
Mar 14, 2017
This game has actually made me realize how important good project managers are. Having someone whose sole job is to make sure that developer time isn't wasted is exactly what this game needs.
Very true, from my very own experience, it's very easy for developers to go "down a rabbit hole". By the way, what is up? It's been what... 3 weeks of radio silence? Can't somebody get ahold of him? LOL. The only devs here in this forum that periodically went radio silence for a long period of time are only devs with very little Patreon money. Which is understandable, they still have to hold a RL main job. But this guy works on this full time right? Idk where he lives, but where I am, USD 6K a month is surely enough to hire a full team of maybe 8-10 persons, seriously.


Aug 6, 2016
Why is he even using scrum if he's sole person working full-time on this project with handfull of sporadically helping volunteers?

... By the way, what is up? It's been what... 3 weeks of radio silence? ...
30 - 17 = 13 so not even 2 weeks.

... Idk where he lives, but where I am, USD 6K a month is surely enough to hire a full team of maybe 8-10 persons, seriously.
Competent developer for 600$ a month? And even if he could find them why share if you get 6k regardless of what you do?


Jan 14, 2018
Idk where he lives, but where I am, USD 6K a month is surely enough to hire a full team of maybe 8-10 persons, seriously.
I don't know where he lives, but considering his English fluency and the game's focus on Western spy agencies, I would guess he lives somewhere in the west. To be blunt - I don't think it's actually possible to hire an additional person on, at least if they're also a full-time western developer.

Money-wise: Patreon is taking off somewhere between 11-15%* of the amount stated on the page** so actual gross amount is more like $5.25k/pm, or $63k/pa.
Gross pay for a newbie developer in the UK*** seems to be somewhere around $27k/pa. With a few years experience, that seems to average out to about $50k/pa gross. So assuming Crush would pay himself OK-but-not-amazing wages, he could maybe pay for a reasonable newbie full-time, if competing with the mainstream games market. The thing is, I don't think he can compete.

TWINE isn't exactly sought-after skills-wise. CSS/JavaScript is a bit more useful but I can't honestly say by how much more and how much of that work goes into the game. And that's if the dev can put the game down on the CV as a job or their work experience. He may have to offer more money to make up for this and at that point he may be paying more than half the total pay to make up for all the downsides. Or, he's hoping for someone who's desperate enough to take the job at poor pay.

I'm also not sure how much he can make up for if hiring abroad. He needs someone with a good enough grasp on English to understand when words might not mesh together all that well and I figure someone with that level of understanding probably carries a price similar enough to a western dev. Like, I think a large part of his problem is trying hard to mix good writing and code and that... honestly doesn't mix all that often.

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I don't know Crush's situation, but it reminds me of me having a full-on fucking anxiety breakdown. Like I've done the "stay awake for 4 straight days frantically coding" thing before and let me tell you, that ain't healthy, trucker pills or no. I seriously think he needs to put the project on hold for like a month, put the payments on pause if he can afford it, and take a break from the project. I don't mean "go silent and plug away at it, emerging three weeks later with a whole new batch of problems." - I mean quite literally turning the PC off and going away to the Scottish hills for a couple of weeks. I hope he's not grinding himself out because of debts or some shit.
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Mar 14, 2017
Right, ok. $600K maybe you get a newbie-ish JS developer. If you want senior ones, for a dev based in Asia, i think around $900-1500 sounds reasonable? But there is an issue with English fluency. Unless he can truly separate the coding task and the writing task.
But seriously, dev pay in places like India, or Southeast Asia (except SG) will be ridiculously low by Western standard. I would be very okay with $600 pay to just work sporadically without deadline. LOL. He should find someone from Bangkok!
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Mar 14, 2017
I don't know Crush's situation, but it reminds me of me having a full-on fucking anxiety breakdown. Like I've done the "stay awake for 4 straight days frantically coding" thing before and let me tell you, that ain't healthy, trucker pills or no. I seriously think he needs to put the project on hold for like a month, put the payments on pause if he can afford it, and take a break from the project. I don't mean "go silent and plug away at it, emerging three weeks later with a whole new batch of problems." - I mean quite literally turning the PC off and going away to the Scottish hills for a couple of weeks. I hope he's not grinding himself out because of debts or some shit.
Yeah, I agree with you. He can take time to figure things out. This game got hyped too soon before it's ready, imo. I saw some devs pausing their payment. But Crush already quited his main job, so i think it will be very hard to just pause the payment now. Got rent and bills to cover.

