3.80 star(s) 63 Votes


Dec 10, 2017
I'm not sure which part of this you are finding hard to understand, the game has been ~1 year away from release for nearly a decade. You think it will be released in 2022 because you only joined in the last year and this is probably the first date you've heard. The rest of us know better.

When you're a decade into a project your primary output should not be concept art. I would suggest going back and looking at the earliest to compare to what you're seeing now and see if you can work out what work has been done in the intervening time to justify the delay.

This is a pretty common business model these days and it's exacerbated by the ease with which you can chuck together relatively functional tech demos with engines like UE4/5 in basically no time at all. Get a few skilled 3D artists on contract, one or two devs to get the bare minimum working and spin some wild tales involving massive publisher collabs, staff being poached, unruly investors forcing you to do [the bad thing] etc. and you can milk Patreon ad nauseam.

Once you've got this going there's a massive financial incentive to not actually finish the game/product because it will kill your consistent monthly revenue. To be honest I'm more inclined to blame Patreon for encouraging a subscription based model for in-progress development work than the actual devs for being corrupted by it.
On Patreon it stated it been in work since 2016 wich is 6 years not a decade. Like i do get you point, that its smart of him to milk because if he release full game his revenue might drop. I blame Patreon aswell, but like many want the game to reach its potential. Lets be real tho many games specifically triple AAA games takes years or decade to release their game. Why cant this game? Especially when its several years ahead on graphics compared to adult games. Like sure milking is bad, but like its not like the creator is asking for your life earnings. Its like 30 bucks wich is little, many games cost like 50-70 usd. Wich date has Helius mentioned beside 2021-2022? Also what you mean by "rest of us know better" ? What do you and others know that we supporters dont know? Like many of here which iw seen are saying vague insulting comments to creator. Like you and hardcorecuddler seem to be atleast somewhat reasonable. Others just sound entitled to a game wich they might not even have supported. Like even come to discord randomly to insult. Have you played curent Gallery or Harem? Many said Harem is great. I feel like we said mostly what we wanted to say or you want to say something you missed or important. Think gonna end it or else seems we going in circle. Obviously its hostility towards Helius. Unfortunate event. Like i said just arrived, unfortunate if people feel milked. May karma come around. If he is decent person he release decent game with content he previewed if not maybe he get a lawsuit on him. Just wish they were more positive comments here, its kinda sad. Played many games with many nice people partaking in disccusing or answering comments in threads. Also its ironic the game has so many good reviews. Good game, lack content but many sour comments. Its kinda sad situation. Hopefully the game or another game meet people expecation. Think we all just wanna have a great game.


Dec 10, 2017
Since we have some newer patrons coming in confused about the hate, I’ll write a quick summary of the more recent drama so everyone can more or less be on the same page. To start off, lets go all the way back to 2017 since that’s probably earlier than a lot of people here have been on. Helius Started his project by appealing to the sort of old school person who likes to pirate before you buy it and hates microtransactions (mtx) /gacha.
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And the mods were happy to continue talking down mtx even up to the release of the beta in late November.

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Even outright lying that the game wasn’t free to play gacha days before it released as free to play gacha.

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This would be a bad look on it's own, without the solid base of people against this. So what happens when you cultivate a fanbase on the idea of no mtx/gacha only to release a free to play gacha? Well, you get the drama that happened in November/December. A lot of angry core supporters feeling scammed. It doesn’t help that the mods were kinda dicks around this time.

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Not to mention, as you can see, deleting posts that were critical of the game. This is why there’s a large split between the discord and forums they don’t control, since of course banning anyone for dissent will cause them to go fester elsewhere, with their concerns remaining unaddressed and making the feeling of being scammed that much stronger. Also if you wanted to collect on that refund good luck, they’d just close your support ticket or talk shit to you more. Hard not to have that feel like a scam, even if this refund request was never authentic basically taunting people with their money being gone is a douche move.
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To try and answer Karb’s question late, the people then were speaking for about 1/3 or more of the supporters, probably more as long time supporters are replaced with new steam supporters.

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Also this drop isn’t because of the hiatus, they actually grew supporters during the first hiatus before they screwed over their old supporters.

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They did eventually release an apology for this, months after when it was clear they were losing money over it. Kinda falls flat at that point, and most people who would’ve liked to see it were already banned.
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They were just also shady in general about giving out news, like saying you’ll never be able to buy currency before announcing the conversion rate to buy currency a week later.

