Game Developer
Apr 28, 2019
I did not finish the first one because I knew that our wives are raped without being able to avoid it,in this game is the same thing ?
90% wrong, only Croix in the 1st game, 9/10 wives were safe and sound. And she's someone else's wife at that point so it's not even ntr.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2022
so for some reason, the scenes where I have sex with the wives aren't showing, same as the events which aren't also showing even tho I alry did experience it, is there any solution?



New Member
Apr 3, 2022
so for some reason, the scenes where I have sex with the wives aren't showing, same as the events which aren't also showing even tho I alry did experience it, is there any solution?

View attachment 1807080
Same thing is happening to me, I restarted my computer and then my events, characters, and music were gone. I still have all my saves but obtaining scenes that happened before the first is impossible(I am going to test if I can still obtain scenes by playing through the start of the game) Either I can't obtain events at all or they were all deleted and I need to get them in order again. If anyone can help I would be very thankful considering I am halfway through chapter seven and don't want to restart.


Jul 6, 2018
I just finished the game and man, what a fucking shit ending.
The story was meh already but it really ruined everything in the end.


May 28, 2018
Same thing is happening to me, I restarted my computer and then my events, characters, and music were gone. I still have all my saves but obtaining scenes that happened before the first is impossible(I am going to test if I can still obtain scenes by playing through the start of the game) Either I can't obtain events at all or they were all deleted and I need to get them in order again. If anyone can help I would be very thankful considering I am halfway through chapter seven and don't want to restart.
Sounds like your save files got messed up somehow.. at least that's the most likely thing to happen, since saves you see in game only represent the gameplay progress, your system is saved separately from those.

I think there should be 0 problem with getting new scenes(and old ones that are not bound to game save file related actions)

A possible solution:
Go to folder which is responsible for keeping all save related data. It should be in your documents > alicesoft > evenicle 2 > save data
Alternatively go to game folder and there should be the 'save folder' file which should open this folder for you.

Once there, notice how there is a 'backup' folder, there should be quite a lot of those there. Try copy pasting one of them, preferably one of the latest ones in and see if it adds some of your unlocks for you.

But since it's a backup and you likely progressed game beyond that - this might not be an ideal solution obviously, depends on your last backup location, but it's worth a try.

If this does not work then it's pretty much all about completing the game as is and then using a perfect save file from someone to get all scenes.


May 28, 2018
Wanted to give an analysis on the eradication bonuses min maxing here, since it's pretty hard to tell what's worth it before you know what awaits end game and no one really did any in depth analysis on that part, while IMO it's pretty weighty bonuses if done right.

I will also give some basic tips I would have enjoyed knowing when starting out as well while at it and offer end game equip advice based on everything available end game:

Stats + stat food and how they work/important interactions:
HP/DEF/SPD/ATK/EXP Gain is pretty straightforward.
Endurance is status resistance against physical hits.
Mag resist is BOTH magic damage reduction AND status resist from magic.
Critical chance to add a certain amount of multiplier(~2.0?) to your next damage. What this means is that the best use of crits is multi hits like yuragi flurry and charlotte burst.. also basic attacks if your multi hit is good(kano and alex if he got lucky with enchant on staff and platina if she got lucky with it on armor)
Accuracy/evasion - accuracy - evasion = chance to hit, both for you and opponent. Magical attacks can't miss.
Stun - stun-enemy endurance = chance to stun. Magical attacks can't stun.

Buff explanation:
Atk buff - adds + 0.2 multiplier to damage for 1st one and 0.1 for each next one, capping at 4 buffs giving 0.5 multiplier.
What this means is that atk buff is pretty useless for 800% skills but super useful for x6-8 hits..
Def buff - 10% damage reduction for 1st one, 5% for each next one, capping at 25%. This seems to affect any non fixed damage.

Stat food and how to spread it:
You can technically grind those on chapter 7, but it will take quite a long while to get even 1 via gold pre final boss grind.
There are also rare encounters with 'chest monsters', which also seem to start on chapter 7 or close to it. This monster has very high evasion and is going to run away ASAP. It seems to always drop stat food.

