3.80 star(s) 65 Votes


Aug 3, 2021
I played the update.
I am very glad that finally the harem has a first person view, but unfortunately it is not as good as in the gallery (maybe I just played only in the strip bar and it is not good for the first person view) and in some scenes the breasts did not move.
Is the vr mode working?


Jun 26, 2019
I would like to see proof that you've done that.
Because saying it's possible without actually doing it yourself is quite dishonest.

What's your research level?
Post an image here like I just did
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I'm not sure where you found the other screen at so this will have to suffice. Frankly, I considered just ignoring you because this is fucking stupid and I can't be bothered.

Ah shit nvm, missed this part.

So you haven't "reasonably grind like 85% of the poses for 3-4 characters with almost zero effort".
You just made that shit up to sound smart.
This is a disturbing failure of logic, reading, and basic math.

If I'm level 8 and I already have 75% of a character's poses unlocked and like 40% of other characters then that is nearly zero effort.

Here is your shitty progress:
Seriously, it's a grind game with ZERO FUN. I'm ~100 hrs in and I hate myself.

With the characters they have, it would take 150++ hours to max them all.
BTW I'm almost at 100hrs playtime and have 2 characters @ 99%, 1 @~25%, the other 3 are @0%
I'm lvl ~85 in sanity.
I mean, dude what the fuck?
I have less than 3 hours compared to your 100 hours and you claim this is your progress? One, you're failing basic math. Two you are almost certainly lying.

I've attached a screenshot. It appears they rolled back progress since I last played but anyways now I'm level 5 it appears with almost no playtime. Meanwhile, I'm obviously making fine progress with little to no playtime and only level 5. I have multiple orange and purple tier poses for the three girls who come as default available and quite a few blue/green, too. Yet you are claiming the progress above is what you have at 100 hours and level 85? Are you an idiot?

FYI, there are diminishing returns spamming cards into the same character as your collection of their poses becomes more complete because you are more likely to get increasingly frequent duplicates. We know you are doing this inefficiently because your other fucking characters are at 0% while only one is at 25% which is extremely low for the amount you've spent on cards.

What you can do is easily get the first 60-70% very fast with far less duplicates, thus highly efficient, before moving to the next character you want to work on. If you like a particular character enough you can press to 80 or even 85% potentially, but know it will be less efficient. Once you reach those points, until you've finished catching the other characters you are interested in up to this similar point as well you should be using your currency from duplicates to unlock specific poses you want. The best method is to not unlock them and hoard these until you are either near done (hence you wouldn't be stuck at freaking 99% on two characters so many fucking levels later) or to unlock a very specific pose you really want.

That same amount of currency / levels could have gotten the 6 girls all to 70%+ unlock, pushing 80% or more. In fact, my own progress is proof of that. The entire point of my post was, unless you were someone who obsesses over unlocking 100% of everything for every character there isn't much grind and I just proved that you were wrong and that you were playing wrong. You suck at math and logic and you screwed yourself wasting your time grinding horrifically inefficiently.

What? Non-character packs? You need duplicates to get rare positions you haven't been able to get with RNG packs?
Previously you could choose: character specific or experiment specific(human or alien).(*they've changed this a couple times)
Now it's ONLY character specific. 6 individual choices.
This is what I'm referring to, choosing a character vs choosing a human/alien pack which has less control and can result in higher case of duplicates and undesirables for characters you do not want.

Honestly it sounds like you played the game a while back and haven't since..
Right, most I do is log in to check changes and log out once every few months but this hasn't proved relevant to this discussion since I'm the one providing correct information, not you.

Well there's the "gay" argument: "Have you ever jerked off your friend with his hand? It's not gay I swear! Here let me show you"
Meaning: none of us want to jerk off with some other dudes character or even with them around. It feels gay.
Hide them. Use your head. No, not your tiny one. The other one.

But I digress, all jokes aside a valid argument would be:

When a game is ONLINE ONLY, you don't OWN shit. You just paid a licensing fee to rent it.
You even said as much in your reply here:

"this would suck" was your response to purchasing a game with the intent of owning it, but then loosing it once it goes offline.
Or technically in this instance "the fact that you'll lose "harem" mode if the game's server goes down".
Except the full context was that this is no different than any other MMO or online game and that, unless they completely fucked up royally it is nearly impossible to be an issue until the game is so out dated we don't give a damn and are moved onto the next game.

