4.40 star(s) 118 Votes


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2022
there's a tag for sex? didn't know that. there's an incest tag so I was hoping.
Yeah, the art is great. Too bad it's abandoned.
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Aug 6, 2018
I have been a patreon since second one. I have seen how this developer acts. Its been so long since the last update but i refuse to believe he is scamming his followers under the false hope there might be another update. That is not the person he is. when he says he is working on it i believe him. he just doesnt have as much time probably :cry:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2018
Do you see any sex tags? There is no sex but only teasing. Those ladies are hot thought.
there's a tag for sex? didn't know that. there's an incest tag so I was hoping.
Yeah, the art is great. Too bad it's abandoned.
I've seen enough cases of games that are including content but are missing a tag for it to still just ask and verify sometimes too. For example I've seen several games that include anal sex scenes but there's no tag for it anywhere on the OP.

I'm not kink-shaming them in anyway. But I'm just personally not in the same camp with the people who like nothing but teasing. Or completed games where the total content is composed of 99% teasing and one sex scene at the end. I do like a build-up. Even slow-burn at times. Teasing and tension-building can really enhance something when it finally does happen. But I do eventually need some "payoff" to all the teasing. And preferably not at the very ass end of a long-ish game lol.

I played this game a while back and decided to just hold off and see what happens. Hoping that eventually there would be some sex in it. So that all the hours of teasing didn't just end on a cliffhanger. The models are really great, and this game was definitely on my radar after I tried it. Sad to see this happen to it.


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
I've seen enough cases of games that are including content but are missing a tag for it to still just ask and verify sometimes too. For example I've seen several games that include anal sex scenes but there's no tag for it anywhere on the OP.

I'm not kink-shaming them in anyway. But I'm just personally not in the same camp with the people who like nothing but teasing. Or completed games where the total content is composed of 99% teasing and one sex scene at the end. I do like a build-up. Even slow-burn at times. Teasing and tension-building can really enhance something when it finally does happen. But I do eventually need some "payoff" to all the teasing. And preferably not at the very ass end of a long-ish game lol.

I played this game a while back and decided to just hold off and see what happens. Hoping that eventually there would be some sex in it. So that all the hours of teasing didn't just end on a cliffhanger. The models are really great, and this game was definitely on my radar after I tried it. Sad to see this happen to it.
Well they were still making wallpapers, I assumed these wallpaper were the byproduct of them rendering new scenes, I've still not written them off. There was some real love and attention put into this that hopefully means that it won't die so quietly.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2018
Well they were still making wallpapers, I assumed these wallpaper were the byproduct of them rendering new scenes, I've still not written them off. There was some real love and attention put into this that hopefully means that it won't die so quietly.
Here's hoping you're right! (y)
Aug 29, 2020


Hi everyone,

Isabella straddling the MC won by a large margin. Hope you enjoy the result as much as she appears to be enjoying it herself.
The feature character for next month is Mistress von Stern. You can send me your wallpaper ideas starting now until about the 20th or so of next month.

All the best,



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
About time, unfortunately. I am not happy to see this gem abandoned, but the dev is clearly trying to manipulate the system with monthly wallpapers and no actual game content. It's basically a cynical middle finger to all his fans and patrons.

However, if the mods mark Estate Dominate as abandoned, what about Ecchi Sensei? The last release was the Halloween Special, two Halloweens ago back in 2020. It has been 17 months since it was last updated, and the dev hasn't released a single wallpaper.
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
I have been a patreon since second one. I have seen how this developer acts. Its been so long since the last update but i refuse to believe he is scamming his followers under the false hope there might be another update. That is not the person he is. when he says he is working on it i believe him. he just doesnt have as much time probably :cry:
Years ago, after the second update, I was considering becoming a Patreon myself. But then I remembered my own rule to not pay for anything until it's finished... because the percentage of good games that get completed on f95 is LOW as fuck. That's just sad... because this game is great so far. I would gladly pay for it when it's finished. IF it's finished one day...


Apr 1, 2020
Has anyone asked the developer if he has abandoned the game? Not calling anyone out just curious.
The last new content was released sep 2020. Since that content was released, the dev has posted at least 3 development updates that essentially said something like:

"im very sorry its been so long and ive been so unresponsive, but ive had problems and now that those problems are resolved, the next patch should be released in about 2 weeks."

After creating an expectation of 2 weeks and then not fulfilling it (several times) some of his patrons got a bit testy and were apparently sending him rather angry hateful emails, and then on December 6 2021 the dev posted the following message.


Hi everyone,

I stopped reading most of your messages and comments a while ago because some of the crap I've been receiving can be quite distracting. Sorry if you wrote me something normal and I haven't replied.

Today, however, I had to skim through everything I missed in order to extract the wallpaper ideas (thank you for those) and I'm now angry enough to blurt shit out from the top of my head. I'll do it in bullet points in no particular order:

  • If you want to send me personal insults, don't bother. I couldn't care less if you like me or not
  • I'm very happy to receive constructive criticism like how to improve writing or images
  • It's not constructive criticism to tell me things like 'no one gives a shit about your stupid wallpapers'
  • I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me and I hope I can turn that around in the future
  • It's fine to tell other people to not become a Patron/Subscriber or to talk shit about me in general. No need to tell me though, I can't act on that info myself
  • The game is alive, in active development and will be finished
  • You're right that I have gone back and forth on all sorts of predictions in the past; sometimes giving approximate release dates, sometimes saying 'when it's ready'. Shouldn't have done that and won't in the future.
  • I have no plans to ever again talk about release dates. Anything I create will come out when it comes out without rhyme or reason and I will leave you completely in the dark about 'progress' in the meantime
  • Patreon is a way to voluntarily support creators. Keyword is 'voluntary'. If a creator isn't creating like you want, the place to cancel your Patreon membership is here:

  • I've spent a lot of time being responsive in the past, like writing everyone a personal message when they pledged or replying to just about any question about the game, development or even personal stuff. I'm done with that for good
  • I'm very grateful for the amazing support you've given me. Sorry that this rant doesn't reflect that
  • I'm not depressed anymore
  • I'm writing this from the top of my head because I'm pissed off at the moment, but I do mean it. Please take particular note of bullet point 8 and, if you find it unacceptable, bullet point 9.

He has been posting monthly wall paper polls and monthly wall papers since then, but that is it.

To more succinctly answer your question: Yes many have asked the dev if the game is abandoned and about 3 months ago he posted a moderately snarky reply that contained the following statement, "The game is alive, in active development and will be finished."

But sadly, the Devs actions would seem to contradict this statement.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
[...Redacted because it was a long post...]
Having problem period after problem period isn't uncommon, when shit hits the fan it can start a domino effect that is hard to regain control off, especially if you are drained from the preceding shit storm, having to deal with vicious messages on top off that is a nightmare.
I wish him well, I hope he recovers soon.


Apr 1, 2020
Having problem period after problem period isn't uncommon, when shit hits the fan it can start a domino effect that is hard to regain control off, especially if you are drained from the preceding shit storm, having to deal with vicious messages on top off that is a nightmare.
I wish him well, I hope he recovers soon.
I hear you, and I dont doubt that the dev may be suffering from depression or something else, and I feel for him, but regardless of his personal issues, I find his actions or lack there of dishonest and disrespectful towards his donors.

1. The dev set expectations with his "2 more weeks" promises. (The first of which was about 9 months ago.) and then failed to deliver on those expectations and then acted snarky when people were upset. If you say 2 weeks (and its not an outright lie) then 9 months should be plenty of time to finish up what you are working on.

2. It has been 18 months since the last content was released for this game and the dev has never shut down or paused his Patreon collections. (which have ranged from 900 to 1400 a month for that entire time)

3. The dev is cagey and refuses to tell his donors how much story he has written for the next update, how many renders or animations he has completed, or anything else specific about the next update, and because people were upset that he lied several times by saying "2 weeks" now he says he will not give any development updates ever again.

4. While the hateful messages may be making his life more "difficult", he chose to put this work out into the world and accept other peoples money to do it. At anytime he can choose to shut his Patreon down if it gets to be to much for him. I expect that he will continue to suffer through the insults in the name of collecting 900 a month though.