Honestly, he should figure out the "way to make sex scene better and faster" far before he opened the patreon page. Like at least has some idea in mind already. A writer also doesn't go to publisher with just promise, you know. They got to write something to get publisher support. Currently, this game still only lives on hype and promises.

Staying awake for 4 straight days definitely won't help you overcome any blocker. You have to let your mind wander, go do something else for a few hours, or just sleep. The idea is to get a fresh point of view. Not just keep hitting your head against the wall until either the wall or your head breaks (a recipe for burnout).
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Game Developer
Nov 16, 2017
He doesn't even need a dev most likely, he needs a writer.
Even that is not as easy as it sounds, the code and writing are linked together in the main, so; avatar changes (face, clothes etc), decisions (from previous scenes), skill/trait influences on the scene and character physical traits will all impact the writing. All of those have to be evaluated in each page and different text provided on the evaluation outcome.

While a writer can get by with just saying they are considering XYZ evaluation in a passage, they really need to understand Twine syntax/macros, variables and 'IF' logic to some extent. Some scenes are clearly more complex than others, a lot are just descriptive text with a couple of choices at the bottom of the passage. The flip side are the descriptive pages are the quickest to write and all lead to more complex sex scenes, sometimes very quickly.

Game vision then impacts, do you want some choices to be purely cosmetic ("your large tits bounce dramatically" over "your small tits shake") or impact choice ("you decide to give him a tit job with your large breasts") or even ignore choices around eye colour and hair length/style in text. Do you want NPC's to comment on say lack of makeup when going out clubbing, odd dress sense, no underwear or other things that are considered not 'normal'. Do you want the PC to make use of the high intelligence trait in conversations, PC's that have been backpacking in a gap year will have some insight in the scene (over those who went to finishing school), regional variations will make some difference (I suspect an educated Aussie will have a better foundation background of South East Asia/Thailand) than other countries. A posh, clearly highly educated girl with pierced nipples and a hot pussy tattoo will likely draw a comment!

So a writer will need clear direction on what variables to consider in a scene, how to show how they are considered and the outcomes (choice/descriptive text) from that variable. Not an easy task and often easier to look at existing scenes and think would an agent in this situation get a different reaction/choice.
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Jul 2, 2017
It's (yet another) reason he should have gotten advice from an experienced writer instead of trying to make the "perfect game", the scope of details is too big to have any "many" meaningful scenes. Most scenes will feel like they're generic, because there are too many options.
And a reason he needs a writer NOW, because he's most likely beginning to understand that writing scenes like this is unsustainable for a single person, and that he's going to spend 6 months to write a single scene, that's too much. That's again the reason why (probably, i'm not in his head) he (yet again) underestimated the time it would take him and promised "under a week till bangkok" 13 days ago and has gone radio silent, most likely out of "shame" for (yet again) not holding a deadline
Apr 3, 2019
He doesn't need a writer. He needs someone he'll actually listen to to tell him "That's enough, move onto the next thing." I know you want to think that if he had a writer, he'd just receive the written scenes and it would be smooth sailing from there, but it's pretty obvious the main hindrance is a mix of his overly perfectionist mind and the (arguably) ill considered priorities.

Having a writer is only going to make it worse. Instead of spending 4 days "writing" a passage, he'll spend 4 days telling someone to rewrite a passage.

Also I'm pretty sure he didn't say "one week then bangkok." It was more of a "few days then reworked scene pre bangkok and then bangkok work starts". So yes, we're still supposed to be in the "final quick polishing" of 1.6


Jul 2, 2017
That's... Actually true.
I went back to read some patreon stuff and it made me more disappointed than anything, especially with the radio silence, promising to have something out in a few days (he especially noted 'NOT WEEKS') when already in late April of this year he posted.

And, most importantly, for being a total fucking pussy and staying off comms for ten days because I didn't have the courage to check in until I had good news. This was pathetic, there's no other word for it, it was pathetic and I won't do it again.
That just goes to show that he either is a completely non-functional perfectionist, or just severely under estimates the amount of work he has to do. Both are bad. As you said, he probably does need a manager more than a writer

I just really hope he didn't kill himself by triple dosing trucker pills (as he stated to have) and just went back to not giving any news. It's bad, but at least he wouldnt be dead...


Dec 16, 2017
everyone was already proven wrong here when update 1.6.2 came out and people were trolling he wouldn't even get that done/out.
And what was the progress from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2?

"This update has some bug fixes, and new hometown choices for Canadian, Aussie & Kiwi agents.

1.6.2 also has a downloadable image pack version"

Some bugfixes, new hometown (how much work can it be to add this???) and the image pack.
and how long did he worked on?

