I thought that Lena looked perfect with her original hairstyle, so I'm disappointed to see it change. Also sad to see yet another terrible sex scene with her. The first one was awful because she was in pain, and this one was even worse because now she's still in pain and you have some creep making her even more uncomfortable. She had previously enjoyed herself with the dildo, so I had hopes that the their next scene would be great, but now it's like the game is back to avoiding anything that could be fun.
Lena keeps asking me if I like her new hair style, and I don't, but the game won't allow me to say so, nice, mean or otherwise, so stop asking me and just change it back!
Changing Lenas Haircut was the second most ridiciouless Descision ever, after having to choose to save Megan OR Melisssa in Acting Lessons ....
She was "perfect".
Get rid of Zennys Sidecut. Or Claras Ponytail. Or Hildy (completly).
But give us back Lenas curly Hair!
Thank you for pointing it out as I have no idea how I missed the update. I will start on updating the guide as soon as I return from work and I’ll try to finish it today if I can, thanks Again.