You should also look into software ownership laws. You don't own any of the games you have. In fact, your computer may not even support most of your games several years from now for all you know, or at least not support it properly if it does.

Further, one of the leading aspects of porn games is graphics and unless you are the type to still get off on dated graphics like some of I Illusion's earliest releases with their 20 poly characters that look like they were ripped from an N64 game you don't really have a compelling counter argument to online mode.

However, if you don't like this process then do not buy it. That simple. No one is taking a gun to your head and making you buy this game.

Even then you dismiss ownership ENTIRELY because "this shouldn't be a concern for many years and by the time it actually happens we should have better and more advanced games out to fill the gap".

Utterly spitting in the face of retro games.

I would argue you just don't care if it's online or not because: you're level 8, you barely play this game, and don't care if it shuts down cuz something else should be out soon.
I love retro games, personally, but for very different purposes than a damn porn game. This is a game only because you have some degree of control, but it functions much more closely to a 3D movie/porn. Unlike retro games which still get value in their gameplay, JRPG stories, and the sort... Operation Lovecraft will fade out because the graphics will be too low end years from now to be sexually invested in.

For the record, SilverTop , our friend BobKilan here is a turbo-shill for this "game", so what he says might be a tad biased.

(like, enormously biased lmao)
For the record, I'm not shilling for the game and if that is what you got out of my post despite my repeated posts shaming Helius and inadequate aspects of the game then you, sir, need to go back to picture books and work your way up. You're just pissed I've corrected you and some of your embarrassing posts in the past. Grow up kiddo. This is why you attack me and do not actually dispute the merit of my points. :WeSmart:

I haven't looked at it in a while so the only thing I have to go by is my own past experience when unlocking the engineer girl. What you said was, "Are you someone who likes only 1-2, maybe 3, specific girls currently out? Not a problem to unlock the vast majority of their poses completely free with minimal grinding and zero money spent beyond the $36 to actually purchase the game" and I commented on that because from my experience, that wasn't true. I focused on one singular character using the currency and booster you get that comes with the $36 tier and still didn't unlock all poses for her.
I already explained and validated my statement about this issue above with evidence.

I also commented on this because it's a pretty weird outlook when it comes to games. If you look at Elden Ring for example and you see someone that wanted to obtain all spells the game has to offer, would you consider that an unhealthy achievement hunt? Is it really odd to expect that someone who paid for a game would like access to all the content they paid for without hassle even if they might not use it all the time?
Not really and your example is a bit strange. In Elden Ring you can explore and fight enemies/bosses while collecting that stuff as it is usually a byproduct of engaging in the gameplay acts of exploration and the boss reward. If not using a guide then on your first run you may not even know what bosses or dungeons have stuff you want and thus pursue them all. Even stuff you collect you don't use at that time might be traded to other players, used as you get stronger and can spare the stat points (like NG+, level 300+, etc.), when you reset your stats, or given to your alts via trading help from someone.

In contrast what I said here was specifically...
"The exception is if you want to collect every single pose, no matter how trivial the pose is even if you wont use it or for characters you will barely touch... that becomes more of an unhealthy achievement hunting problem than an issue with the game."

This is a pretty big difference. At that point you're achievement hunting, just that your achievements are a bit more material.

Combining these two points. I think you misunderstood, I wasn't saying $36 or any amount of money was the issue here, it's that what you were suggesting was to pay the initial price then also chip in extra as a means to skip an annoying grind just to get a portion of the content you paid for. Unlike MMOs, Fallen Doll isn't packed full of content, all it has to offer is its porn. In MMOs a lot of the time you have to do x, y, z and that can take you a while to get to where you want to be to comfortably play certain content available, and in those cases, I could see MTX to skip grinding making sense. Warframe is a great example of this. In Fallen Doll there's just porn locked behind a grind purposely made annoying to encourage extra spending just to get a slice out of the whole pie you purchased.
I actually think you might be the one misunderstanding my point, but I appreciate that unlike some people you speak like a sane human being who can discuss things.

My take is that if you only like specific girls and focus on getting a good chunk of their stuff unlocked it is pretty low grind (very low even). As the game releases more characters you may like some and may not like others. The design is intended to bring you back regularly. This isn't one of those games people would normally play for more than a few minutes or dozen minutes a day typically and is intended to be played at a lower duration but higher frequency on a regular basis as you make regular progress. The daily tasks (which still need improved...) reinforce this point and help reduce the grind (kind of, again, they still need work done on them).