Skill points: each consumption is 1 skill point, capped at 5(character will be grayed out of item usage, don't worry)
Recommended spread: Kano > Charlotte > Yuragi.
Kano has boatload of super useful passives and even with 5 extra points she will feel starving for those.
Charlotte is super useful as well but big part of her useful kit is locked behind skill unlocks.
Yuragi is kinda nice for remaining food, her extra survival is not mandatory but helps.
There are ~15 skill points available for 'free' via mega monster kills and exploration. A lot of exploration ones are pretty well hidden, sometimes even requiring you to revisit previously inaccessible locations.
Reason why Alex doesn't need it is because you can focus only 1 element at a time to have full offensive kit with no extra points. I usually kept him at fire unless some boss needed something else.
Platina overall has pretty small passive kit, part of which you actually need to randomly unlock.

Other stat food:
SPD/ATK/Magic/HP - give 5/4/3/2/1 stat value(diminishing returns).. those scale with level but you can consume them at any level and they will continue scaling. Speed is fixed though, it's as simple as those values.
Def - always gives 1 def per level, can be used thrice. Can be used on any level and it will keep giving you extra.

My spread suggestion:
Atk - Kanox2 > Platina x2 > Consider giving yuragi/charlotte x1 before going for more kano/platina.(although at this point you are grinding anyway)

Magic - alex

SPD - equally approx. I would go alex > charlotte/yuragi > platina > kano.

HP - x2 on charlotte/kano, x1 on yuragi.. x1 on other > more based on needs but thats grinding

Def - if you are using 'platina armor trick' I will describe later then it goes to platina... otherwise yuragi or whoever has lowest, up to you. You can technically do same trick on Kano as well.

Gear drops+enchanting explanation:
Gear drop happens every ~9 battles(slightly reduced via the loot skill of kano)
The most likely drops are either 'loot' you can sell or an upgraded/same version of gear you are currently wearing randomly selected from all your equipped gear.

Gear which has no second stat can get a random one via +1-9 of it. The most powerful one is overall multiplier I would say. Early on flat atk/matk is nice as well.
That being said almost all top tier equip has second stat sadly.

Noteworthy Gal monsters:
Some of the monsters you encounter will be gal.. I recommend yuragi to always having the gal capture skill equipped.
Gal monster capture is not random how it claims. Instead you need to lower the monster HP enough. ~10% HP left by default and ~20% HP left if you also equip the passive which improves. If you meet HP requirement - you 100% chance capture.

Reason for always keeping gal capturing is a monster that can be encountered at any time in the game extremely rarely(you will likely see ~3-5 across whole playthrough) called 'lucky can can'. This one not only will give you ~2-3 levels worth of exp upon defeating but if you manage to capture her - it's a +20 exp gain.
Alex/Yuragi have 20 exp gain passives eventually, so you technically only need 3 of those if you want to 'equalize' a +20 exp gain on everyone.
Be aware lucky can can will run away randomly starting with her 2nd turn. If your yuragi started with 0 BP - it's better to give up.

Best combat oriented gal:
Swordmaster - +10 crit/multi. Overall best offensive value. Located on SE big grassy island, which has strongest generic mob encounters in the game(even harder than final dungeon).. but it's accessable pretty early and technically with some tricks like kano execution might be doable early.. at least one encounter that is.

Cherry blossom - 150 atk/50 accuracy. Nice for when you need accuracy.. or allows you to ignore accuracy on yuragi. Also on same island as swordmaster.

Captain Abola - +12 stun/endurance. Nice if you go for stun total value on yuragi or platina. Encounters at sea.

Those are the only 3 gals worthy of using for overall purposes.

Skill gain and skill evolution:
Skill are gained every ~35 battles, hence I recommend never running away from battle as there are LOADS of skills and you will likely keep unlocking them all the way until level 99 if you decide to grind for real.