And looking at how long he needs to rework and rework and rework... the Max scene, i doubt that the new sexscene is really practicably.
Remember also bangkok will be open world.


May 1, 2019
I don't know if I got paid 6k a month and what comes with that is a ton of expectations and pressure and deadlines i'd probably cave under the pressure too.

What do you think is worse for crush? someone like me who is constantly saying "crush is going to improve, he's going to release updates soon, it won't be a 1 year wait this time" or the complainers who write and say "there are no updates in 3 weeks, crush is too much of a perfectionist".

I'm sure psychologically both would take a toll on a person, but pretty much the worst thing is to have people like me who constantly believe in you and you let them down week after week etc. (that is if you have a conscience).

This is why I don't get paid 6k a week, because to me no amount of money is worth deadlines and all that pressure. The only way I could cope with that is if there were no expectations and I was doing something I loved.

He definitely needs to time manage better and in a way where there is also time set aside for him to recuperate and recover mentally and physically. For a project like this you need to schedule days in the week where you are not working. Typically, you should always have 2 days off like any other job where people get weekends off. You should have evenings free. You can work 40 hours or 60 hours a week but you will always have some winding down time in the evenings.

Rest is crucial for doing good work and it's crucial for writing otherwise you risk burning out and having writing blocks. When you take time just literally doing nothing (procrastinating) it helps your mind relax and ideas flow easier. When i was writing essays, i used to get stuck and what often helped was taking a 2 day break from writing or thinking about it. Then when i went back to it I was able to see things i didn't see before and had renewed motivation as well. Of course another tactic when you get stuck or feel overwhelmed is just to work on something else too, or to work on the small bits that you know how to tackle so every small thing you complete gradually builds into the big thing that was overwhelming at first.
I think people are just rightfully annoyed at the outlook of this game. It came out in September 2017. It's honestly not that wholely of a different game since release on the surface (what a player will actually consume) not in code. There have been updates to character creation and the training sequences and sex BUT it is still all initial setup stuff. Most people figured we would be in Bangkok by year 2. This September makes it year 3. And yes, many of us don't currently give to this project BUT we have. I supported it after the 2nd update for 5 months before deciding that it wasn't going to go anywhere. I said once it gets to Bangkok or starts developing into the game promised by its summary, I will go back to supporting it.

Crush is radio silent right now, but someone new just reviewed this game with high stars. It was their first playthrough and they mentioned something about wanting more outfits in the training days. Crush liked this comment. This is what he wants to hear... continue to spend time on inane BS and never get to Bangkok...


New Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think people are just rightfully annoyed at the outlook of this game. It came out in September 2017. It's honestly not that wholely of a different game since release on the surface (what a player will actually consume) not in code. There have been updates to character creation and the training sequences and sex BUT it is still all initial setup stuff. Most people figured we would be in Bangkok by year 2. This September makes it year 3. And yes, many of us don't currently give to this project BUT we have. I supported it after the 2nd update for 5 months before deciding that it wasn't going to go anywhere. I said once it gets to Bangkok or starts developing into the game promised by its summary, I will go back to supporting it.

Crush is radio silent right now, but someone new just reviewed this game with high stars. It was their first playthrough and they mentioned something about wanting more outfits in the training days. Crush liked this comment. This is what he wants to hear... continue to spend time on inane BS and never get to Bangkok...
I think he is fucking terrified of starting work on bangkok and will look for any reason or justification to work on inane shit for the proloque. I'd bet money on bangkok not being there at the end of year 4 too.
Apr 3, 2019
people have given him good advice since he made the first post about the game and it feels like he took fuck all to heart despite saying he did and people get tired of it and point it out

He's just selectively choosing feedback. Not the first creator that does that.

10 people say "Stop everything and focus on Bangkok right now" = Crush replies with some variation of "I need to do this first, and in this specific way."

2 people say "I like the avatar but can we have two more shades of makeup? Dark blue eyeshadow is a classic and essential for night parties" = Crush replies with "I understand, will make it the next update."

1 person says "How come we have these 3 different countries of origin but not this specific 4th that is very dear to me?" = Crush says "You're right, this is planned and will make it to the next update!"

And yes, this specific example is "bad" because they are three completely different things, and (in theory) they can be implemented by different people (and one of them in a much shorter timeframe). But the point still stands, you can pick any other example.


May 21, 2018
Hi there. At first my thanks to the devs for creating this game (and the uploaders as well). Imo, the overall implementation of all story elements, the plot, avatar, decisions and se. actions/texts up to v1.6 is very good (not counting the lack (?) of new content since I'm new here). :)

However, I'm asking for something different now: Could people please give me their opinion on the setting of the main story itself, meaning the espionage setting, the top secret status, the fake id(s), the lying, the plotting in home and enemy territory, the using of "unaware" civilians for the gains of a secret service of a country (and behind her the politicians, corporations, ecomony bosses etc., aka the TPTB) etc.