If you actually like all the girls it is way harsher to unlock everything, but you can still get a huge chunk of the content easily and, technically, would have more because of reduced impact of diminishing returns compared to those who like only a few characters. It would be the issue of the last 5-20% that will prove more annoying, especially as new characters release but eventually this will likely average out if you play a few minutes each day as rate of character releases is simply too low.

If you just want everything "because" and don't intend to use it all then... yeah, not healthy and I see no justification in any developer catering to such obsessions as a focus to satisfy.

Due to the fact the initial chunk of unlocks for a given character are going to usually be new poses it isn't that bad, unless you get unlucky and don't get the specific poses you want which can be unlocked via the fragments manually but there is no solution if you just got really unlucky and got almost none you like if you are very picky.

This is true, but Fallen Doll Operation Lovecraft started with this function. Before Harem mode was introduced there was only Gallery mode that offered everything unlocked without grinding.
Indeed, I recall. Perhaps this is part of why some people are more upset over it. The game is technically a work in progress, though at this point I don't believe it is really an unreleased game but that Helius just wants to scam more money by keeping it on Patreon rather than releasing it officially because of his lack of responsibility. However, before it was very much an early access/beta type state and drastic changes could be expected. There is probably more Helius can do to make the grind even less annoying and also help give those unlucky or super early in a bit of wiggle room to satisfy themselves, but it is what it is because we can't expect Helius to actually listen to feedback properly. Pretty sure it is his creed to not listen.

You can add whatever anti-piracy methods to a game and still not have it be online only in the sense of forced multiplayer. See Helldivers 2 as a more recent example of this. An online only game with GameGuard that offers both co-op and single-player.

And from what I've seen from a lot of people that actually own the game in this thread, the issue is less about Helius trying to fight piracy and more-so that in doing so he completely changed up the game from what a lot of us originally supported, which is why you had people that actually own the game using the cracked version instead of the live version before the game updated beyond v0.49. This thread has hundreds of pages but a lot of the usual chatters are older supporters.
Helldivers 2 actually requires you to be online, even for single player.

There are currently no offline DRM that are recognized to be secure enough to last for 5-10+ years so the online requirement is the safest bet, especially for a small (and incompetent) developer. Perhaps this will change in the age of advancing AI progress with some type of super AI based security, but for now it is definitely the best solution with the least issues (overall at least).

It isn't up to you to determine whether someone's preference is valid or not. You can have your own opinion on the matter and that's fine, but it'd be no different than me saying this game doesn't need females curvier than Anya then saying people that disagree have no valid reasons to disagree. It's preference. You may prefer or like one thing, others can like something else. The script can be switched and I could ask you why this game needs forced multiplayer then claim you have no valid responses.
This topic of online requirement actually isn't one based on opinion, but objective facts. This is also why you, as well, have not presented a counter point to this.

Alas, at least one person wasn't a pain in the ass to respond too but I can't be bothered for these big posts and sharing screenshots, video, or whatever and other bullshit. I don't got time for this drama.


Oct 1, 2020
Hey, when is this page going to update the game on Steam, they are announcing another version and when will they update here?


Oct 26, 2017
Hey, when is this page going to update the game on Steam, they are announcing another version and when will they update here?
Dude? is still closed beta what are you expecting at?When it open beta and you will free to ask bro,Right now is closed beta,still pay 36$ and pay each month from their Patreon with your credit card!oke dude,they are updating in their Patreon usually,steam is just feel like they don't care much


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Holy shit what did I just read :LOL: Here's my take on the whole online "gacha" shit by the way.
I can't stand them. They are all shit purely because of their predatory tactics. They ALL should be banned in the WHOLE WORLD.

I once tried playing genshin since it has been shilled in everywhere so much. Turns out it was just marketing team doing an excellent work. That game was filled to the brim with money traps.
"Oh you run out of energy? You better PAY OR YOU CAN'T PLAY THE GAME anymore!"
"Oh you got the wrong character/rune/enchanment/item/whatever from the free lootbox we gave to you? You better PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AGAIN AT GETTING THE THING YOU WANT!"
"Oh you want the new character but can't get him/her from the lootbox? You better PAY NOW TO TRY YOUR LUCK OR YOU MAY NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING THAT CHARACTER AGAIN!"
"Oh you finally made your build perfect? How about you PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AT NEWLY ADDED, BETTER ITEMS ?"