Skill evolution is a variation of skill gain which also requires for a certain skill to be used a lot.
Skill evolutions also seem to have a much higher odds to learn them assuming you used it enough and you are far enough into the chapter.(nearly 100%)
So if you are in correct chapter and don't have it - keep using skill.
This also means that if you don't want a certain skill - don't use it.

I will summ up all skill evolutions for each character:
Fire/Light AoE > Bigger fire(ch.5+) 300% dmg 4 BP/Bigger light(ch.6+) 400% dmg 5BP AoE.
Fire AoE is certainly worth it. Light is something I never really used due to skill point starvation and sticking to fire build most of the non boss time.

Flurry x2(5 attacks) > Flurry x3(6 attacks) ch.6+
It's a pretty nice skill, if you go stun build then it will likely stun a lot in random encounters as well as deal decent damage in total.
On bosses you will need another skill though.

Assassinate > Execute(ch.5+) - goes from 50% chance to instant kill to 80%.
This is the skill I used on harder random encounters. The chance is actually not accurate. It seems like it's modified by enemy being of a different type. With execute - humanoids will die either 99 or 100% of the time. And some non humanoid monsters feel like they are either entirely immune or very resistant.
I would say it's worth it, but up to you.

Rupture > Rend(ch.6+)
This one is nearly mandatory on some mega bosses unless you overgrind a lot, it highly increases damage of everyone on armored enemies and has decent damage increase on others who aren't immune to it.

Pulverize > Annihilate(ch.6+)
Extremely good and you will be using this skill nearly all the time in random encounters. This is essentially a 'skip 1 random encounter' skill for 5 BP. It's massively strong and gets even stronger. Comes with an increased accuracy so it's unlikely to miss as well.

Rob Heart > Robert(ch.7)
Makes her ultimate skill a 800% dmg with 0 drawbacks.
Considering she is combat oriented and can crit often - this is incredibly strong.

Burst > Eruption(ch.5+)
x6 > x8 attacks of 80% damage.. technically in ideal circumstances(having an atk buff and critical) it's her strongest atk. But she gets 800% atk with 0 effort and it's hard to make her fit into 'ideal circumstances'.. so yeah, debatable.
It can be massively strong if you play around it, but it's just too hard in 'real' battle.

Inspire > Opening Tactics(ch.7)
THIS ONE IS SUPER IMPORTANT. Yes you have to use this crappy skill and yes the skill upgrade is only available super late but it's +2 atk/def buff to everyone at start(does not stack with +1/1 to everyone but stacks with favoritism so everyone can be 3/3 aside of charl herself who remains 2/2), which is super worth for the longer boss battles you will be facing like harder mega monsters and final boss.

Best overall eradication/gear/skills for each character:

First of all passives everyone wants to always carry:
Exp Gain(Yuragi/Alex) > Speed(everyone gets in non RNG eventually) > Crit/Multi(if character gets it) > Main atk stat

Alex - the easiest character to min max.
20 eradication points in total. Magic can't stun and can't miss.
Your literally only option is Crit/Multi/Endurance/Mag resist x5

Best gear: Red cross(red cross gear is the most expensive purchasable which becomes purchasable early into chapter 7) staff + armor.
Alex has the only top tier equipment piece which has empty slot, allowing him to reach extremely high 'multi' value if you get lucky with staff enchant while being essentially strongest autoattacker and pretty strong character overall.
Accessory: 15 crit
Gal: 10 crit/multi

Overall due to other characters starving for skill points he wants to be one who does not eat skill food.
Early on you can duo element fire/light, but once you get more passives - you have to go all in into one element(fire is the best since it has best single target and most cost efficient AoE bundle)
As far as healing goes - I felt like 35% healing/50% healing was most 'efficient' in most non mega monster encounters.
His anesthesia always stuns at a cost of 2 MP.. this can be pretty huge, allowing you to skip some boss charge up/critical moves for example.
His basic attacks become extremely strong with +50% dmg passive on them.
He gets most of his core kit without RNG.

