4.40 star(s) 118 Votes


Nov 27, 2019
well finally gave this go and...

well...what an utterly ridiculouse premise/setup...I'm just...lost for words at how dumb that was. Wouldn't be legally liable for any debts of his parents, and if in some twist of fate he was....the minute we get to the shaving scene you grab your sister (you know, the one you love and will always protect)...go the fuck home and file for bankruptcy.

Like a bad horror film, stupid people doing stupid things purely for plot contrivance. However, the renders are beatifully done, the music is very good and it certainly is unique, so wish the dev the very best for the future of this and other projects. Not for me though.
And by that you mean: "It is not my kink". Please take a look around here, I doubt I've seen even one game that has logical behaving characters. There the sister aka cum bucket is stuck in the washing machine and stepbro is helping, is the usual story.

It is like in every action film, where the hero takes his gun and shoots down the gangsters. In real life you call the cops and shit your pants when you in trouble. I don't want to be Rambo, but I like to watch the movie.

But its okay to state your review. I do write in other 'normal' game threads stuff like "please more femdom urination", too. :sneaky:


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
And by that you mean: "It is not my kink". Please take a look around here, I doubt I've seen even one game that has logical behaving characters. There the sister aka cum bucket is stuck in the washing machine and stepbro is helping, is the usual story.

It is like in every action film, where the hero takes his gun and shoots down the gangsters. In real life you call the cops and shit your pants when you in trouble. I don't want to be Rambo, but I like to watch the movie.

But its okay to state your review. I do write in other 'normal' game threads stuff like "please more femdom urination", too. :sneaky:
Lots of things are not my kink but I still play them for a reasonably good story. Please don't presume to know what I mean. Maybe you would have preferred me to have a left a review instead? I also haven't asked for anything to changed (but nioce try at being smart), just stated my opinions on one of the dumbest premises and dumbest MC's (even after speaking to a lawyer lol) I've seen in these kind of games.

Some are purposefully ridiculous, some try to be more serious and realistic (as much as porn goes). I like both for different reasons. That an issue with you?
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Leo Humilis

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
Wow...what an utterly ridiculous premise/setup...I'm just...lost for words at how dumb that was. Wouldn't be legally liable for any debts of his parents, and if in some twist of fate he was....the minute we get to the shaving scene you grab your sister (you know, the one you love and will always protect)...go the fuck home and file for bankruptcy.
Well, you are actually kinda wrong from the legal perspective. Sure, you are not liable for your parents' debts unless you want to inherit (in which case you must accept all their liabilities). Thus, if MC wants to keep his deceased parents' house, he must also take on their debts - if he refuses to do so, he won't inherit and will be evicted from his home.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2017
The game, like all others, is just like a movie:
One has to have the suspension of reality in order to enjoy the story. Ridiculous or not, it's the story!
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Dec 28, 2016
Unless you take affirmative action to assume the debts of the estate (either start paying them unprompted and with explicit knowledge that they're not legally yours, or contractually obligate yourself to do so) then the debt remains with the estate. While it's true that if you want to 'inherit' the assets of the estate you'll need to settle the debt in some way, if the debt outsizes the estate then... why would you bother? You're just taking on a liability. I suppose you might have some sentimental attachment to the house but -- uhh -- it's really a simple math problem regarding financial liability. Courts ought to (and usually do) protect people from assuming frivolous liabilities through the assignment of an attorney ad litem and court appointed executors in the absence of an executor being named in the death instrument (legal will, etc.).

Furthermore, if he was actually living in the house (and that house was actually owned by the parents) that would probably be covered by homestead protection and could not be taken to settle the debt. You can scrawl a big 'fuck you' in magic marker on a piece of cardboard and mail it to your debtors.

This is, however, a porn game, so the legal realities and protections that would exist for these young adults is not really relevant. They could be living in the fictional state of XYZABC where you get to assume someone's assets once you walk around their property three times for all we know, and for all that it matters to the story.

I will say that I'm generally not much of a progressive (in the western political sense), but holy shit the way you write the 'mistresses' makes me want to start assembling the guillotines and setting up barricades. It's infuriating! Which, I suppose, speaks to the strength of the writing, but god damn I have never played a a game that actually made me want to storm the Bastille just to throttle some dumb rich kid.