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It really kills their credibility to see stuff like that. And before someone says patreon donations don’t count as purchases, that’s a really flimsy loophole to try and exploit and few people outside the discord will agree with you, a conversion rate is pretty damning for able to buy. Also Helius himself would disagree with you as he considers patreon a purchase.
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There’s also debate about stuff being censored, Galatea is the prime example of that. I won’t go into as much detail on that. Just know Helius is pretty tight lipped on it, often deleting his own posts on the matter. It’s again another reason people feel he’s stringing them along.

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All of this just scratches the surface really, I'd suggest reading back in the thread for more if you really want it.

Just in general to avoid people being argumentative the thing to keep in mind is there’s a lot of long time supporters here who get a sense of schadenfreude watching parts of the project fall apart. It’s something they enjoy, and the amount of money down the drain means they're invested in this whatever happens. You can’t expect to come to an established community and have them stop talking about something just because you weren’t there for it and don’t understand or find it relevant to you at this point. It looks childish and overly self important.
Thanks for documenting this event wich seems to be fishy or manipulative behaviour atleast from first pics. Guess you did it all by yourself. Also no i dont think i have more importance just because of event. Thats bit of a scretch. People can critize what and how much they want. Wether if its waste of time or not. No one likes to feel being wronged or betrayed, but like try atleast try not to be toxic especially if random guy like me for example is curious of a situation, and being respectable. Atleast be respectable to people. I mostly had problem with Gabriel. Like few people mentioned thread was becomming sad wich is unfortunate. Its nice to be have some clarifications from people, so thanks. And yes seems few people are schadenfreude (interesting cool word) or people just being pessimistic, or just numb. I rather not be that or partake in that. Good vibes for the win, bing chilling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
On Patreon it stated it been in work since 2016 wich is 6 years not a decade. Like i do get you point, that its smart of him to milk because if he release full game his revenue might drop. I blame Patreon aswell, but like many want the game to reach its potential. Lets be real tho many games specifically triple AAA games takes years or decade to release their game. Why cant this game? Especially when its several years ahead on graphics compared to adult games. Like sure milking is bad, but like its not like the creator is asking for your life earnings. Its like 30 bucks wich is little, many games cost like 50-70 usd. Wich date has Helius mentioned beside 2021-2022? Also what you mean by "rest of us know better" ? What do you and others know that we supporters dont know? Like many of here which iw seen are saying vague insulting comments to creator. Like you and hardcorecuddler seem to be atleast somewhat reasonable. Others just sound entitled to a game wich they might not even have supported. Like even come to discord randomly to insult. Have you played curent Gallery or Harem? Many said Harem is great. I feel like we said mostly what we wanted to say or you want to say something you missed or important. Think gonna end it or else seems we going in circle. Obviously its hostility towards Helius. Unfortunate event. Like i said just arrived, unfortunate if people feel milked. May karma come around. If he is decent person he release decent game with content he previewed if not maybe he get a lawsuit on him. Just wish they were more positive comments here, its kinda sad. Played many games with many nice people partaking in disccusing or answering comments in threads. Also its ironic the game has so many good reviews. Good game, lack content but many sour comments. Its kinda sad situation. Hopefully the game or another game meet people expecation. Think we all just wanna have a great game.
There's a game? What's the gameplay like? I thought the version in the op was the latest one. Did they finally added gameplay?


Dec 10, 2017
There's a game? What's the gameplay like? I thought the version in the op was the latest one. Did they finally added gameplay?
There is few new things, but spesifcaly the harem game mode is released, think it was june. Gonna try it. If you have pledged on patreon, think it was 27-35 usd you can play harem mode i belive. Im gonna play it soon. You can walk in harem mode ect, some screen shots of the game is on steam bro.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
There is few new things, but spesifcaly the harem game mode is released, think it was june. Gonna try it. If you have pledged on patreon, think it was 27-35 usd you can play harem mode i belive. Im gonna play it soon. You can walk in harem mode ect, some screen shots of the game is on steam bro.
Sadly that didn't answer my question. OP also has harem mode, I'm asking if they added gameplay or is it still an animation viewer?


Jul 2, 2022
On Patreon it stated it been in work since 2016 wich is 6 years not a decade.
That is the furthest back their Patreon goes rather than development, did you not find it weird that their first post had a demo at version 1.06? ;) Not sure exactly how long it's actually been in development, although it is over 6 years, which is why I was a bit vague.