Yuragi - this one is slightly debatable.
18 eradication points.
At first it would seem like she can become good damager - but no, don't bother going that way.
I personally feel like the most min max is x5 accuracy, x5 stun, x5 magic resist, x3 endurance

Best gear: 20 stun hammer + red cross armor
Accessory: +2 BP chance(hiragi last wife event)
Best gal: +12 endurance/stun

With this she reaches 42 stun, which is enough to randomly stun on some bosses and has decent stun chance on random enemies.

In random encounters I mostly used flurry and gal capture.
In boss encounters - her MOST IMPORTANT SKILL IS RANDOM AFTER COMBAT ONE(delay enemy). You can get it in ch.4+

Her passive kit is mostly oriented towards taking less damage and protecting others from single target damage. Persistence can be kinda fun since you can keep her at 1 HP and she will still survive 2 hits, which is enough for most random encounters. Nice if you are too lazy to heal up.

Kano - super easy.
16 eradication points.
crit/multi/evasion x5, mag res x1
She is the only character worth going evasion on thanks to her armor.

Best gear:
20 multihit weapon , red cross armor
Acc: +30% dmg(zero dagger) is nice since she is mostly basic attacking hence profits from +0.3 multiplier a lot, makes her overall best autoattacker due to her high crit/multi OR +40 evasion(if it's needed for survival on some boss fight)
Gal: +10 crit/multi or 20 exp gain(while still leveling)

Most of her skill points will go into her incredibly useful passive kit.
She is mostly autoattacker but has some useful skills.

Rapture/Rend.. overall best for most boss battles
Assasinate/Execute- nice for harder random encounters
Summoning art - cheapest AoE costing only 2 BP, works extremely well with zero dagger or +2 BP chance item to farm easy encounters for treasure/lucky can can chance/new skills.
Shuriken - stun chance.. technically nice for some bosses if you regear into stun chance

IF rend and stun are both not working you might want to consider her final wife event skill which is 800% damage but stuns her... technically it's still worth it if you have nothing else to do at all with BP.

Platina - a bit difficult
15 eradication points.
5 crit/multi are IMO a must, since she will spend a lot of time autoattacking.
For last 5 points I personally go for x3 accuracy x2 endurance but you could go for more accuracy or go for stun chance instead.
The reason why I mention stun chance is because one of her passives you can randomly get is +20% stun(sucks that it's not on yuragi)

Best gear:
Red cross weapon - this one loses 5 crit BUT is 2 tiers higher than her 10 crit weapon, so the attack difference is worth it even on high levels I would say.
Armor trick - platina top tier armors have HP bonus.. this is IMO the most useless bonus of all armors(aside of maybe kano who can also do the trick but she is squishier by default)
The moment you can buy Earth Garment for her on holy continent(her best armor with no 2nd slot) - buy it and hope it gets enchanted. You want ideally multi on it but stun is nice too.
To compensate for lower defence give her def stat food.
Acc: +15 multi
Gal: +10 crit/multi or 20 exp gain(while leveling)

Pulverize/Annihilate for random encounters - 1 hit kill most encounters

Rob heart/Robert for bossing - nice 0 drawback skill.

Hanny damage - this is actually not bad as well since some hannies are pretty annoying.

Has pretty useful 'sword thrash' stun skill as well. If you regear into stun and get lucky with getting her +20% stun passive skill.
Nice for some bosses.

Charlotte - has 2 builds.
13 eradication points...
So basically she has 2 main builds - offensive and support:
crit/multi x5 + x3 accuracy or endurance OR x5 endurance/mag resist, x3 speed

Best gear: Red Cross weapon/armor
Acc: +10 crit(might even be worth giving 10 to alex and taking 15 for her) on atk build OR +15 speed if support build.
Gal: +10 crit/multi on attack build OR +80 def/15 endurance(gal in final dungeon of ch.7) for support OR 20 exp gain when leveling

All her 'buff' passive kit is RNG unlocks, so this may take a while to unlock but is super useful.
Now regarding her 2 builds:
If you go support then all you do is pretty much spam focus and either +1 BP to everyone or give everyone turn skill.