Ultimately, the game is clearly made by someone who loves Femdom -- which is fine! -- but I think one of the weaknesses of the Dominance route is just how how much the entire narrative has internalized the Stern's ideology in a way that taints the other two routes. In all three routes, it's taken seriously, when it really shouldn't be. Like, the Sterns are clearly just wealthy, hyper-privileged nutjobs from any reasonable outside perspective. Their aristocratic mien is just a fabrication they used to justify their own cruelty and it's glaringly obvious to anyone who has ever studied any sort of history, politics, or philosophy. This is just how people psychologically operate once they've accumulated enough power -- see: The vast majority of aristocrats though history.

So the resentment that he feels at his treatment is logical and sensible, but it's written with this burning, unexamined pathos that's completely anathema to actually doing something about his treatment at their hands. He's overwhelmingly resentful and bitter -- and while he occasionally pays some lip service to the notion of stoically accepting what he needs to do until there's an opportunity to turn the tables, the moment-to-moment internal monologue is extremely far away from doing that. It's just whining and a focus on the psychology of the Sterns instead of actually working out solutions. It's certainly not any actual Stoicism. It seems like the more 'dominant' approach would be to internally reject the absolute nonsense that the Sterns are all blathering on about in their own little cushy privilege world, just smile and nod, and then make actual moves behind the scenes to check out the layout of the house or possible weaknesses in his situation.

Now, obviously, the scarcity of developer resources and time means that the three routes can't really be all that different in terms of assets and scenes, but I think they have a terrible coherence in theme and ideology that really undercuts the entire point of having three 'different' routes.

It's especially funny because I can't tell how on the nose it's all supposed to be. The three Sterns perfectly exemplify the different styles of this twisted thinking. The Mother has this beautiful, ideological house of glass where everything she does is perfectly justified because the world just works this way and that's how it should, and always will. The Youngest doesn't even bother with building her own coherent ideology -- she's simply the best and everything should go her way and when it doesn't she throws and tantrum and ignores the existential crisis by using naked power to force the world back into compliance without any sort of serious attempt at justification. The Older Daughter is in the weird state of maybe knowing in her heart that the ideology is probably wrong, and paying a bit of attention to softening the hard edges of it, but ultimately never even contemplating sacrificing the advantages it brings her -- and maybe even using her faux-softness as an attempt to maintain her position, consciously or unconsciously. This is absolutely the three kind of ways that 'power', (expressed in political, religious, or other terms) protects itself and the ideological world that it builds. It tries to makes the abstract values judgement that define it into concrete rules of nature that cannot be questioned.

Then you even have the Maid who just exemplifies 'serf mindset.' She knows her place, has long since stopped questioning it, and even enjoys it! Depending on the route, the best she can come up with is 'softening' it ala the Older Sister to make it more acceptable and enjoyable, or passively providing an 'out' to someone who just won't accept it -- but if directly challenged, in words or in action, she'd side with the Sterns in a heartbeat.

Allegorically, it's just... perfect. Absolutely perfect. Completely on the nose! Which is why I really can't really figure out if it's intentional or not based on how the MC handles it.

In the submissive route, the MC would clearly just accept the current status quo and revel in it like a pig-in-shit. Buying into this philosophy makes reality itself confirm that he's a lowly, horny worm. I don't know how you can get much more invested in your fetish than having the world itself built around it. The Younger Sister peeing on you isn't just sexy, it's the way the world is supposed to be. It's right. It feels good to be right, to know your place in the world.

In the neutral route it's a little more unclear. The best I can say is that it's the rational fetishist's experience of the world -- the MC realizes that these Sterns are fuckin' nuts but he's certainly getting off on it so... whatever? He's not going to go full investment into the lifestyle -- he has some dignity -- but while it feels good and it doesn't overly insult him, he's willing to play the role. In the narrative, I can see this being dramatically expressed by having him struggle with his identity. The Sterns seem pretty sure that this is the way the world should be, and he kind of enjoys some parts of it, but there's definitely a 'too far' -- where that line is, and what that line means, would form the heart of the MC's journey.

The Dominant route, fundamentally, doesn't need to struggle with these questions. The world was not made with the Sterns on top -- they have more money, not more dignity. Their place of superiority is an immaterial illusion that is supported by very real cameras, guns, and people who are bound to them by ideology or financial compensation. Which is why every time the MC starts thinking about turning the tables on the Sterns it reveals the thematic weakness of the entire route. It's not about 'turning the tables, and being the one on top now, mwahahaha! I'll get my revenge, and put you in a collar where you belong, you cunt!'

Because that's the way the Sterns think the world is! Being bitter and resentful, constantly waiting to 'turn the tables' on the Stern girls isn't a rejection of their dominance, it's a submission to their ideology. That's... much, much worse. Because even in the Dominant route, the Sterns are right, and the MC is just learning to do what they do, but to be worse than them. He knows what it's like to be on the bottom of their ladder of beliefs, and he can't wait to put someone there.

