damage:
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"Normal attacks now have fire element to them"... what does that even mean? How does it affect enemies? How much damage does it inflict? There is literally no description to it - the only way is to make it and see for yourself, which requires materials and time.
One more example:
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You have a +% to evade pralysis.
Great description! Very informative.
The idea is: some items need more detailed descriptions. Player has to use resources that he accquired in the dungeon for them and without certain numbers, he basically gambles for luck that those stats MIGHT be profitable. Whenever I craft something, I want to know pre-fact what stats I craft, because sometimes its hard to find that 1 monster lvl3 essence, since its only source is Mimik and it is an entirely luck-based-to-find enemy.
2. Some additional stats are... questionably low.
Take the same armors for example - "+ 3% crit chance but -3% accuracy"... Out of a 100? Maybe those 3%=30%? Unless they are, 3% is just a really pathetic amount of crit chance, dont you think? Now I'm not the one to tell how the balance should work, but why would I ever buy a 3% crit chance when I have other armors that give me +20 agility +20 defense +15strength + 10intellect or +25 mana simultaneously? 3% means that out of 100 battles I will crit 3 times and miss 3 times? That sounds so bad.
And there are quite amount of such stats in the game.
For exmaple this build you heavily nerfed the armor and rings that gave +3/5% HP/MP into +1%(!).
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That is ridiculous! It literally became useless. On level 20MC that has 1K HP, such an item will regain +10HP pro round when monsters on that level hit you 200-300(!)HP pro round. That is simply laughable. Add to that the fact that tiers don't affect the amount ofpercantage of HP/MP restored so in the end you have a Tier 3 Armor/Ring that give you +20 HP pro round together, while a single monster will hit you ~250 or 400+ damage if they crit.
Same goes for some items that give you bonus status effect:
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15% paralysis VS any stat-based weapon is laughable right now.
You have a %-based stat that will MAYBE stun a creature VS any stat-based sword that will instantly KILL that creature in 1 swing. Why would I ever choose the chance game if its so ineffective?
You should do something with that math - it just doesn't work.
3. Mage's debuff spells.
Mage basically is a very powerfull AOE damage dealer, but for somereason you gave her 2 debuffs: Hex and Icycle.
Compared to her AOE skills, these 2 are patheticly-weak. Both can miss and WILL miss a lot, they affect only 1(!) creature pro cast and the effect from 1 of them is a RANDOM debuff, which makes Hex the worst ability in the game - you cast an unknown spell, that can miss with a HIGH chance that wil laffect only 1 character. Why would you do that to yourself EVER?
Compare that to "Keep it up!"ed baff from MC and 2 "Hurricane"s from the mage that in their maximum can deal 1200*8=9600 damage to a weak single target. Sure those can miss, but even if target is not weak and tha spell hits at least twice you already get 1600 damage out of it... Its ridiculously strong. Basically ANY speel that she has is far better than those 2.
IMO you should makes those 2 debuffs AOE, or 100% hit, becuase otherwise they are pathetic and I didnt find myself using them. Ever. Even on a boss, because she simply misses those.
Other than that dungeon works stable for me - didn't have any other bugs nor combat nor movement-wise in the dungeon.
I love the "surprise attack" mechanic that you have, because it diminishes the "Leeeeroy Jenkins" approach and makes you think when to attack + to that that monsters hit quite hard so you are incentivized to play smart to not get your face crushed.
Too bad that you haven't introduced any new mechanics. I've hoped you would think of something new dungeon-wise, like new kind of traps or something. If every new dungeon would bring atleast 1 new trap/movement/usage mechanic in the future it would make dungeon crawling so much more intertaining.
New Paladin scene is very loveable as allways, even though I find dialogue a little bit cheeky and cringy with all those "my penis was already in your ass" type of dialogue (too mich penises and vaginas mentioning feels a little bit unnatural to me, but oh well... maybe its just me).
Leru has some large amounts of content by now I should say. But trust me - I don't mind it even a little bit

. Leru is bae and I wont stop wanting even more of her.
Even though there are some negatives, I still enjoyed new content and will be waiting for the next one.
P.s. I still want that alchemist Snek though. Hope to see her as soon as possible in the future updates).
Edit: can't hold myslef, and still want to say a word about the map.
- I like the idea.
And I understand that its map's first iteration and that you will be improving upon it, but I still wanted to make a little suggestion to it.
The grey circle whenever you choose where to go is a little bit uncomfortable to see, so what if you take Places of interest and make them a separate pictures that inflate whenever you slide upon them and start glowing around a little bit to show the selectivity? You can also add aniamtion to them like size +/-10 whenever they are selected for a more interactive approach.
Something like this:
View attachment 366788
Its just an idea though.
P.P.s. Sorry everyone for a giant wall of text. I tend to give feedback more or less detailed for developers.