
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
This is why I asked:
Then why is the real world the only one she can't go, while the real world characters can go everywhere?
This is what you answered
Who says she couldn't in the future? The only thing that's stopping her at the moment is her not having full control of her powers due to being locked up for quite a while. That...and the possibility that she might not have been to our world yet so she doesn't know how to get there. She did say:

View attachment 1827409

And she can't use exit portals to connect to our world because that's likely restricted only to those connected to Eternum via the nerve implants. Assuming the theory that nerve implant tech is some crazy way to utilize astral projection is true, then it only makes sense that it works as a device for projections (that is, the player characters) to get back to the real.

Which is why I feel that Calypso opening up a portal and traveling to the real is going to be the kind of shit Caribdis is saving up as a version-end reveal in the future. Of course, I could be wrong and that she really is just a rogue AI or something. We'll see in the future.

Then again...there's also the possibility that
In short I have done a simple question and you have answered with a bunch of hypothesis, supported by frames which could also be interpreted in a totally different way, but presented like they were the irrefutable proofs to your theories; so no wonder if I have asked for some proofs.
Anyway I want thank you, because thank's to your second reply now I have seen why the theory of the alternative realities could not be unrealistic. This is what I asked for and now I fine; even if there was a way to obtain the same result in a more relaxing and quick way.
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Active Member
Jan 20, 2022
I think it's bad to argue about people's theories as of now.
There are a lot of uncertainties right now as we are still at the early stages of the story. We are still being introduced to the world of Eternum and how it works. Who is behind it.

Questions and theories regarding Calypso about if she's really just an AI and if she can traverse from Eternum to the "real world".
The uncertainties about MC's ability to have really fast reflexes in and out the game. "Out" being in real life. Just that reason alone should bring up questions if Eternum really is just an VRMMORPG game or if it's something else. Is it really just good programming or is it technomancy?

Just take peoples' theories as of now and then debate them later on as it gets updated. Not saying later when all the questions have been answered, but probably when a lot of information is given to us.

Just want to say, Caribdis basically took the plot point of "Ready Player One" the movie, then made it better. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
The question I ask myself: Do we know how much we are allowed to take the info from the bad endings at face value? If I remember correctly, the ending where you lost all the routes ended up with Orion being mocked for failing the VN like that, while we know that OiaLt and Eternum are set in the same reality. Likewise, the prison ending can only be a teaser to mention Calypso.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
So how exactly can she have scenes if she's a mere NPC who's supposedly not designed for such?
Maybe she was designed for such. It also says that if looking for that you need to go to another player OR hire a professional. So that would mean there are professional NPCs designed that way.

But yeah I still believe she is real and part of the Elvin Court.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
The question I ask myself: Do we know how much we are allowed to take the info from the bad endings at face value? If I remember correctly, the ending where you lost all the routes ended up with Orion being mocked for failing the VN like that, while we know that OiaLt and Eternum are set in the same reality. Likewise, the prison ending can only be a teaser to mention Calypso.
Possibly. But now that we know that Calypso is a portal hopper, it's also possible that, while non-canon, that ending might hold a kernel of truth if (and I mean big IF, since there's still a possibility that it might not happen) it's revealed that she DOES have the ability to cross over into our world (and would therefore justify why Astaroth believes her to be a hindrance to his plan in that particular ending).

Maybe she was designed for such. It also says that if looking for that you need to go to another player OR hire a professional. So that would mean there are professional NPCs designed that way.

But yeah I still believe she is real and part of the Elvin Court.
...I think she was referring to prostitutes/courtesans like Eve when she talked about professionals, since they're the ones who basically do it for a living.

Because if Calypso is a professional NPC, then Alex or Nova ought to have recognized her being such right away. They've been playing the game longer than Orion, they ought to know what separates a normal NPC from a professional NPC (unless the only thing that separates them is being able to have sex...and that's a headscratcher because Idriel could've at least mentioned how to recognize NPCs who are capable of doing that). But we didn't had that kind of spiel/exposition dump when we encountered Calypso so.../shrugs


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
... But now that we know that Calypso is a portal hopper...
Calypso is more than just a portal jumper too. She changed the weather when she first got freed, she could freeze the MC, Alex, and Nova in place, and she basically obliterated that cyclops with a wave of her hand. So, whatever she is, she is definitely not just a normal AI. She is something more than that.

I just had a thought about her ability to read minds too. If Alex isn't really there and she is just a virtual construct, then that means that Calypso was taping into the implant in her brain. If Calypso is an AI, then she is able to access people's minds via their implants which is crazy. And if she isn't an AI and there is some kind of real realm jumping going on than that means that means that she is able to read people's minds through their astral projections, which is also crazy. Need to think on this more... :unsure:


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
Calypso is more than just a portal jumper too. She changed the weather when she first got freed, she could freeze the MC, Alex, and Nova in place, and she basically obliterated that cyclops with a wave of her hand. So, whatever she is, she is definitely not just a normal AI. She is something more than that.
Well yeah, she's more than just a portal hopper. I just focused on that particular ability because that could explain why Astaroth seems to be concerned about her. Imagine a dimension crosser with godlike abilities just waltzing into your world while you're in the process of taking it over. That's a potential disaster that's not going to end well for you if that comes to pass.