Lets be real tho many games specifically triple AAA games takes years or decade to release their game. Why cant this game? Especially when its several years ahead on graphics compared to adult games.
I would just note that being "ahead on graphics" isn't that much of an accomplishment, the assets certainly require more work to produce but mostly it's just a case of which system specs the developer is targeting. Most devs target lower end systems so they can appeal to a wider audience but a lot of smut games are starting to buck that trend now as a way to stand out among their peers.

I could put together a quick demo, and even include multiplayer, in UE5 and have it look on par with most AAA games just using their marketplace assets and stuff like MetaHumans. Bit more work for a smut game as you need functional genitalia and some additional physics systems but it's not boundary pushing stuff.

Like sure milking is bad, but like its not like the creator is asking for your life earnings. Its like 30 bucks wich is little, many games cost like 50-70 usd. Wich date has Helius mentioned beside 2021-2022? Also what you mean by "rest of us know better" ? What do you and others know that we supporters dont know?
Is $36 a lot? No. Is it a lot for a game with a single map, a handful of animations you have to grind for and no gameplay systems other than walking around and positioning said animations? Yes.

The financier in me also compels me to highlight that $36 paid in 2016 is worth ~$45 now in real terms and probably >$50 by release even if they get it out in the next year.

In regard to what we know taboge9459 just posted a good summary of one aspect of the concerns, but there is a lot more. I would suggest reading through this thread (or at least a chunk of it) if you want to know more as the history is too convoluted to concisely detail.

As for the release dates they actually "released" the game at one point, without ever implementing the campaign mode or most of the promised features (so similar state to how it is now), then abandoned it and that build is no longer even available for download. That's why they have "origins" and "operation lovecraft" as distinct entities on their site. They're basically the same game and Helius just tried to reset the clock on development. Again if you trawl through this thread or their Patreon you will however find other examples of changed roadmaps, moved goalposts, missed promises etc.


Dec 10, 2017
Sadly that didn't answer my question. OP also has harem mode, I'm asking if they added gameplay or is it still an animation viewer?
Dont know, havent played harem mode yet. Just know you can move in harem mode. Im not sure what you mean by gameplay. Do you have youtube video as an example? I assume its not out of ordinary.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
There is few new things, but spesifcaly the harem game mode is released, think it was june. Gonna try it. If you have pledged on patreon, think it was 27-35 usd you can play harem mode i belive. Im gonna play it soon. You can walk in harem mode ect, some screen shots of the game is on steam bro.
Bruh momento 1658083897743.png


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Does anybody know how to run this?? i tried running kirito etc but it just loads a blank screen
yea that's how you run it, if it doesn't work either your PC is too weak or you ran the official game already which messed things up that you need to fix


Nov 16, 2021
In regard to what we know taboge9459 just posted a good summary of one aspect of the concerns, but there is a lot more. I would suggest reading through this thread (or at least a chunk of it) if you want to know more as the history is too convoluted to concisely detail.
I would love to be able to write everything up in detail while citing everything, but hell that would take ages. There's thousands of words just to write on each month since probably October, and going back to get the citations is a huge pain with everything they've deleted and with everything remaining being split between patreon, discord, steam forums, wayback machine for some saving, and a few things archived here. Especially the smaller more inconsequential but still funny things. Like I remember Karb got banned from steam temporarily for his heavy handed moderating, but mention of that is buried back in the steam forums and I don't think you can see it on his profile anymore. Helius admitted he didn't like how his moderators were doing thigns but had no control over them on twitter. Pasix went neurotic for a while and would write up huge replies to threads before deleting everything. So on and so forth.

If anyone really wants to go back through everything left here and the other forums in can be a fun read, but the team pumps out scummy stuff on such a frequent basis it's hard to keep up, or continue to care.

and Furiousrawrr I hear you about not wanting toxicity, but the problem here is this project is poisoned from the top down. The lead and his community outreach are openly contemptuous to a large part of the community, to the point where they will actively sabotage their own game to spite them. 0.34 -> 0.4 is such a shock because it went from a stable enough tech demo and foundation to a barely functional pachinko machine just to try and spite the community he used to foster. And now that he's shot himself in the foot trying that and is struggling compared to where he once was of course people will want to laugh at him. Without the dev team trying to address anything from the past I'd expect there to be a lot of toxicity surrounding this game going forward.


May 27, 2018
the hacker known as 4chan said:
  • To fix blurry textures add r.Streaming.PoolSize=0 to the Engine.ini in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder.
add "[SystemSettings]".

3.80 star(s) 63 Votes