
New Member
May 31, 2023
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
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Jan 21, 2023
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
I personally think that guy was just a troll trying to elicit a reaction from people. Sure you can dislike the game but going as far as trying to slander the dev and making stupid conspiracy theories by saying that there is something weird going on with the ratings just because you did not like the game means the guy is either an idiot or a troll. I think it is the latter.

If you genuinely want to know what people did not like about this game you can look at the reviews. Most people agree with your assessment given it is the highest rated game on this site currently but there are few who dislike some aspects of it and you can find that in the reviews. Look at the ones that are 3 stars or lower to see their opinions if you are curious. I think that trying to engage with the shitstorm caused by a troll will make this thread quite unpleasant so reading reviews is a better way to do it.

Personally my biggest complaint with this game is that some choices can feel unintuitive and you can lose girls paths too easily. I think the design should be such that losing a girls path should be a conscious choice and it should not happen on which can very easily happen in this game. But I dont think the game is mediocre in any way so reviews can give you a better idea why some people dislike the game.
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Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
There are innumerable reasons why people either like or dislike a particular game. There is nothing that is universally liked or disliked. That applies to every genre of expression. Read the early reviews of pieces of art, literature and music, those that are regarded as classics today. You will find respected (at the time) critics who despised them.

Now we have the internet, where people can sit in their underwear in their parents' basements and throw rocks at anything they choose - respected critics in their own minds.

Of course, it is not a sin for anyone to dislike this game or any other. But, when we are blessed with an obvious troll, as we have been here, one obvious remedy is to place that person on Ignore. Thankfully, my Ignore bucket seems to expand to meet my needs. I don't know what I'd do without it.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
It's the epitome of an old-school VN that hearkens back to titles like "Fate/Stay Night" and "Sōkō Akki Muramasa." That is, the story/route has basically one true ending (and a couple of good or bad ones), choices usually have only one correct answer (the rest will lead you to bad ends or cut you off from a love interest's route), and there's hardly anything to do other than reading through the story and watch scenes when they pop up. The only modern additions that "Eternum" brings to the table are the animated events, the QTEs, the simple freeroam events, and the simpler writing style (as opposed to the wall-to-wall text that old-school VNs are notorious for having), which breaks the monotony and makes it less likely for someone to gouge their eyes out.

For some (me included), the old-school feel is basically a non-issue. But for some who prefer their VNs to have more stuff to do to break the monotony like mini-games (see: "BADIK" and "Summertime Saga") or freeroaming (again, "BADIK" and just about every sandbox VN that's out at the moment) or systems that turn it into an RPG-lite (see: "MIST" and "Aurelia"), I can see why those people would consider "Eternum" to be "mediocre" at best.

And then there are those who consider it to be "mediocre" due to the writing style/story concept and prefer more "serious" or "grounded" styles of storytelling/story concepts, the kind that you usually see in shows that stream on HBO or VNs that try to mimic them. It's those people that are the ones I usually see who couldn't fathom why something like "Eternum" could be so popular, with one review I've seen a while back going so far as to call those who like the VN "people with no taste." To those people I say "what may be good for you may not essentially be good for a lot of folks." Like, for instance people swear that "The Last of Us" is one of those "10/10 best story best characters" games out there, and I'm like "Why? It's a zombie survival game in a different skin. Sure, the story has a lot of heart to it and they put a bit more effort in making the apocalyptic threat a bit more credible exactly is that any different from any other well-written zombie game/story out there?" But then again you don't see me going to forums or dedicated pages shitting on that game because I can see how some of its merits make it popular to most but not for people like me. Unfortunately, some people just don't think like that and will scream at people to "quit having fun" just because they're offended that people genuinely like what they've already written off as "meh."
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butterfly boy

Feb 13, 2023
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
Eternum is far from mediocre, I can't really point out any flaws in it since every aspect of the game is well done. But I think this is what makes it "mediocre", every part of the game is just "well done" and not "exceptional".
Eternum is kind of like fast food, it's very accessible. And while I prefer home cooked food more because it is better suited to my tastes, it doesn't make me think any less of fast food.
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Son of Durin

Engaged Member
Jul 5, 2021
I haven't played a lot of VN games, but I wonder why Eternum is mediocre compared to other "top" titles by some people, and why ? I'm just curious. I find Eternum really good and I'm waiting for more.
While some folks may honestly not be into it, if you observe some of the most obnoxious comments about it and look at the accounts posting, you'll often find they are brand new, or very old with relatively few comments (e.g., opened in 2017, but only double-digit comments). When you look at these accounts, you'll see that these are often negative posting accounts on many popular AVNs, except maybe for one or two.

These are typically troll accounts set up for the sole purpose of doing things like trashing otherwise popular and well made games, and for generally being raging dicks. I suspect many of them are secondary accounts of people that are either less successful Devs, or friends/fans of less successful Devs. They may also simply be people who only get joy from being assholes.

When you see people like that on this thread, or in other threads for popular and well made AVNs, put them on ignore and just don't feed the trolls. They are pathetic people that shouldn't have their bad behavior rewarded by giving them any attention at all. If they're particularly rude, report their comments and have them removed - that makes them scream as well.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
While some folks may honestly not be into it, if you observe some of the most obnoxious comments about it and look at the accounts posting, you'll often find they are brand new, or very old with relatively few comments (e.g., opened in 2017, but only double-digit comments). When you look at these accounts, you'll see that these are often negative posting accounts on many popular AVNs, except maybe for one or two.