I just had a thought about her ability to read minds too. If Alex isn't really there and she is just a virtual construct, then that means that Calypso was taping into the implant in her brain. If Calypso is an AI, then she is able to access people's minds via their implants which is crazy. And if she isn't an AI and there is some kind of real realm jumping going on than that means that means that she is able to read people's minds through their astral projections, which is also crazy. Need to think on this more... :unsure:
I mean, reading astral projections' thoughts is probably easier given that astral projections are technically just a bunch of thoughts (heh) given shape and form.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2021
Calypso is more than just a portal jumper too. She changed the weather when she first got freed, she could freeze the MC, Alex, and Nova in place, and she basically obliterated that cyclops with a wave of her hand. So, whatever she is, she is definitely not just a normal AI. She is something more than that.

I just had a thought about her ability to read minds too. If Alex isn't really there and she is just a virtual construct, then that means that Calypso was taping into the implant in her brain. If Calypso is an AI, then she is able to access people's minds via their implants which is crazy. And if she isn't an AI and there is some kind of real realm jumping going on than that means that means that she is able to read people's minds through their astral projections, which is also crazy. Need to think on this more... :unsure:
What happens to different entities when they are killed? And excommunicated?

Normal NPC - just respawned? Can they be excommunicated?
Player - level reset, permaban or actual death on excommunication.
Calypso - ??
Chop Chop - ??
Praetorian - ??

Praetorians can excommunicate, but are there other entities that can do that or can learn to do that?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
Well yeah, she's more than just a portal hopper. I just focused on that particular ability because that could explain why Astaroth seems to be concerned about her. Imagine a dimension crosser with godlike abilities just waltzing into your world while you're in the process of taking it over. That's a potential disaster that's not going to end well for you if that comes to pass.

I mean, reading astral projections' thoughts is probably easier given that astral projections are technically just a bunch of thoughts (heh) given shape and form.
Trust me brother, I know if anyone knows that Calypso is more than a puddle jumper it is you, :ROFLMAO:

She also says something about only really being able to access surface thoughts too, right? So maybe I'm reading too much into it.

If it is astral project and it works like D&D style, then that might explain the seeming immortality and the excommunications sometimes killing people in the real world. Excommunications cuts the thread that connects the mind and body, and a body can't live without its mind. The astral body can be utterly destroyed but as long as the thread is intact your mind goes back to its body unharmed. In D&D, only certain weapons can cut the thread that links the mind and body, but sometimes sufficient mind trauma can sever the link too. Maybe the Pretorian's weapons can cut the thread or can break a person's mind enough that they die if they lack sufficient mental fortitude.

That would actually work even if it is all tech too, that the sudden expulsion can damage a fragile mind and lead to death. Nova and Alex talked about how if someone pulls a person out of Eternum unexpectedly it can lead to blindness, paralysis, and other issues.

This game... it always gets my theory craft brain going...

Edit: bacienvu88, just saw your post, I wonder that too. What happens to NPC's that die? If they respawn then does that mean, there might be two Pretorians with a grudge against the MC and crew?

I think Chop-Chop is a player, but he might be more than that for sure.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
What happens to different entities when they are killed? And excommunicated?

Normal NPC - just respawned? Can they be excommunicated?
Player - level reset, permaban or actual death on excommunication.
Calypso - ??
Chop Chop - ??
Praetorian - ??

Praetorians can excommunicate, but are there other entities that can do that or can learn to do that?
I think Chop-Chop is a player, but he might be more than that for sure.
Chop Chop's likely a player given his comments about his son going through college but ending up a total


but it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being revealed as a Syndicate member, given his knack for being everywhere and popping up when you least expect him to (like a certain Stabby person from the dev's past game).

As for NPCs, I dunno. The only NPCs I can recall were the ones in Luna's mystery server, the summons, the monsters in various worlds...and well, one of them is technically undead, so... know, that's one of the things that struck me as odd about the game. We've met a lot of players in various servers...but hardly any NPCs. The only other ones aside from the ones I've already mentioned are Calypso, Idriel, and the Praetorians. But even their status as NPCs is kinda sus. So it's kinda hard to gauge if they can be permakilled or respawn after a certain point.

As for entities that can "excommunicate" aside from the Praetorians...that's a hard one to predict since we still don't know how "excommunication" really works. Is it a spell that cuts off the link between you and your projected self? A magic bomb that travels through your link from your projected self to your real self and kills you upon contact? A program that automatically fries your brain if you cross a Praetorian and get killed by it? A status effect or debuff that will get you insta-killed in the real if you get killed by a Praetorian or anyone sanctioned to do so (i.e. the mercenary players that the Praetorians were with in Ogygia)?

Yeah, we need more evidence in this regard if we're going to draw some solid theories or conclusions.
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