Feels like the thief style/multihit weapons were never playtested.
Your 'tactical attack' is weaker than your normal one, because it only does 200% damage.
Except it only swings once, so i'm doing half of my standard damage already. And it means that effects that proc on hit (like lifesteal) only trigger once.
I would literally be better off if I had a way to just do my normal attack instead of this 'powered up' special attack.
The TP heal is useless too. It requires 20tp to use, but tp drains to zero when the fight ends. I get 15 by the start of my second turn. So I need to swing twice and get hit three times before I'm allowed to heal.
Except I've yet to fight anything that I can't either kill in two hits, or won't kill me in three.
So you never get a chance to use it.