Mind you, I'm not saying there shouldn't be a revenge, or that the Sterns shouldn't be dragged down. I'm saying that the MC should dispense with the bullshit and pageantry of the whole dom/sub thing. It's a fetish, it's not reality. If he finally punches the Younger Sister in the face, it shouldn't show that he's somehow more dominant than her which caused her magic forcefield to stop working. It should reveal to her that it was all a sham in the first place, that her imagined dominance was as fragile as the tolerance of someone no longer willing to play along with it. I think that realization would hurt the Sterns more than having the tables turned on them -- their world deserves to be broken.

But hey, it's a fetish game, so if that means they get to be in chains for a bit while the MC goes Conan the Barbarian, then sure. Whatever.

But, as it stands, the most annoying thing about the Dominant route is that the MC can't escape the thing that put him in this situation in the first place. His focus on the indignities heaped upon him, and his focus on becoming the dominant one in the relationship, are just yapping and wasted air. He doesn't ever try to meaningfully affect his situation, internally in his thoughts or externally in his actions. He's resentful, and pathetic, like a dog fighting the pull of a leash. Either slip the leash or walk along with it! The struggle is just sad.

So, I think, there's two readings into why the Dom route isn't satisfying. The surface level 'problem' is that the MC isn't particularly effective at either stopping his mistreatment or making advances toward ending it. He frequently seems to either be pointlessly deceitful or frame his own actions in reasonable cowardice/caution rather than as some sort of principled rejection of his treatment. He really doesn't act like a dominant person at any point, nor does he really seem to be learning how to be.

I think the deeper problem is that even if these problems were 'solved' -- he flexed his cock and broke through the cage and went around having his way with the Sterns while laughing in a deep, honeyed voice -- that wouldn't be a satisfying conclusion to his conflict with the Sterns. It's that their treatment of him is unjust, not their treatment of him is unjust. A large part of the irritation around the insufficient, unsatisfying nature of the 'dom' route is that this entire games buys much more into the philosophy of submission and dominance. It shows off why and how this kind of fetish is thought out, and how it's adherents picture the world. It's not merely that one person has power and use it to subject another person to their whims -- rape them, chain them, take their stuff -- this piece of fiction shows off how that transcends practical reality and becomes worldview.

People can still like having a collar put on them, someone taking a piss on them, or someone shoving them down face down in the sheets and going to town on them. They can like someone calling them a fat pig or putting them in a cage! But the whole reification of dom/sub stuff as a worldview is as weird as those Selectacorp games where easily half of the fetish is just that it's set in a world where misogyny is true.

The Sterns are contemptible people -- the game constantly illustrates this. Becoming contemptible to beat them will taste like ash. Sexy, sexy ash.


May 1, 2018
fap games have a fanbase. and like any thing that has a fanbase, like books, movies, etc., it has people that want to go very deep into details, theories, what-if's, inconsistencies, explanations, lore, and a very large list of etceteras


May 2, 2020
m0us That's quite the essay. Don't know if I agree with you or not. Never really thought about it. I just finished all 3 routes and can see that what you said, especially the dom route, is less than satisfying. I actually like the neutral route the best except it has the least number of possibilities although it does seem to be the most thought out one. Anja's solution to the MC's problem is somehow very unique and satisfying.

By completing all three I managed to end up with the gallery 94% only because the non-canon part is missing four pics and is 75% complete. Attaching a screen shot of that part of the gallery because I have all of the other pics inn the main gallery.

Not sure if I will try to find them though. This game is too long to go back through three routes from the beginning for four pics. I do have a save at the end of each route to explore them further when a new update is released which will probably be a while.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Femdom is fine as long ists not leading to trans or any troublesome state change.

This said, the MC could have asked to get the lead secondary authority over the mansion, as he is the lead character it should be fine to introduce the idea correctly since there are no impact over the mistress status.

Will give it a try, but, if femdom is the main topic, TBS, probably next.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
I'm not into femdom but still really enjoyed this ... I was glad though that there's a rebellious path (hopefully with getting to dom them in the future) ... how things ended with Isabelle was on a good note with me.

