Mar 11, 2021
This game feels way more brutal than the last, but maybe I'm a little behind in terms of skills or something. so far i'm a little ways into chapter 6 and finally ready to
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but he just pummeled me, and before that i've only been able to beat most chapter bosses by the skin of my teeth like 1 hp left on one character

any suggestions? (party average: level 50)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
This game feels way more brutal than the last, but maybe I'm a little behind in terms of skills or something. so far i'm a little ways into chapter 6 and finally ready to
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but he just pummeled me, and before that i've only been able to beat most chapter bosses by the skin of my teeth like 1 hp left on one character

any suggestions? (party average: level 50)

Going to be hard at 50, try equipping better , Yuba attacks with Thunder go to Yomi and purchase those -40% thunder amulets 3000G each, that might help you if you have not already. Otherwise level up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
any level goal in mind?

also, thanks for being the go-to helper for this game, greatly appreciated
My rule of thumb is be at 60 for chapter 6 extrapolate backwards and forwards. But in reality I think you can get by at 55 but you will have to play very carefully and take lots of trips to the Inn at 55. Even at 60 you can get taken out. Some things I do if I know an attack is going to take out the last enemy and I still have a lot of my crew left in the turn order and also say they have uised BP and are not at full steam I will wait until the last possible moment before taking out that last enemy so I can build back some of the BP. When I level up I always wait til I have cured all the illnesses for that chapter so I don't have to worry about De-buffs. If you are fighting tough battles I save often so if I do lose I don't have to re-tread too much ground. I am positive there are better players out there that can do it at lower levels but these things work for me.


Dec 16, 2019
Using Level up Tickets to restore yourself is a good tactic to be using. Not all boss have full restores and you want Alexs healing to be as maxed out as possible for boss fights so Using a level up ticket to level up the whole party which in turn full heals them is really good.


Apr 12, 2019
Anyone encounter a bug where the map doesn't update whatsoever? After getting meeting QD it basically stopped updating and whatever i tried to fix the map doesn't work unless i load an earlier save.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Which level should I be to beat Ende?

Again I must say there are players who can beat these bosses at lower levels than I did but I was around Lev 30 when I took out Ende , I did a fair amount grinding in Chapter 1 and 2 to get there after defeating the bosses for those chapters I used the dungeon/Dam to get the highest Exp from battles so I was at Lev 15 when I started chapter 2 Also when you do that you can skip buying equipment until you reach the forest town which saves you gold but you always should buy Equipment in the last town in the chapter otherwise when you start the next chapter you will be in a tough spot. Also use the walkthrough to discover the if the boss has weaknesses and use items and stat boosts to set your player up for the battles.

May 25, 2020
Again I must say there are players who can beat these bosses at lower levels than I did but I was around Lev 30 when I took out Ende , I did a fair amount grinding in Chapter 1 and 2 to get there after defeating the bosses for those chapters I used the dungeon/Dam to get the highest Exp from battles so I was at Lev 15 when I started chapter 2 Also when you do that you can skip buying equipment until you reach the forest town which saves you gold but you always should buy Equipment in the last town in the chapter otherwise when you start the next chapter you will be in a tough spot. Also use the walkthrough to discover the if the boss has weaknesses and use items and stat boosts to set your player up for the battles.

I'm lv.34 with for of them and 32 with Charlotte. I've brought every weapon and armor available in the shop. I don't think there's so much I can do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
I'm lv.34 with for of them and 32 with Charlotte. I've brought every weapon and armor available in the shop. I don't think there's so much I can do.

