In one hand, I understand if the issues were JUST the crashes and errors. In the other hand, the game by design is very much exploitative, with the online-only gallery only existing for the sake of DRM with extra steps. I don't think people really were asking for a multiplayer porn gallery when stuff like VRChat has hentai mods for it. Dismissing it as just the former is kind of intellectually bankrupt, I feel.
I think it's even worse than that to be honest. It's not just the non-functional product, nor is it just the aggressive monetization, but it's also the sheer simplicity of it all.
Even the most morally bankrupt gacha games have core gameplay loops. The premise with this title has devolved from rogue-like strategy (or whatever the latest vague description was) to just having time gated daily quests that revolve entirely around playing basic looped animations with minimal interactivity, just to grind out currency to eventually unlock more basic animations.
It's the most basic of basic premises, and they can't implement it. I'm sure the assets and animations took a bit of work, and they might have more waiting in the wings they intend on monetizing, but the core gameplay is the kind of shit any mobile dev could churn out ten clones of in the time it takes Helius to try and fix the login system.