In this VN, the moment when the mother allows the father to seduce his own daughters catches me. something similar was in the "proud father" but it was different there - the sister came in the process of the beginning of the birth of the family harem and she simply accepted the existing fact and she simply did not interfere with the final design of the family incest harem (that is, the woman was not the initiator), but here - the wife gave her husband the "green light" to seduce their own daughters. of course, it was not the wife who was the real instigator of incest in a large family (that is, where the eldest family member is the mother of the MC) - incest in the family was wound up from the brother (that is, the husband, that is, the MC)-sister connection even before the husband met his wife. but if we consider just a small family (husband-wife-daughter and where the head of the family is MC), then it was the wife who hinted to her husband that she would not mind if he sexually seduced her daughters. I have not seen this anywhere. or is it just that I have not seen this, but in fact it is not new and was in some other VN? and in what other VN was a similar phenomenon (namely, the seduction of daughters by their father with the blessing of their mother), who will tell?