I honestly do not understand people who love to be subjected to such predatory tactics. I wish someday they would realize "gacha" doesn't mean you getting what you want. It means them getting your money through mental abuse. It is called gacha for a reason. (They) gotyou = gacha. Even the word itself used to describe this so called "genre" is giving away all the intentions behind its design.
Aug 27, 2022
Holy shit what did I just read :LOL: Here's my take on the whole online "gacha" shit by the way.
I can't stand them. They are all shit purely because of their predatory tactics. They ALL should be banned in the WHOLE WORLD.

I once tried playing genshin since it has been shilled in everywhere so much. Turns out it was just marketing team doing an excellent work. That game was filled to the brim with money traps.
"Oh you run out of energy? You better PAY OR YOU CAN'T PLAY THE GAME anymore!"
"Oh you got the wrong character/rune/enchanment/item/whatever from the free lootbox we gave to you? You better PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AGAIN AT GETTING THE THING YOU WANT!"
"Oh you want the new character but can't get him/her from the lootbox? You better PAY NOW TO TRY YOUR LUCK OR YOU MAY NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING THAT CHARACTER AGAIN!"
"Oh you finally made your build perfect? How about you PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AT NEWLY ADDED, BETTER ITEMS ?"

I honestly do not understand people who love to be subjected to such predatory tactics. I wish someday they would realize "gacha" doesn't mean you getting what you want. It means them getting your money through mental abuse. It is called gacha for a reason. (They) gotyou = gacha. Even the word itself used to describe this so called "genre" is giving away all the intentions behind its design.
Idk if genshin is the best example of a predatory game, ive played for a while, havent spent a single cent on it and ive been able to get all the characters I wanted, sure it obviously takes longer but its not that difficult to get the stuff you want without paying for it. And you can still play the game without resin, you just cant collect loot from the boss enemies, to say that you cant play without it isnt truthful. Another thing is, every character eventually returns, its just a matter of when. and finally talking about the "better items", honestly the only reason to even change your build once you have your "perfect build" is to flex having a higher max damage, its literally not needed for any in game content, you can do everything in the game with a half decent build.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Idk if genshin is the best example of a predatory game, ive played for a while, havent spent a single cent on it and ive been able to get all the characters I wanted, sure it obviously takes longer but its not that difficult to get the stuff you want without paying for it. And you can still play the game without resin, you just cant collect loot from the boss enemies, to say that you cant play without it isnt truthful. Another thing is, every character eventually returns, its just a matter of when. and finally talking about the "better items", honestly the only reason to even change your build once you have your "perfect build" is to flex having a higher max damage, its literally not needed for any in game content, you can do everything in the game with a half decent build.
I don't give a fuck about being "truthful".
There is no point in killing bosses if you can't even get the loot from them.
Just as there is also no point in NOT making a build as perfect as possible.
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Aug 27, 2022
I don't give a fuck about being "truthful".
There is no point in killing bosses if you can't even get the loot from them.
Just as there is also no point in NOT making a build as perfect as possible.
Whats the point in lying though? And as I said you dont need to kill the bosses you can do anything else in the game while you have no energy. Also if you are unhappy with the loot system, why torture yourself to make the build "perfect" if it offers no true benefit over what you previously had. The only time ive seen anyone go for a truly perfect build was to showcase their build off to other players, it does not have any great benefit in game so you dont need to waste time going for the same effect.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Whats the point in lying though?
I am not lying.

And as I said you dont need to kill the bosses you can do anything else in the game while you have no energy.
Yeah, you can do anything else, such as:
  • playing the story quest you can't complete for 100th time because you are too weak and need loot from bosses to get stronger
  • solving the same chest puzzles found in the open world for 10000th time to "farm" materials at a snail's pace
  • looking at the character's boobs and/or butt (assuming you were lucky enough to get those characters;))
  • help your online "friend" with their quests/grind because you are stuck and can't progress unless you pay
Also if you are unhappy with the loot system, why torture yourself to make the build "perfect" if it offers no true benefit over what you previously had.
"benefit" is you'll kill a boss atleast 10x faster compared to someone with a shit build. That directly translates to 10x more efficient farming for basically everything in the game.

it does not have any great benefit in game so you dont need to waste time going for the same effect
You don't seem to value your playtime. I'd rather progress in games I play when I play them. And I'd rather progress at an observable, satisfying pace. You seem comfortable with snail's pace grinding forever. I am not comfortable with that.

I won't reply to this genshit discussion anymore. It is off-topic.
Aug 27, 2022
I am not lying.