If you go damage then you are using either x8 attacks OR 800% dmg skill while autoattacking.

Offensive build is IMO better during random encounters(duh) but support one is better for doing mega monsters earlier.
By shuffling turns or giving BP you can make yuragi delay boss turn with drumming even more than usual, drastically cutting into amount of turns the boss can have.
That being said nothing is preventing you to do this with offensive build either, you will just be squishier and more prone to stun.

Also noteworthy is her anti flying skill. It seems to have 100% accuracy against flying monsters and is very strong against them as well.

Final boss/grinding/mega bosses:
Avoid grinding until chapter 7 is my recommendation. Reason for that is most of your gear enchants will be useless and most exp you can grind is kinda worthless as well. Chap 7 lucky cans give best exp if you get lucky with one.
That being said don't intentionally try to avoid all fights either(don't use kano lower encounters/fight instant win) - reason for that is each fight progressing you towards new skill. ~35 fights per skill, doesn't matter how hard or easy it is.(if you are grinding to get new skills specifically - consider using kano summoning art on easy encounters she can instant kill with it. That's 2 BP per skill, so each 2nd encounter will be instant win. Can combine with chance for 2 BP item.

With such overall natural progression you will likely hit ~lvl 70-75 by final boss. It should be defeatable at that point but it might be worth doing at least ~12-15 mega bosses first to get more exp and push a few more levels while grinding some along the way.
For final boss tips, it consists of 2 battles.
First one - it's better to make sure to kill both at around same time or at least the warrior first(since the other one has low HP) but you need to make sure to lower healer HP for it to use AoE heal instead.
2nd fight starts you with full HP/MP but BP from end of prev fight. So it's ideal if you end first fight with a lot of BP. 2nd battles is relatively straightforward fight against not particularly dangerous HP sponge. It's mostly a battle of endurance or rushing through it before you get out of steam.
Winning those gives you quite a good amount of exp/gold.

Megabosses on the other hand require individual approach. Alicesoft wiki has good guide on them in collection section but it's usually simple enough and more fun to see their tricks. I will give my advice for last 3.
First ~9 are outright easier than final boss and can be easily overpowered by chapter 7 with no strategy. Be aware that mega boss 10 is a big jump in difficulty and probably harder than 11. Starting with boss 12 if you can kill one - you are more than ready for final boss for sure.
Bosses 12/13 aren't too deadly if you got Rend on kano and can upkeep it. They are relatively slow and not one shot tier damage.
I personally started bossing from boss 10 at ~lvl 75 and progressed straightforward all the way to boss 14. This got me to ~lvl 79-80.
Yuragi drumming and heavy focus on offensive stats is essentially what allows you to do it this early assuming you start each fight at full BP to abuse a power start with rend opening into strongest skills.
I 80'd everyone after that for the skill points.
Technically the next 2 are doable but they all require you to deviate from your usual strategy. And since last one requires extra grind - it's better to make your life easier and just grind to at least lvl ~ 90 before tackling last 3. This is also good time to beat final boss if you didn't yet.

For skill learning/gear enchant farming - just equip all cheap AoE on characters with kano being most important one since she is likely fastest and has cheapeast AoE... give her +2 BP item as well. I like to make a 3 red glob run near oatmeal and then revisit church to respawn them. You could probably find some better place with a bit harder stuff that still dies to 1 hit... but I just did oatmeal runs as it felt fastest.
There is a chance to get lucky can cans here as well, keep an eye out for them and don't bother capturing at this point unless you still need a capture of it. The risk of it running away is not worth the great exp boost it gives.

