3.80 star(s) 63 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Whats the point in lying though?
I am not lying.

And as I said you dont need to kill the bosses you can do anything else in the game while you have no energy.
Yeah, you can do anything else, such as:
  • playing the story quest you can't complete for 100th time because you are too weak and need loot from bosses to get stronger
  • solving the same chest puzzles found in the open world for 10000th time to "farm" materials at a snail's pace
  • looking at the character's boobs and/or butt (assuming you were lucky enough to get those characters;))
  • help your online "friend" with their quests/grind because you are stuck and can't progress unless you pay
Also if you are unhappy with the loot system, why torture yourself to make the build "perfect" if it offers no true benefit over what you previously had.
"benefit" is you'll kill a boss atleast 10x faster compared to someone with a shit build. That directly translates to 10x more efficient farming for basically everything in the game.

it does not have any great benefit in game so you dont need to waste time going for the same effect
You don't seem to value your playtime. I'd rather progress in games I play when I play them. And I'd rather progress at an observable, satisfying pace. You seem comfortable with snail's pace grinding forever. I am not comfortable with that.

I won't reply to this genshit discussion anymore. It is off-topic.
Aug 27, 2022
I am not lying.

Yeah, you can do anything else, such as:
  • playing the story quest you can't complete for 100th time because you are too weak and need loot from bosses to get stronger
  • solving the same chest puzzles found in the open world for 10000th time to "farm" materials at a snail's pace
  • looking at the character's boobs and/or butt (assuming you were lucky enough to get those characters;))
  • help your online "friend" with their quests/grind because you are stuck and can't progress unless you pay

"benefit" is you'll kill a boss atleast 10x faster compared to someone with a shit build. That directly translates to 10x more efficient farming for basically everything in the game.

You don't seem to value your playtime. I'd rather progress in games I play when I play them. And I'd rather progress at an observable, satisfying pace. You seem comfortable with snail's pace grinding forever. I am not comfortable with that.

I won't reply to this genshit discussion anymore. It is off-topic.
You did lie when you said you "may never be able to get the character", that has never happened in the game, every character has shown up more than once and will continue to cycle. Idk how you struggled with the story quests, I can finish those with half assed character builds so they are quite easy, ive never once struggled with any story quest unless you purposely use a character you have severely under levelled and with literally zero artifacts on. Killing 10x faster is a gross over exaggeration, im not sure how you've been building characters but I suggest a quick google search of what to do because the difference between a decent build and a perfect build in regards to boss fights is maybe 2 minutes at most, and is that 2 minutes worth torturing yourself over since you really dislike farming? And idk why you'd assume I progress slowly, it only takes a week at most to have your character decently built to be honest (and thats only like what 30min a day).


Sep 16, 2018
Diablo Immortal is most predatory gacha game i have seen, maybe fate grand order because of shit % in getting units (or at least they were). I would have to agree on build part that you don't really need to max it out unless that game has a pvp system, then you are screwed and can't do shit against the whales.


Jun 26, 2019
Holy shit what did I just read :LOL: Here's my take on the whole online "gacha" shit by the way.
I can't stand them. They are all shit purely because of their predatory tactics. They ALL should be banned in the WHOLE WORLD.

I once tried playing genshin since it has been shilled in everywhere so much. Turns out it was just marketing team doing an excellent work. That game was filled to the brim with money traps.
"Oh you run out of energy? You better PAY OR YOU CAN'T PLAY THE GAME anymore!"
"Oh you got the wrong character/rune/enchanment/item/whatever from the free lootbox we gave to you? You better PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AGAIN AT GETTING THE THING YOU WANT!"
"Oh you want the new character but can't get him/her from the lootbox? You better PAY NOW TO TRY YOUR LUCK OR YOU MAY NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING THAT CHARACTER AGAIN!"
"Oh you finally made your build perfect? How about you PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AT NEWLY ADDED, BETTER ITEMS ?"