5. I also wish the Dev well, but im still angry with him. His lies and lack of transparency tell a very different story than his official announcements. If the game is abandoned the honorable thing to do is to tell his donors that it is and shut down his Patreon. If its truly not abandoned then I just dont see any reason for his lack of transparency surrounding the development of this game.

6. Continuing to release monthly wallpapers, to maintain the illusion that the game is still being actively developed (so he can collect around 900 dollars a month) is shady at best.

I truly hope the dev gets better, but being ill or having problems does not give him a pass for disrespecting his donors.
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May 1, 2020
If he wants the Abandoned status to be removed all he has to do is release an update. Unlikely cause he will actually have to do some work for that and he would much rather get paid for doing nothing.

And just for a reference for comparison: Myron , developer of Moving Down recently posted a reply on this forum even though he is from Ukraine and he is in the middle of an actual War!


Apr 1, 2020
Do you'll know of any devs who communicated about similar issues but in a manner that you'll desired from Heniss?
Grym Gudinna Games, who is making Karlsson's Gambit, had some personal issues a while ago and paused patreon donations because of it. Then when they were able to resume work on the game they started accepting donations again.

It is possible for devs to behave with integrity, even if its not the norm. Making excuses for people who do not act honorably encourages their behavior.
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Aug 17, 2020
So the last new content was released sep 2020. Since that content was released, the dev has posted at least 3 development updates that essentially said something like:

"im very sorry its been so long and ive been so unresponsive, but ive had problems and now that those problems are resolved, the next patch should be released in about 2 weeks."

After creating an expectation of 2 weeks and then not fulfilling it (several times) some of his patrons got a bit testy and were apparently sending him rather angry hateful emails, and then on December 6 2021 the dev posted the following message.


Hi everyone,

I stopped reading most of your messages and comments a while ago because some of the crap I've been receiving can be quite distracting. Sorry if you wrote me something normal and I haven't replied.

Today, however, I had to skim through everything I missed in order to extract the wallpaper ideas (thank you for those) and I'm now angry enough to blurt shit out from the top of my head. I'll do it in bullet points in no particular order:

  • If you want to send me personal insults, don't bother. I couldn't care less if you like me or not
  • I'm very happy to receive constructive criticism like how to improve writing or images
  • It's not constructive criticism to tell me things like 'no one gives a shit about your stupid wallpapers'
  • I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me and I hope I can turn that around in the future
  • It's fine to tell other people to not become a Patron/Subscriber or to talk shit about me in general. No need to tell me though, I can't act on that info myself
  • The game is alive, in active development and will be finished
  • You're right that I have gone back and forth on all sorts of predictions in the past; sometimes giving approximate release dates, sometimes saying 'when it's ready'. Shouldn't have done that and won't in the future.
  • I have no plans to ever again talk about release dates. Anything I create will come out when it comes out without rhyme or reason and I will leave you completely in the dark about 'progress' in the meantime
  • Patreon is a way to voluntarily support creators. Keyword is 'voluntary'. If a creator isn't creating like you want, the place to cancel your Patreon membership is here:

  • I've spent a lot of time being responsive in the past, like writing everyone a personal message when they pledged or replying to just about any question about the game, development or even personal stuff. I'm done with that for good
  • I'm very grateful for the amazing support you've given me. Sorry that this rant doesn't reflect that
  • I'm not depressed anymore
  • I'm writing this from the top of my head because I'm pissed off at the moment, but I do mean it. Please take particular note of bullet point 8 and, if you find it unacceptable, bullet point 9.

So he has been posting monthly wall paper polls and monthly wall papers since then, but that is it.

So to more succinctly answer your question: Yes many have asked the dev if the game is abandoned and about 3 months ago he posted a moderately snarky reply that contained the following statement, "The game is alive, in active development and will be finished."

But the sadly the Devs actions would seem to contradict this statement.
i appreciate man, thats pretty fucked up from the developer.


Nov 14, 2020
Grym Gudinna Games, who is making Karlsson's Gambit, had some personal issues a while ago and paused patreon donations because of it. Then when they were able to resume work on the game they started accepting donations again.
I used to confuse the two. Now I won't. Thanks, Henissart, for "distinguishing" yourself.
4.40 star(s) 118 Votes