I wonder, why was a brothel the first thing to mind, why not something more like a stripclub?
We get the princess to degrade herself to a bigger audience raising her corruption while at the same her reputation with the townsfolk goes down.
And to be honest, the kind of main character you wrote here wouldn't fit in any netowhateverthefuckitis scenario.
Like, you'd honestly try to sell me the idea that the powerful {insert character name here}, conqueror of Allitia, the man who can bring down entire armies and cut small mountains with a butter knife, the man who was also raised by Blood Rain Melony, Archdemon of the purple flame, Right hand to the Demon lord Beelza'boob, Queen of all Succubuses, even she states the folllowing: "You could probably kill the Demon Lord if you wanted to, you're the most powerful man I know."
In what world a man like this would share his harem.