I think a large part of it is just that Isabelle is perfection... god I hope by the end there's a way to completely own her in every possible way.
Elizabeth seems mega dangerous and while I've got no complaints about her aesthetically I'd definitely do away with the first chance I got just to be on the safe side.
The mother I'm unfussed by.
Anja is actually really hot though, I initially though Isa was just being a bratty little kid when she was talking about her being an old maid and that Anja wasn't that old, only as things went along did I figure out that maybe she's supposed to be real old but doesn't look a day over 26 aside from the slight tone to her hair... while I'd still want to be fairly dominant with her it'd be fun if there was a way to make her totally flip out and have the master/servant roles reversed and her just be absolutely vicious with the other women, but I can't imagine that's actually how things will play out.

Only real complaint was the debt thing ... you can't inherit a debt and that just put me in a bad mood in the beginning ... if it was phrased that they were doing the work to earn a little sum to pay for college and get a place or something as they had nothing then it'd make sense, but there can't be a debt that needs to be cleared.


May 1, 2018
the mistress is rich and dominant, she can do whatever she wants. so, you can see the debt thing like this:
if legally we shouldn't be in debt, it means the miss misses out on getting paid, and she won't have any of this nonsense. so, she pulled the strings and made it so that now we have to pay the debt.
she's dominant, so this is something she would do.
she's rich, so this is something she can do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
While I don't mind the focus on her, I didn't like that the game only gives us the option to decide what the MC says to Heather (flirt/neutral), but not what he thinks about her. I would be perfectly fine, if they just stayed friends (without benefits).
Use joyplayer, found here, the list of supported engine is correct, then, on Linux its quite to check trough c/c of the game.sh used to start another game and done.

This said I've had no worry with renpy trough joi (on android) for months now.

I'm mostly using the ported apk but some games don't get ported (rpgm for one, work great with it).


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Yeah, one of the rare games where I think using WT just makes it worse. I don't want to know what consequences there will be.

This was to some extent discussed about on Patreon and dev described what the issue of that would be. The choices must be less "branching" to keep the quality of the game at the same level. This way it also feels more like a story to be told, with of course some decisions made by the player affecting it, instead of just... being a sandbox. I feel that too many games get destroyed this way and then nobody is happy. I always play just one path, the one that I would pick. If I see that dev is branching too much, I lose interest, because I know that "my" branch will get less attention. So just enough choices to make SOME difference for me, but not so many choices that it feels like it's 5 different games. Unfortunately most people in this thread (not thinking of you specifically) have no idea how these games are developed and they are suggesting implementing things that are just not the same game. Sorry guys, if not game for you, move on. I just checked Latest Updates, first 4 pages, and more than 80% of the games are on "ignore". Fortunately there's something for everyone. I especially don't understand those posters that come here and say that they don't like femdom. They want their little wizard rings that allow them to control minds of everyone (I think those games are the worst games, I would prefer even... NTR+bestiality combo over checking any more of those games...).

Part of me wishes for tons of extreme femdom in next 2 updates, just to get rid of the "I don't like femdom" posters. :)

No offense, but I don't like any of the 3. I understand that dev replied already, but maybe just a slightly different perspective...

1. You have to imagine that you are in real trouble. You can leave any time you want. You are not actually forced to do any of this. You actually WANT to do it, because it will turn your life around. We all have our price and I wonder what your price would have been for doing exactly what MC is doing, in real life, for let's say 3 months. No price? How about 5 milllion? Ten? :) Everyone has a price.

2. I prefer it this way, not only for the reason dev stated, but also because everything seems relatively sincere and transparent. They don't pretend to be something they are not. There is a reason why many people are most scared of the new young mistress. We don't know what she is about yet. At the moment she acts as a counter weight to the obvious "threats" but I don't think anyone is fooled and I'm glad that MC is not fooled either. :)

3. This is most reasonable of the three from my point of view but... in reality of the game, as said, MC can do whatever he wants. He can leave any hour of any day. It's just the way it is, you know that's what MC can do. But it doesn't make much sense to me to include "I can't do this anymore, I want to go home" option every 3 minutes, because, as you say, nobody would have ever picked it anyway. It's a game, and you have to stay there if you want to play the game.
..to easy..
See Labrat2, pur sandox from start, made with support from mods since start and adding events this way. Knowing the base game is updating base content its to soon for most mods knowing its so since the dev did not prepare to absorb as submitted the games mods. So far theirs is a version collecting available mods (mosts) from clothes to events.
Recruitment can be made from base way, trough directly asking peoples you meet, they're is an event trough employee if they have an age capable daughter (do not get this one to start yet, damn it). Or trough the RH you may rexcruit. She has a neat quest where you get research and marketing report and can give conditions for recruitement search.. Research is still quite the main topic with plenty of options and the start of a slave system being added these days.
4.40 star(s) 118 Votes