So you bought all the gear in Black and you can't beat her at level 34? look at passive skills use any boosts you may have as far as things you don't need in boss battles , Kanao does not need encounter rate down or weak enemy killer if she has crit boost use it, Yuargi does not need Gal capture don't think Plantina or Charl have much in chapter 3 make sure if you have it that Alex is using Fire boost don't need map or enemy stats for boss battles I will switch things like that from Boss to regular battles can help. Also depends on where you have been using your Illness cure points for Kano I use them on multi hit crit and then Def , For Platina crit stun and def , Yuragi stun then def and attack , Alex attack and def and cirt , Charl attack and def (that's just me some have different strategies), but I try and boost the things each character is a natural at , like Kano gets boost for Multi hit all the time in the weapons and Yuragi gets stun a lot in the weapons , Platina gets a crit boost naturally (because of Heroin mode) Try and take advantage of their natural abilities after that a bit of luck may be required. The drop system is wonky but sometimes you get get equipment boosts and other items that help and also Gal monsters can help for the first three chapters there is not a lot of Gal's , I use reg can , cans and then for most items I use the 200 HP bones you can buy in one of the shops unless I got a drop that boosts one of there natural abilities stats. if you save right before the boss battle with everything at full power and you get beat I just load the save and try again. ( actually never had to with Reg boss battles but I have had to do that with Mega monsters frequently)


Dec 16, 2019
Other Tip are to make sire you are using your characters to their roles well.
Yuragi needs to maintain 3-4 guard so she can constantly block Single attacks. Guard Attack and Ally Guard are helpful for this. I also like running Flurry on Yuragi. and i at least for most of the early game with have her with accesories and Gal Mons that improve her stun.
Use Platina as a Swordsman and just take off her magic. I dont know what your moveset for Platina is right now but if the attack with increased stun is one of your best moves for her then you should be spamming it.For Platina i tend to just hit people with her biggest attacks but I always have her increased Stun move in her loadout.
Kano is a bit weird for me so i change her loadout depending on my currrent setups. Shuriken was really helpful but as i got the whole party and everyone aside from Alex was able to help stun the bosses i took that off. Obviously shes a dps so making sure she has the relevant passives equipped before the boss fight is important.
I believe you have Charlotte at the time but since its so early she doesnt have her good BP stuff, i just treated her as an off dps.

For my Eradication bonuses. Everyone has Crit, Everyone but Alex has Stun, and Everyone but Alex and Kano have Accuracy. ( Kano went Multi hit i think)
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New Member
Apr 2, 2018
I was looking forward to this but now that I've played it I'm just sorta disappointed. I mean its not a bad game but its the same as the previous game with a face lift. It just feels pointless.
Jun 6, 2017
Any tips for the Mega Tankette battle in Chapter 4? I can only get it down to about 50% before being defeated. I really don't want to grind if I don't have to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Any tips for the Mega Tankette battle in Chapter 4? I can only get it down to about 50% before being defeated. I really don't want to grind if I don't have to.
Are you talking about the Boss battle where the two caves meet? If so and if you don't have Kano's defense breaker good luck.


Dec 16, 2019
Is there a secret shop to purchase the strongest weapons and armors in this game?
Red Cross sells the best gear in the game as well as all the stat shit but it doesnt start doing it till the last chapter of the game, when you first get there, its selection is really limited.


Dec 16, 2019
Any tips for the Mega Tankette battle in Chapter 4? I can only get it down to about 50% before being defeated. I really don't want to grind if I don't have to.
Going to be frank, for most of the story battles, they tend not to require a specific strategy. While these fights do hit really hard, it mostly comes down to how well you use your characters, if you feel like you are taking too much elemental damage then you can easily remedy that with the Elemental Resist accesories. but overall just Making sure Yuragi is tanking single target hits, Alex is healing Efficiently and dpsing when he can,and that everyone else is doing what they can.Stun on Yuragi and via Eradication Bonuses on everyone can be helpful.

Other than that if you get wrecked during a fight, take note of what they were doing to you so you can better mitigate it in your rematch. Having Characters take abilities that specifically counter the boss can also help but that wont always be applicable.Oh Making sure your party is well geared is also a simple but sometimes overlooked solution as well. Sometimes you need the extra stats.
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