Tbh, it's good. I have kept it, especially for an event later on. Can't tell 'ya everything but...
Of course. Read the "
Avoidable Fetishes" part in the OP.
That's a lot of questions to answer but I'll clear them out as it's just not you but some more people who have similar questions:
Ah, it wasn't clear that they had told Liam she was alive and had been drugged. I still think them just finding her b4 the police arrive would have been simpler to plot out and required less of a convoluted solution.
You do still have a problem with being unable to make some choices. For instance, two choices into the Defiance path, you can't choose any corruption after that.
As for sex, I wasn't personally (I know it says ALL) expecting any with Claire yet, but showing the sex scene in Liam's head would have provided some sex content w/o pushing the actual sex too quickly.
Why Deker gave Clair a gun when she'd be more likely to accidentally shoot herself or someone else by accident was just irresponsible (of Deker--great character btw). You either need to retcon at least some knowledge of firearms or something.
btw -- none of this is to say I dislike what you're doing, you've certainly got my attention, and some of the dialogue is quite clever. Just the whole option to avoid being tricked into giving Hogwart mouth to mouth was clever, and some of the corruption choices didn't cause Claire to be completely/naively manipulated (which I find annoying)
Nice work and thanks for the answer to those questions. Good luck, looking forward to more of the story.