Yeah, I got sidetracked yesterday smoking briskets and updating another VN I had on my plate that I didn't mind rushing. I do mind rushing this one so that wasn't an option. My dumbass didn't realize it would take me 18hrs working straight to update that other VN though... so I had a bit of brain fry hangover this morning.
Basic rough status of update progress:
- Core full update - done
- ChoiceGuide - done
- SanchoGallery - pending
- SanchoCheats - done
- Stat screens including recoding - done
- Verified latest Core features working - done
- Choreographing of MiniStat - done but needs speed runs to tweak details (to get it exactly correct)
- That fucking free roam - skipped for now so I could knock out all the other update requirements for the moment
- A ton of other coding requirements necessary each update - mostly done, resolving any not known as I go
ETA? ... dunno. The cake will be pulled from the oven when it's done. Otherwise you know I always make a post when I see light at the end of the tunnel.
This new free roam is pissing me off though. I read the replies above from those who had ideas on technique of coding it... but that's NOT the issue, I have the technical theory as I want it... the problem is the amount of hand holding balance. Think of last update's Halloween Party free roam as that took quite a bit of time for me to find what feels like an appropriate balance of a bit of unknown yet way more information that you would have had going in blind. Of course if you don't want hints I'm not going to code human presumption in lieu of simply allowing the user to press one hotkey to toggle the FR hints as they deem necessary.
Anyway... thought I'd take a few minutes break and at least give some perspective of where I'm at rather than folks thinking I'm slacking off, ignoring them, or otherwise leaving you in the dark. I've always been as transparent as possible, so there you have it. Now, time to get back to it.