I've looked generally through the thread (not every post though) and now I'd be really interested in some opinions as I have a (massive) problem with these story elements in a se. game, as it goes (imo) far too heavily into very dark and negative aspects of the real world.

My first big "connection" problem (regarding my MC) was the story mission in Syria where I could (and did) recruit agents with a high risk of dying...and the game told me specifically that some really died because of my doing, including a child/young one(!). Further the test runs in the UK, "lying / abusing / exploiting" (are my words too harsh?) unknowing people into doing my biding for the sake (success) of a (test) mission. The chapter in Dubai also went somewhat that way (espionage for my own country's purposes as I'm told by the game...and can't believe).

I'm now up to the point where I literally don't want to play anymore as I don't like my character and what she in hoping she would also "disappear" in Bangkok, even before she got there.

Am I the only one who has this view? Am I too much into comparing the story with real life elements? I know I should focus more on the se. aspects (which is all well implemented) but somehow I can't (maybe because the game doesn't let me).

Thanks in advance for all inputs if someone's interested in giving it. :)
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New Member
Jul 2, 2020
Wow I played this game six months ago and it really doesn't seem to have progressed at all - Crush just needs to crack on and get to Bangkok!


Jan 14, 2018
Hi there. At first my thanks to the devs for creating this game (and the uploaders as well). Imo, the overall implementation of all story elements, the plot, avatar, decisions and se. actions/texts up to v1.6 is very good (not counting the lack (?) of new content since I'm new here). :)

However, I'm asking for something different now: Could people please give me their opinion on the setting of the main story itself, meaning the espionage setting, the top secret status, the fake id(s), the lying, the plotting in home and enemy territory, the using of "unaware" civilians for the gains of a secret service of a country (and behind her the politicians, corporations, ecomony bosses etc., aka the TPTB) etc.

I've looked generally through the thread (not every post though) and now I'd be really interested in some opinions as I have a (massive) problem with these story elements in a se. game, as it goes (imo) far too heavily into very dark and negative aspects of the real world.

My first big "connection" problem (regarding my MC) was the story mission in Syria where I could (and did) recruit agents with a high risk of dying...and the game told me specifically that some really died because of my doing, including a child/young one(!). Further the test runs in the UK, "lying / abusing / exploiting" (are my words too harsh?) unknowing people into doing my biding for the sake (success) of a (test) mission. The chapter in Dubai also went somewhat that way (espionage for my own country's purposes as I'm told by the game...and can't believe).

I'm now up to the point where I literally don't want to play anymore as I don't like my character and what she in hoping she would also "disappear" in Bangkok, even before she got there.

Am I the only one who has this view? Am I too much into comparing the story with real life elements? I know I should focus more on the se. aspects (which is all well implemented) but somehow I can't (maybe because the game doesn't let me).

Thanks in advance for all inputs if someone's interested in giving it. :)
My opinion on it depends on where the story goes, frankly.

I like the dirtier and more "realistic" side of espionage stories, and stories with a bit of danger to them. So, if the game's going to actually have a bit of risk to the Bangkok side of the story, I think this works great. It touches on bleaker events and primes you for this not being a fantastical story, but a kinda darkly realistic one. (Or at least, as darkly realistic as you can get without caving to the fact that practically nobody does field work like this anymore.) And I'm already quite drawn in by the lack of... I guess, "care" being shown to the agent with regards to stuff like images of her getting out on the internet at the club show, and the hypnosis stuff. It seems like she might be in for a troublesome time even if she succeeds.

That said, if the Bangkok side is a rather toothless afair, I'm not sure I'll be happy. Seems like a lot of effort to set up a story filled with danger, suspense, and thrills, only to find out it's got all the risk of being Bond in a 007 movie. Not that I'm saying I want it to be a game filled with disaster and murder and sex slavery for minor fuckups or wrong decisions, though.

I'll also say that I didn't get that backstory element though. It does vary quite a bit, but I've not created an agent I actively disliked yet.
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Jan 26, 2019
You need a vertical slice of your project. Its common practise in software/game development.
Every important component of a project should be in the vertical slice and then you can add the details.


Jul 2, 2017
Yup, he lost 200 patrons, at a minimum of 2$ per patron, maybe by seeing the numbers hit that'll make him react in some way
3.50 star(s) 117 Votes