
Aug 31, 2016
Went from a dozen progress posts a month, to none. It's not a good sign. Not going to judge him for slow progress, or for being stressed out and the drug use, but there's a difference between some weed to relax and unwind and whatever he's doing, for the mindboggling idea that it will somehow help with his work.

Like most everyone else here, I really enjoyed this one, it was one of the cooler projects with a lot of charm. Unfortunately probably going to go the way of Valiant Warrior Astrid, another great example of wasted potential.


Lostworks Dev
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
This dude got fucked over by trying to make that one sex scene perfect. We've all heard it: once I do this one perfect, then the others will be so much easier because modular this modular that. That completely ignores that even if all the other sex scenes follow modular patterns like that, they still need to be written into the context for which they happen and so he'll pretty much obsess over them all like that. It really feels like he could've boxed in the sex scenes as one huge module and made them an issue that he could go back to after setting everything else up. Think the 4-Layer Internet model where changing one doesn't affect the other since there's an interface between them. At this point, if he doesn't get it right, he'll never get it right because he's waiting for something that isn't there.
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Mar 14, 2017
I don't know what he is so obsessed about. The story doesn't need to be ultra detailed to be "good". I mean, readers can use their own imagination to fill in the gap. In fact, more details mean that you got to get all of those right. Because if you half ass it, and a reader happens to be more "knowledgeable" about the subject for example, then it will be very hard for him to suspend his disbelief. The detailed content will actually not add to the immersion, but instead ruining it.

And sometimes too much detail is actually just exhausting to read. Like you don't really need to describe how you move your hand to the exact, right? That will just become exhausting, and the scene will drag. Like for example, in many of the scenes, you have to take off your clothes one by one, and that just isn't necessary, imo.
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Dec 11, 2017
This project is a complete failure, and a lot of money waste for his patreons. I'm sorry to say that, but we have to face it asap and move on. I personally have a bad opinion of a guy who takes almonst 6k per month for years for nothing, but the sooner we got it, the better it is.

Deleted member 2514303

This project is a complete failure, and a lot of money waste for his patreons. I'm sorry to say that, but we have to face it asap and move on. I personally have a bad opinion of a guy who takes almonst 6k per month for years for nothing, but the sooner we got it, the better it is.
He seems to be losing hundreds of patreons and as such hundreds of dollars every few weeks. It seems for the first time that many of his supporters stop buying every single excuse for not delivering that he comes up with.


Jan 5, 2018
For what it's worth, I'm one of his supporters who finally decided to stop supporting him after this month, but I also don't regret it. As I said, I don't think what we have so far is bad in and of itself. In total I probably spent less on supporting him overall than I would have on a typical AAA game. And if the money he's earned was enough to get him to keep working on the game and make it something great, all the better. He could come out with a great update now and I would be back to supporting him in August.

I think also, unlike all of his detractors here who are eager to jump on him, I don't feel duped at all. I think he genuinely was (is?) putting in an effort, and got overwhelmed again and again, and then got overwhelmed by how much he was getting overwhelmed. I feel bad for him, not duped by him.


Dec 16, 2017
He seems to be losing hundreds of patreons and as such hundreds of dollars every few weeks. It seems for the first time that many of his supporters stop buying every single excuse for not delivering that he comes up with.
its funny cause the most supporters don't stop for his excuses they stop cause he got silent again
" But I will have something ready soon (as in days, not weeks). " a month ago :ROFLMAO:
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
Yeah... and that decision came after Crush nearly decided to "bail" on the project. I fully expect those "big, scary changes" to include a full overhaul of pretty much everything we have so far (avatars, life path, sex engine, etc.).

Then again, overhaul might be a better option than a whole engine change and transfering this game into Ren'py, Unity or something simmilar...
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Jan 14, 2018
I'm interested to see what he says, but based on that post alone, I'm a little worried. "Lowest point in development" could mean a few things to me: Either a serious hardware fuck that wiped significant progress, he's gotten fed up with the medium he's writing in, or he's done a serious reassessment of the project and realised that it could have expanded beyond what's feasible for one person. Hardware fuck sounds unlikely (think we'd have heard about it), so I would guess it's one of the other two. But... "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" That's way more open. Skydive? Come out as trans? Bring about the end of capitalism? Or...

