I don't know what that dev has done but i do know that such comparisons simply don't work.
Not to defend Helius but rather to discourage such comparisons:
1) We don't know how much time is the solo dev working, he may be doing 16h a day for what we know. When one makes his baby project he is likely to spend exorbitant amount of time on it, especially in early development.
2) Skill, talent , experience - one dev my be simply better at what he is doing then another but that doesn't mean that the slower dev is lazy and leeching.
3) is the work even comparable - even when things are of the same type like renders, there are so many variables(how is the fidelity, how accurate is lighting , how accurate is the movement , how long are the loops etc) it is nearly impossible to compare and say "in this amount of time the dev should make that many scenes".
4) team vs one person - as you have more people on the team the effectiveness is going to be taking a hit. The bigger the team the worse it gets. There is whole slew of challenges that you need to overcome when you have employees and you want them to work well.
5) More funding = more content or is it? There is the expectation that whatever the funding project gets needs to be used toward making it. But is that really true? or the devs simply need to deliver what they promised ?
"not to defend helius but..."
*proceeds to defend helius by writing a wall of text*
1. Irrelevant, no one cares how much a dev works in a day, we(player/patron/consumer) are not obligated to follow/know their daily routine or work hours. We only look at results since those results are the reason most of us pay for anything in the first place.
Imagine buying a car 5 years before it is even built. After 5 years you get your car but it is missing tires. When you confront the manufacturer, one of their fans join the conversation and say "but they worked hard on this, please understand". In this imaginery scenario, would you "understand" them or would you sue them for scamming you?
2. A developer's skill/talent/experience is not our(player/patron/consumer) problem
3. You are talking about mostly unmeasurable things so ofcourse you can't compare. Fidelity is not a measurable object. Lighting accuracy can be measured in simulations but in a game no one cares(see rtx meme, no one cares, dlss is talked more). Accuracy of movement doesn't mean anything. Game has monsters, how are you going to measure their "accuracy of movement"? Have you seen a monster irl? If you want to compare 2 games, talk about their measurable features, such as their genre, amount of characters, items, weapons etc in the game, how long it takes on average to finish them(their longevity), their accesibility options, their ui, their graphics quality(measurable things, like texture and shadow resolutions), their price...
4. A badly managed dev team consisting of many developers will still create more content than a solo developer ever will in the same timeframe, in any scenario. "Effectiveness" isn't as big of a factor as you are making it out to be.
5. More funds = more budget to make the game even better, unless dev doesn't want to make it better for some reason.
Also helius still didn't deliver shit, so this argument isn't valid in this scenario anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