Yeah, you can do anything else, such as:
  • playing the story quest you can't complete for 100th time because you are too weak and need loot from bosses to get stronger
  • solving the same chest puzzles found in the open world for 10000th time to "farm" materials at a snail's pace
  • looking at the character's boobs and/or butt (assuming you were lucky enough to get those characters;))
  • help your online "friend" with their quests/grind because you are stuck and can't progress unless you pay

"benefit" is you'll kill a boss atleast 10x faster compared to someone with a shit build. That directly translates to 10x more efficient farming for basically everything in the game.

You don't seem to value your playtime. I'd rather progress in games I play when I play them. And I'd rather progress at an observable, satisfying pace. You seem comfortable with snail's pace grinding forever. I am not comfortable with that.

I won't reply to this genshit discussion anymore. It is off-topic.
You did lie when you said you "may never be able to get the character", that has never happened in the game, every character has shown up more than once and will continue to cycle. Idk how you struggled with the story quests, I can finish those with half assed character builds so they are quite easy, ive never once struggled with any story quest unless you purposely use a character you have severely under levelled and with literally zero artifacts on. Killing 10x faster is a gross over exaggeration, im not sure how you've been building characters but I suggest a quick google search of what to do because the difference between a decent build and a perfect build in regards to boss fights is maybe 2 minutes at most, and is that 2 minutes worth torturing yourself over since you really dislike farming? And idk why you'd assume I progress slowly, it only takes a week at most to have your character decently built to be honest (and thats only like what 30min a day).


Sep 16, 2018
Diablo Immortal is most predatory gacha game i have seen, maybe fate grand order because of shit % in getting units (or at least they were). I would have to agree on build part that you don't really need to max it out unless that game has a pvp system, then you are screwed and can't do shit against the whales.


Jun 26, 2019
Holy shit what did I just read :LOL: Here's my take on the whole online "gacha" shit by the way.
I can't stand them. They are all shit purely because of their predatory tactics. They ALL should be banned in the WHOLE WORLD.

I once tried playing genshin since it has been shilled in everywhere so much. Turns out it was just marketing team doing an excellent work. That game was filled to the brim with money traps.
"Oh you run out of energy? You better PAY OR YOU CAN'T PLAY THE GAME anymore!"
"Oh you got the wrong character/rune/enchanment/item/whatever from the free lootbox we gave to you? You better PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AGAIN AT GETTING THE THING YOU WANT!"
"Oh you want the new character but can't get him/her from the lootbox? You better PAY NOW TO TRY YOUR LUCK OR YOU MAY NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING THAT CHARACTER AGAIN!"
"Oh you finally made your build perfect? How about you PAY TO TRY YOUR LUCK AT NEWLY ADDED, BETTER ITEMS ?"

I honestly do not understand people who love to be subjected to such predatory tactics. I wish someday they would realize "gacha" doesn't mean you getting what you want. It means them getting your money through mental abuse. It is called gacha for a reason. (They) gotyou = gacha. Even the word itself used to describe this so called "genre" is giving away all the intentions behind its design.
I totally agree when gacha systems are designed to fuck you over at the gain of the developer that is bs. I think most gacha systems are quite bad in my experience. I think in some cases it can work like Warframe because you can somewhat selectively control your RNG and focus on targetting much more specifically what you want from a loot pool, plus the way the platinum trading for free players worked with the community also made it more flexible as a free player (though they should have had a freaking in-game auction system and not some 3rd party website lazy ass developers).

Genshin Impact isn't so bad if you know how the system works, and the base characters (at least back when I played) were some of the absolute best characters in the game, which was fucking hilarious because it took like a year for people to realize this without any major balance changes to them as they were massively disdained (Xianling, geo MC, Noelle, or even some common ones like Qiqi) but that community doesn't know shit about meta anyways. The fallback guaranteed roll and events also made it a lot more manageable as a free player. Of course, this may not be initially obvious until you've played for a few weeks or gotten higher level and understand the systems better. The game is quite grindy though as a free player collecting everything, though it can be compressed into a few days. At least this is all per back when there were only two regions available. Fuck if I know what I'm talking about now as I've not played in ages. I quit because, while I was able to crush end game/Abyss back then the RNG on equipment from the dungeons was known to be, in fact, quite rigged which made me quit because even if my characters were strong when I spend 3 months trying to turn Noelle or someone (a single character only) into an even bigger beast and I show literally zero improvement in gear for 3 months straight... fuck that I'm out.
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3.80 star(s) 65 Votes