It is best to start with this skill learning/gear enchant grind first since it will simplify the exp/gold grind but not vice versa.
Relatively important skills are evolution ones(decide which ones you need based on info I gave above), spd/magic passive on alex, drumming active + hp passive on yuragi, multi/crit on kano, crit/attack on platina(also stun is nice if you were building towards that), favoritisms of every other party member on charlotte(stacks with opening tactics, which makes everyone aside of charlotte start at 3 buffs and charl starts at 2)

At ~lvl 80(pretty natural if you defeat 10-14 mega bosses starting with ~lvl 75) you can kill the final bosses pretty fast without risk of dying. This becomes best leveling and gold grind spot. You spawn near the boss room after beating it and can repeat it over and over. Gives 1m exp and 100k gold per win, so a total of 2m/200k gold.. so every 5 runs equals ~4 stat foods.. which is solid amount of them, considering that diminishing return ones feel meh after ~2-3 uses.
From lvl ~80 to ~90 you will need around 25-30 runs in total, hence ~20 foods. I recommend ensuring that you have enough skill points for every character boss build(should already be fine with ~15 you got for free, but maybe you missed some on world map), using at least 3 magic foods total on alex, 3 attack foods on kano, 2 attack foods on platina, 1 attack food on yuragi/charl(if you use her as offense and not support).. 2 speed fooods on everyone as well is nice.. and 1 HP on everyone is pretty neat survival boost.
It's best to go full offensive for this boss farm.

Boss 15 is pretty much all about calming with platina/dispeling with Charl it's furies/crits while maintaining. It's weak to light, so charl 800% dmg and alex light arrow(single target weak one is good enough) is more efficient. Having yuragi upkeep guard and equipping everyone with dark resist accessories makes the battle much easier.

Boss 16 is a puzzle fight I would say. Boss is pretty slow and has a trick - it counterattacks each time which clears rend from him pretty fast since it counts as action. The trick is equipping alex with anesthesia for guarantee stun and extending boss turns with yuragi.
Charlotte wants to be spamming comeback here...
42 stun yuragi has very small chance of stunning him as well, if she does - this significantly increases your chances to win.
Equip fire resist accessories to be able to resist an extra fire attack or 2 in between.

Boss 17 is semi puzzle. Boss has decent AoE and massive damage single target fixed damage(can't reduce). There isn't much of a 'trick' to this one, since the only action that makes sense for alex which costs BP is pretty much BP revival. Basically you keep reviving single target while occasionally healing party to recover from AoE.
This one will likely want some extra grinding.
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Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
Thanks for the wonderful analysis, but in the future may I suggest putting it behind a spoiler, just so we don't have to scroll through a massive wall of text.

Again, thanks for the information.


May 28, 2018
Thanks for the wonderful analysis, but in the future may I suggest putting it behind a spoiler, just so we don't have to scroll through a massive wall of text.

Again, thanks for the information.
IMO that makes it less noticeable in already 63 page topic which will soon become 64+ page either way.
At least this way you can kinda notice it has something of note.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
IMO that makes it less noticeable in already 63 page topic which will soon become 64+ page either way.
At least this way you can kinda notice it has something of note.
You could ask if it can be added to the OP in a spoiler. A little later people will have to search for your post even if it is around half a site long.


May 28, 2018
You could ask if it can be added to the OP in a spoiler. A little later people will have to search for your post even if it is around half a site long.
Well, not sure how other handle it, but when I quick search by keyword on f95 topic - I look at length of post to see if it's something helpful/guide like if the topic is very long like this one, helps sort out simple short answers.

Getting it into OP would be ideal, but usually including anything into OP is too complicated in f95 as it often involves some shenanigans with mods and such. Around 90% of my guides/walkthrough/full saves stay random posts, such is life.


Oct 31, 2021
God,I'm mostly enjoying the game,but idk why,platina's voice seems SO OUT OF PLACE for me.I don't know,the VA is fine,but I guess is the pitch that makes it weird for me.Even gurigura was better in some sense,albeit I still cringe when they say ''oni-chan'',platina feels the worst parts of gurigura and towa combined.Does anyone feels the same?
Mar 28, 2019
~>Game feels like the same previous go to point a and b back/forth.

