How can i get the newest version of this game?
Only through Patreon pledges.
But hear me out lad, I have this game and currently, I would recommend that you wait for the Steam release.
Because this game has a very problematic development, Steam lets you get refunds if this game doesn't meet your expectations. Even with the new update, users are getting a lot of FPS drops, texture glitching, sound problems, NEP (currency) disappearing from their accounts, I can go on but you can get the gist of it.
If you want to buy the game, buy it, it's your money mate, but at least wait for the 1.0 version.
Then you will be able to get this through Steam, and get a refund if things get worse than they are now. Rumors have it, that Helius will make this free to play in the future, and will sell character passes. One more reason for you to wait lad, no point in wasting your money for something that will be free.