I honestly do not understand people who love to be subjected to such predatory tactics. I wish someday they would realize "gacha" doesn't mean you getting what you want. It means them getting your money through mental abuse. It is called gacha for a reason. (They) gotyou = gacha. Even the word itself used to describe this so called "genre" is giving away all the intentions behind its design.
I totally agree when gacha systems are designed to fuck you over at the gain of the developer that is bs. I think most gacha systems are quite bad in my experience. I think in some cases it can work like Warframe because you can somewhat selectively control your RNG and focus on targetting much more specifically what you want from a loot pool, plus the way the platinum trading for free players worked with the community also made it more flexible as a free player (though they should have had a freaking in-game auction system and not some 3rd party website lazy ass developers).

Genshin Impact isn't so bad if you know how the system works, and the base characters (at least back when I played) were some of the absolute best characters in the game, which was fucking hilarious because it took like a year for people to realize this without any major balance changes to them as they were massively disdained (Xianling, geo MC, Noelle, or even some common ones like Qiqi) but that community doesn't know shit about meta anyways. The fallback guaranteed roll and events also made it a lot more manageable as a free player. Of course, this may not be initially obvious until you've played for a few weeks or gotten higher level and understand the systems better. The game is quite grindy though as a free player collecting everything, though it can be compressed into a few days. At least this is all per back when there were only two regions available. Fuck if I know what I'm talking about now as I've not played in ages. I quit because, while I was able to crush end game/Abyss back then the RNG on equipment from the dungeons was known to be, in fact, quite rigged which made me quit because even if my characters were strong when I spend 3 months trying to turn Noelle or someone (a single character only) into an even bigger beast and I show literally zero improvement in gear for 3 months straight... fuck that I'm out.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2017
Anyone know if there any gallerys or videos of all these supposedly new characters/creatures. All I can find is old pre v049 stuff.


Aug 16, 2022
Anyone know if there any gallerys or videos of all these supposedly new characters/creatures. All I can find is old pre v049 stuff.
Use pornhub.
If you search only this,that you don't find,becouse new version use Denuvo and more detail you can find in search the tread


Jun 26, 2019
Difference in the version here with the paid version on Patreon?
The paid version includes several extra characters, poses (though mostly for the extra characters, support for prior characters with new poses has been poor), an extra map, much better visuals. I would look at the newer characters before getting it to see if you care, or if you simply prefer the improved visuals. You don't get all poses unlocked from the start, nor characters. Simultaneous orgasm is also fucking annoying to achieve compared to this version being rather immersion breaking.

is there gameplay yet or is it just a sim still
Still just a slightly interactive porn video sim.

how can you run this in VR? or is 0.4.9 not able to and only the older version can be run in VR?
You can play the game in VR, but not officially supported. It requires a mod currently, Praydog's UEVR mod that makes any UE4 & 5 game VR.

Helius keeps saying version 0.8.5 or whatever will have native VR but we're currently at version 0.8.2e. As you can see, Helius' version claim doesn't mean jack shit because of how he is doing version numbers. Here are the last few versions he did: 0.8.2d, 0.8.2b,, 0.8.1, 0.8.0h, 0.8.0d, etc.

As you can see he randomly adds numbers behind and letter modifiers for iterative versions between major versions so we could see 100, 200, etc. updates before we reach 0.8.5. Hell, he isn't even consistent as seen with the instead of a letter where the .5 is.
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Aug 16, 2022
is this the newest version? whats the difference between this one and the one on steam?
This is an older version and the last one that is broken, the difference between the Steam version is that there is more content, characters, and a strip bar in Steam


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Do you think Scam Citizen will be finished and release before or after fallen doll ? It's seem like it's a close match
Wild Life is also a strong contender in that "race", it is going toe to toe with FD. I wonder which will reach the finishing line first.
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May 2, 2023
I have a little question, if you have access to closed beta, but you stop paying the Patreon, will you lose the access to the beta?
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes