3.80 star(s) 65 Votes


Jul 17, 2019
Its copy protection.
And probably the first step to microtransactions aswell as those can be best sold in a lobby/server based game.

Who in their right mind wants to fap in a mp game?
Do you have to wait for the other guy to finish to end the scene? ;)

I would have no problem with a game containing an mp as this is everybody own choice. But to wall of harem or scenes with multiple characters behind this is a clear dick move.
And it will probably backfire as in less sales and it will be probably cracked hacked anyway so that again only paying customers are fucked over.
crack a mp game, which is updated monthly and has no built-in local host and custom server functionality, without someone leaking the server end source code? Even pubg, which was so easily modded for cheating and so massively popular, did not get a private server.

tbh I think they may start to wall even more contents behind mp after 0.32 being cracked and leaked in a day. Back when bupo and fungod was doing the cracking they gave the dev 7 days grace period and the devs didn't seem to be interested in changing the status quo.
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Sep 2, 2020
crack a mp game, which is updated monthly and has no built-in local host and custom server functionality, without someone leaking the server end source code? Even pubg, which was so easily modded for cheating and so massively popular, did not get a private server.
That would depend somewhat if it is pure p2p bases or has a lobby function that could be hacked or if it is using a real dedicated server.

A real dedicated server for mp would be costly and therefor would greatly influence the lifetime of the game or the mp part.
PUBG is definetly using dedicated servers.
I cant see this project needing one tho besides some database lobby server to check for keys and give clients connection data.

And i would think a point for that would be somekind of 1.0 version if this project comes that far.

Monthly updates tho arent that interesting as people can live with being behind or not having full / newest content.

The main point from my post was also not the feasablity of cracking it is that i believe the reason behind the mp is not making great gameplay as in a better game, but trying to generate more revenue.


There is of course piracy and it is ok for devs trying to fight it.
A decade ago i was talking about every game must have a mp to make money myself. ;D
Spending money for a sexgame is another hurdle probably so it is even more enticing for some to get this without payment.

There are exeptions and games that did fine without any protection.

The game is getting already develpment money and those guys would probably pay for special content later on as well even if it werent behind a mp barrier.
Besides i dont know if this is really supposed to be some mmo later on as those are incredible costly because of the content you have to generate to make people happy. Otherwise people get bored easily and the game is dead before it starts.

And mp for some gangbang scenes and sitting in a bar with other pervs? I dont see that working for a longer that a few days and then going dead.
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Jul 17, 2019
The main point from my post was also not the feasablity of cracking it is that i believe the reason behind the mp is not making great gameplay as in a better game, but trying to generate more revenue.
Yeah I get your idea, I replied that part in my post's second paragraph.
Also i don't think they are gonna use p2p for mp, the lag will be unbearable for more than 4-5 players in the same session.


Nov 17, 2020
As far for me, I would not play it online. Other "players" could just be bots.
I would pay for the single player version, not for an online edition:
Not necessary at all.
Do not want to be connected. If server or internet issues, I cannot play. What about lag time? What about other technical issues.
What about privacy? Many accounts of big companies have been hacked.

The update adds new animations and fixes issues with animations:
- Better wiggle of boobs. That jingles!
- Overlapping issue of model and floor in few animations.
But the new outfit (large option with sleeves) overlaps with hands and even the body of the model. Small option is fine.
But still no gameplay at all.
Cool when they want to add better model animations in the next major version. Further options. But online mode, not for me.

Also cool, they go more with human-human animations. You can still do so much. And like in the strip club there is pretty room. Why not more interactivity ... Again, the 10 inch monster with a 8 inch penis is just ridiculous, and looks so weird on / before / under the model ! ://

See my previous post of simple features that can be added: E.g. More default POV to recall, some auto-loops of POV.
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Jul 17, 2019
As far for me, I would not play it online. Other "players" could just be bots.
I would pay for the single player version, not for an online edition:
Not necessary at all.
Do not want to be connected. If server or internet issues, I cannot play.
What about privacy? Many accounts of big companies have been hacked
They are using Patreon's API for user account authentication (as on their website) so the last concern should be alright, unless patreon screws up.
As for the rest, guess we need to wait and see how it turns out.


Apr 30, 2017
Still waiting for an option to change the PoV... You have the "creature" / male, or Erica (if F/F poses.)... Can you please add in the PoV of the other party..


Jul 11, 2019
I gotta be honest here, i'm going to buy this game on Steam, when it releases, and i love it with all my heart, but i said this before, and i'm gonna say it again, Online DRM is fine by me, i undertand why they do it, they have to fight piracy in some way. But forcing us to play with other people in real time, is absolutely stupid. Hentai games, and porn in general, is something most people like to enjoy alone, without having to interact with other people. This "Harem Mode" is gonna fail so freaking hard, and i hope they realize that, and release all the sex scenes to be played in single player, even if it's "always online" single player.

2B NieR

Mar 22, 2018
Because they are not using the same unit (MEGA is showing 3.52 by the way, not 5). The exact size of the file is 3 775 844 785 bytes. MEGA is actually representing the size in Gibibyte (1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes) instead of Gigabyte (1000 * 1000 * 1000 bytes) resulting in a size of 3 775 844 785 / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) ≈ 3.52 GiB while AnonFiles and Gofile use the right unit: 3 775 844 785 / (1000 * 1000 * 1000) ≈ 3.78 GB that Gofile rounds up to 3.8 GB.


Nov 17, 2020
I cannot follow the performance issue. Sure, it can be improved, what they also aim for. It runs fine (at maximum 1080p) with a Sapphire RX 480 8GB. (Weak CPU and 8 GB RAM)

How should a gameplay be developed from the current version? Adding the nightclub from the previous game is a good idea. The player starts on a planet in the distant future ...


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
lol, oki then, gtx1080 is an older card, but it was high end when it came out, good to know, thx
If you gonna play it at 1080p medium setting then a mid end graphics card like 1050ti, 1060, RX 580 is enough. You can even run at high setting in the laboratory map and still get 40-60 fps but the workshop map is heavier so there is a lot of fps drop. RTX 2080 is for people who want to play at 2k and above.


Aug 6, 2018
Edit: Rockstar is definetly not doing enough against cheaters. And i saw a vid that there servers also reveals real Ips.

This could be a problem here too.
Got a second computer? Just boot up Kali Linux, use Ettercap to ARP poison your main box, and then open up Wireshark and filter out all of the connections flowing. Once you see everything is filtered, open up Paralogue/Fallen Doll and see what the game is communicating with while in harem mode. Seriously, it's that simple. You only need a real basic understanding of networking to do this. If you want to get into any real detail about what is going on, save the captured data as a .pcap and then install NetworkMiner, in Kali, and you can see all of the data and files transfered. If the data is encrypted, Ettercap can strip the TLS encryption mid-stream. Depending on how the game and servers are programmed, it may break. Some services will not work if encryption is stripped. But, this way you know if any sensitive data is being transferred off your system. You'll also know if it's peer 2 peer.

Now you also know to be wary of people and why you shouldn't connect your phone to public wifi, let alone EVER use a banking app on public wifi. ARP poison doesn't care if the wifi is encrypted. It happens inside the network so wifi encryption doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
So, any way to change the FOV in VR mod? The girls look way too small right now.

Also, so there won't be a single player campaign, really?
I really hope there would be one, the character design is top notch.
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3.80 star(s) 65 Votes