Hi! As I promised, guys, I'm letting you know about my
full plan of the update. The update will be focused on Tiffany, but there will be Melanie's content for sure too. Maybe I'll have time to finish Lucy.
Let me tell you what the next update will be about:
Melanie's vacation is coming to end and before Melanie will return to work at school, Mark/Melanie/Tiffany want to spend the time with Mark's dad, who lives in the countryside. They want to see Mark's parents and get some fresh air. Most events of the update will be there. And just a couple of events will be at their home when they will be back(if I'd have enough time).
I won't tell any spoilers, but I'll briefly write what I have in plan.
Locations that I need to make. (I may have some new ideas and I'll have to add more.)
Grandfather's house. Most of the things will happen here.
Lake. This is where Melanie and Tiffany will be swimming and other stuff. Some local boys will be peeping at them etc.
New characters I need to make:
1) Mark's father.
2) Neighbors' boys. They will be peeping on Melanie and Tiffany.
Now the plan in general, based on which you will be able to judge yourself about how ready the update is. I will keep you informed on the progress. Perhaps some things will be added and updated.
1) Grandfather's house:
Toilet 0%
Outdoor Shower 0%
Garden 0%
Attic 100%
Porch 0%
Kitchen 0%
Living room 0%
2) Lake 100%
New characters:
1) Mark's father 0%
2) Boys in the neighbor's house. 0%
Now to the plan of all scenes. I could have done a better job with designing all this so that it would look more pretty, but I wanted to show everything I need to do. And I also didn't want to spend too much time on it.
So this is the scenes (including small interactions) that I need to do for this update(I didn't start to code or translate anything yet):
Now to Lucy. If you look at all the other characters, they are all more or less well introduced. And the player has a clear understanding of what kind of content you can expect from them. Jane is a naive girl in love with you. Lots of BDSM kind of content. Tiffany is tsundere etc. Lucy, on the other hand, isn't introduced at all right now. I will try to fix that and add some more events that will finish her introduction as a character.
There will be a couple of story events, which will give you a better idea of who Lucy is and how she lives. I will add the scene with the phone call from her ex. Then Lucy will finally get out of the house. And there will be several scenes outside of Sebastien's home. Casting scene. A date with Sebastien, etc.
Considering that I may not be able to have time to finish her events, I won't tell her plan in detail.
So this is the work that I need to do to release the next update. As you may notice I made a lot of progress with text, but there are still a lot of work that needs to be done on the pictures, so I keep working.

About deadlines. There is no deadline. Of course, I set a personal deadline, but I won't tell you.

Sorry. I forbade myself to do this until I will get back on track with regular updates.