~>gotta feeling the story will b the same where 1 main/side wife got r*pe by monster. feels like copy paste from previous game.


Sep 7, 2021
God,I'm mostly enjoying the game,but idk why,platina's voice seems SO OUT OF PLACE for me.I don't know,the VA is fine,but I guess is the pitch that makes it weird for me.Even gurigura was better in some sense,albeit I still cringe when they say ''oni-chan'',platina feels the worst parts of gurigura and towa combined.Does anyone feels the same?
It's not just the voice that's weird for me to be honest. Completely personal opinion: I mean compared to Gurigura, everything about Platina is basically full bore naive and dependent child; her voice notwithstanding. Hell Platina even had a scene where she was using a literal potty trainer while doing the deed with Alec because of some bed-wetting incidents if I remember it correctly and her voice was the absolute least of my concern.

Any time Gurigura says onii-chan it comes off more like she's just using it simply as an endearing honorific. But when I hear Platina use it it comes off as an actual child looking for her brother considering just how her character was written and all the stuff that happens in the game with her. Yes there's the in your face dragon excuse but I mean really.

She's practically the only loli character that managed to make me cringe a little bit and I'm usually neutral about lolis.
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Oct 31, 2021
~>Game feels like the same previous go to point a and b back/forth.

~>gotta feeling the story will b the same where 1 main/side wife got r*pe by monster. feels like copy paste from previous game.
Kinda,I still don't know how to feel about the lack of the outlaws or the evenicle in general,sure the hero syndrome it's important,but we don't have the discussion about eve and the ''old era'' like the first game
Mar 28, 2019
Kinda,I still don't know how to feel about the lack of the outlaws or the evenicle in general,sure the hero syndrome it's important,but we don't have the discussion about eve and the ''old era'' like the first game

~>Just my 1st impression on the game since I'm still playing on beginning it feels kinda pattern .
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Reactions: LekLek1337


May 28, 2018
~>Game feels like the same previous go to point a and b back/forth.

~>gotta feeling the story will b the same where 1 main/side wife got r*pe by monster. feels like copy paste from previous game.
Its actually one of most vanilla alicesoft games to date, this one has extremely mild 'rape' at best.
As for copy paste - they didn't try anything too innovative gameplay wise, yeah. Best experienced with some gap between two games. Core remains same so might be boring if you play both in a row.
Story is your generic JRPG I would say, milder 'villains' overall. With small mix of their planned overarching Creator god+QD plot.

Kinda,I still don't know how to feel about the lack of the outlaws or the evenicle in general,sure the hero syndrome it's important,but we don't have the discussion about eve and the ''old era'' like the first game
Most of the overarching plot talk is reserved for after final boss. Game progress itself only reveals minor details you mostly know and some specific details special to this specific world fragment.

Overall if you forgot the 1st Evenicle a bit, here is a reminder of things not to be too confused about some things, some are retold to you in the span of eve 2 at some point, some don't:
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Oct 31, 2021
It's not just the voice that's weird for me to be honest. Completely personal opinion: I mean compared to Gurigura, everything about Platina is basically full bore naive and dependent child; her voice notwithstanding. Hell Platina even had a scene where she was using a literal potty trainer while doing the deed with Alec because of some bed-wetting incidents if I remember it correctly and her voice was the absolute least of my concern.

Any time Gurigura says onii-chan it comes off more like she's just using it simply as an endearing honorific. But when I hear Platina use it it comes off as an actual child looking for her brother considering just how her character was written and all the stuff that happens in the game with her. Yes there's the in your face dragon excuse but I mean really.

She's practically the only loli character that managed to make me cringe a little bit and I'm usually neutral about lolis.
OH GOD, I JUST GOT THAT SCENE,THAT WAS SO NASTY.Props to alicesoft from getting me to phsycally coil at their game,the closest thing that got the same reaction from me was Junji ito. I can't with this shit man,the R*** it's very disturbing as well,but in this case it seems so grounded that it shave off a few sanity points from me.
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