Holy shit they're not even denying the fact that you'll lose "harem" mode if the game's server goes down lmaooo.
I've voiced this concern months ago and here we are.
Nothing they said suggested this, so I'm not sure why you would phrase it this way even if the end result is technically true. They didn't make any comments explicitly stating this, though obviously just like any other online only game you would lose access if servers went down. This is kind of how online only games work, duh. Same would happen if Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, or some other online game went down.
Obviously, this would suck but unless they completely screw up this shouldn't be a concern for many years and by the time it actually happens we should have better and more advanced games out to fill the gap.
Really, there is no need to be a drama queen.
I don't understand why they are against the cracked version, since they have loyal supporters. $15,000 a month is not enough. They want billions of dollars
Are you really asking why a dev wants to make more money and doesn't want people pirating their game?
Fuck this game, i have hopes on ' Wild life ' and now they moved to UE 5
I feel opposite. In terms of engine and how impressive it looks, Wild Life stomps Fallen Doll at first glance. However, Wild Life's characters, which are critical to its core value, are its weakest element. They're dog shit, actual shit. You cannot import better characters, either. If they ever fix this I think this would definitely be a top tier adult game recommendation. We also really don't know squat about their move to UE5 and because of how iffy they've been communicating this we don't know what to expect. This change over could take years and be a rough ride while also holding back the current game from really developing much further for an extended period, quite like Fallen Doll's current rework situation.
In contrast, at least while Fallen Doll has had its issues they have really good characters. I just wish they had more variety because they're clearly biased in character design and despite lots of vocal complaints Helius and team clearly aren't taking this concern seriously enough. The obvious issue here is they made the beta available before properly testing it when it clearly was not ready and then decided to put it on a massive hold while they work on it when, in truth, they could have been implementing additional content even if drip drop fashion to at least alleviate some of the
One project that looks a little promising, but I reserve judgement for now and wont try it until its matured further, is Come Closer which is also using UE5. It is too early in to say if it will become anything worthwhile, though. From the sound of things they will be rather slow with adding new animations which is a huge negative for this project.
Wild Life is currently transitioning to UE5, they started last month and expect/estimate to be done around December. They give brief updates about it in their patreon posts(they're free to view)
I wouldn't count on this, personally. I could end up proven wrong, but based on what they say they are far too early into the conversion to be making such claims, especially after a major UE5 update just came through that could drastically change a lot of their code.