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Hi guys. This month is coming to an end. So it's time to summarize it.
My initial goal was to make 8 events with Twins, and a couple of new events for Jane, Lucy, Melanie and Tiffany. While I was creating new content for Lucy and new gameplay for her, I realized that I'd have to do at least 10+ new events with her to make it good. Why do I have to do with Lucy so many events? The answer is simple. Now, Lucy is living with Sebastien. It means that she needs to LIVE with him: she's sleeping, eating, interacting with Sebastien, washing herself and etc.
I don't have enough time to finish Lucy in time though -_-
So instead, I decided that I should focus on schedule and changed my plans. That's why on 9 February I'll release 8 events with Twins, 3 events with Jane and one with Tiffany. By 27 February I'll release all new events with Lucy + new content with character which will be chosen in poll on 9 February.
Progress of development:
Text: I almost finished working on Twins. All of the events are written, and I'm revising it right now. Tiffany and Jane are ready.
Art: Jane's events and 2 events with Twins are finished. -_- It doesn't sound like much, I know. But I did a lot of groundwork as creating locations, picking characters' clothes and etc. Okay, no excuses. All I need to do is to make the rest of 6 events in 5 days. Let's go!
Translation: Jane and Tiffany are translated. I sent one event with Twins to a translator.
Code: I didn't code anything yet.
P.S. The post images are the drafts of Lucy's future content.