These are typically troll accounts set up for the sole purpose of doing things like trashing otherwise popular and well made games, and for generally being raging dicks. I suspect many of them are secondary accounts of people that are either less successful Devs, or friends of less successful Devs. They may also simply be people who only get joy from being assholes.

When you see people like that on this thread, or in other threads for popular and well made AVNs, put them on ignore and just don't feed the trolls. They are pathetic people that shouldn't have their bad behavior rewarded by giving them any attention at all. If they're particularly rude, report their comments and have them removed - that makes them scream as well.
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I was just going to give it a proper thumbs up ... and then I looked at what I thought was going to be an example of one of depicted trolls' multiple-thread comments ...


Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
While some folks may honestly not be into it, if you observe some of the most obnoxious comments about it and look at the accounts posting, you'll often find they are brand new, or very old with relatively few comments (e.g., opened in 2017, but only double-digit comments). When you look at these accounts, you'll see that these are often negative posting accounts on many popular AVNs, except maybe for one or two.

These are typically troll accounts set up for the sole purpose of doing things like trashing otherwise popular and well made games, and for generally being raging dicks. I suspect many of them are secondary accounts of people that are either less successful Devs, or friends of less successful Devs. They may also simply be people who only get joy from being assholes.

When you see people like that on this thread, or in other threads for popular and well made AVNs, put them on ignore and just don't feed the trolls. They are pathetic people that shouldn't have their bad behavior rewarded by giving them any attention at all. If they're particularly rude, report their comments and have them removed - that makes them scream as well.
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one semi-reasonable hater, is upset that Eternum doesn't have wincest but Nancy and MC do mommy roleplay.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
And there's only 25% left to complete v0.6 and a 4th sneak peek that's yet to be released. Once the new update finally comes out, it'll be wild here in the thread.
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Quotes above: "Everybody gon' fap on release day!!"

Me on 0.6 release (as per usual):



Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
Eternum has its flaws like everything does, but it does what it sets out to be pretty much perfectly.
There are games that have a better story, there are games that have better characters, there are games that have better animations. But there are very few games that are as consistently good in all three of these.
And I don't think anyone does the lighthearted, funny harem romp better than caribdis does.
This isn't a game about telling a deep story with complex themes. This is a game about hanging out with a group of likable friends, getting into wacky adventures and then fucking all of them. And that's what its good at.
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Jan 21, 2023
Eternum is far from mediocre, I can't really point out any flaws in it since every aspect of the game is well done. But I think this is what makes it "mediocre", every part of the game is just "well done" and not "exceptional".
Eternum is kind of like fast food, it's very accessible. And while I prefer home cooked food more because it is better suited to my tastes, it doesn't make me think any less of fast food.
I think it really depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a lighthearted game that is fun, I dont think you are going to find a better game than this one. While I have my nitpicks, to me it is in many ways an almost perfect harem game. There are no negative feelings associated with any of the love interests and you can still have tension because the plot is competently written. If you like harem games and are ok with the suspension of disbelief required to enjoy them, it is just a joy to play through from beginning to end. So to me that is what makes it exceptional and is why I think this deserves the highest rating on f95 that it currently has. I cannot think of a single game on this website I have had more fun playing.

If you are looking for something that deals serious/dark topics or are looking for something more realistic, there are probably better games. I personally am a big fan of pale carnations when it comes to serious topics - I think it has deeper characters and better overall writing. Similarly I like superhuman for its plot and its setting - urban fantasy is one of my favorite genres of fantasy and I prefer its plot and worldbuilding over that of eternum. But with that being said, I enjoyed playing eternum a lot more than either of these games because the game kept my interest and every single emotion I had playing it was a positive one. Even the more drama fueled scenes like William slapping Alex or Regina being a bitch quickly turn into heartwarming ones instead of the game trying to prolong and focus on the drama. Another example is the rivalry between Penny and Dalia - I think most other games that have rivalries like this would have amped up the drama and made things turn a bit sour before sorting it out. But in this game everything about the rivalry just feels cute.

Son of Durin

Engaged Member
Jul 5, 2021
Quotes above: "Everybody gon' fap on release day!!"

Me on 0.6 release (as per usual):

View attachment 2689768
I'm into delayed gratification. I probably won't even download until a week or three later after everyone else has found everything that might be broken (yeah - not that common with this AVN). ;)

Question: have you already resupplied on different colored yarns (you'll need more than just the standard red for your cogitations), tacks and post-its?:ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
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Mar 16, 2018
I think that some people tend to forget that Caribdis is a small, independent developer and compare his work to some of the best titles from Leaf, Nitroplus, Type-Moon or AliceSoft, which is ridiculous, since these are well established companies, with decades of experience, hiring dozen of artists per title.

Is Eternum as a game on par with Sengoku Rance, Phantom of Inferno or things like Utawarerumono? No. None of the games posted here is. And they shouldn't be. They offer different kind of experience.

Small developers can afford to experiment. Sometimes you get something goofy, sometimes you get something really creative and this approach is usually unlikely to happen when the publisher is looking at the budget. I'm guessing that goes double for Japanese companies, who are VN industry leaders.

Caribdis is doing great and you can already tell the progress made since Once in the Lifetime (which was also fun experience), but Eternum, Being a dick and other amazing VNs we get here should really be compared only with each other, not with professionally voiced VNs, with entire editorial board, freaking anime opening and professional composers working on soundtracks.
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4.80 star(s) 929 Votes