You'll get there if you can keep the writing solid and the releases on a steady schedule. Also, this is probably going to sound stupid, but I want your game to be huge and I think it's good advice so I'll throw it out there anyway.... You might also want to double down on editing because strangely, keeping the grammar and spelling clean seems to help a lot more than you'd think. Patreon games with amateur-looking text seem to top out early, however good they are; I assume a lot of players fire them up, say "hmm, dev didn't even spell check this, probably crap" and never get past the first frew screens. (Take a look at Kerni's
AATOFL, which is a fucking *great* game, but he never made money off of it because he refuses to acknowledge that people take Bad Engrish as a leading indicator of Bad Game.) Don't get me wrong, what you've got now isn't bad, but I remember seeing a few errors so it might be worth polishing up a bit. At the very least if someone sends you a grammar nitpick as a "bug" don't blow it off.
And hey, some existing pledges might go up as you start getting into their wheel house. Like right now I'm a low pledge, but if we ever get an update where there is clearly a relationship path moving forward where the daughters are going to hookup with either each other or the mom you'll jump into my Prime Pervert budget and I'll be throwing you a lot more money per month