Best case scenario in my mind: He's realised that procedurally generated sex scenes don't quite work (I wish they could work, but I don't think making such a system is within the realm of possibility for one person, and I don't think he came close to quitting because he nailed it). He may use elements of the system he already has for more "generic" sex scenes, or modify it towards specific acts or scene types, but "setpiece" sex scenes would be written bespoke. Additionally, because it's been so long, he's going to push ahead and introduce a slice of Bangkok gameplay but only for a few backgrounds - it's a demo more than a full thing and the framework is there for the other backgrounds to hook in, he's just now showing it yet.

Worst case scenario in my mind: "TWINE was holding me back so I decided to remake the game in my own bespoke engine, written in FORTRAN. Also I haven't quite worked out how to do procedural sex scenes yet, but I've started a methamphetamine-cooking operation so I can work until it's done, or until I run out of teeth."


Mar 14, 2017
To me, it really sounds like he wants to do some overhaul of the engine / gameplay again, somehow. Like he knows that this will be majorly unpopular, so that explains the whole "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" thing.

Or it could also mean that he wanted to just scrap the whole Bangkok thing. He mentioned about wanting to finish the game, which we all know the game are still very far from the promised finish. Sounds like he wanted to just cut the game short or something. Which actually can also invite major backlash from players...
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Jul 2, 2017
Just a thought but. So much time, and the majority of the game still isn't focused on the "female agent" part, and more of a glorified "secret agent backstory generator"
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Apr 11, 2018
Yeah... and that decision came after Crush nearly decided to "bail" on the project. I fully expect those "big, scary changes" to include a full overhaul of pretty much everything we have so far (avatars, life path, sex engine, etc.).
I think what he's grappling with is that he has to junk the Lifepath or the "game" itself will never get written -- after he's spent two years building out the Lifepath.
Apr 3, 2019
I think what he's grappling with is that he has to junk the Lifepath or the "game" itself will never get written -- after he's spent two years building out the Lifepath.
If he's smart enough, he won't scrap the Lifepath. He'll just consider finished and release what the game currently is (the Lifepath + a couple of intro missions) as "FemaleAgent", then start working on "Female2Agent" which will have a set character going through the lifepath with everything scripted, no choices past appearance.


Jan 14, 2018
I don't think LifePath needs to be isolated off in any way. I kinda said before - Yeah, there are a ton of variables put in play by it, but they only matter so long as events reference them and how they're referenced.

For example, the game isn't necessarily giving you a different outcome to every event because you were born into an [upper-class family] that [became destitute] before you [went to oxford] and [got a first] and [you fucked a professor for that grade] before [doing a mission in Syria] and [you have 200xp in horse riding]. One event may give you a variation because you [went to oxford]. Another might give you a variation because you [grew up poor] but with a minor additional variation because you [became destitute] instead of being born into poverty. Another may give you an entirely different outcome because your client is the [professor you fucked for a grade]. Etc.

This is nowhere near as unmanageable as people think, and unless the way it's coded is absolutely monstrous, these checks can still all be put in, with a tag to come back and finish them (which at least is there on the main TWINE editors - once games get past a certain size they do become unwieldy and people do use other tools but Ctrl+F in notepad is still a thing). In the meantime, the vanilla text can just be left in there, to be changed later. Or just comment out the if-section, idk. There's a bunch of ways of doing this depending on what's going on.

The only thing is that Crush would have to say "Yeah, we're progressing with Bangkok, but not everyone's character will get unique events. I have focused on builds which include [specific character traits/events] here while everyone else currently is treated as [a default option here] or doesn't trigger anything unique." (Unless he is abandoning all the wide character options, which... I mean, I guess he might, but I'm hoping isn't the case, considering all the work that went into them so far)
Apr 3, 2019
I don't think LifePath needs to be isolated off in any way. I kinda said before - Yeah, there are a ton of variables put in play by it, but they only matter so long as events reference them and how they're referenced.

For example, the game isn't necessarily giving you a different outcome to every event because you were born into an [upper-class family] that [became destitute] before you [went to oxford] and [got a first] and [you fucked a professor for that grade] before [doing a mission in Syria] and [you have 200xp in horse riding]. One event may give you a variation because you [went to oxford]. Another might give you a variation because you [grew up poor] but with a minor additional variation because you [became destitute] instead of being born into poverty. Another may give you an entirely different outcome because your client is the [professor you fucked for a grade]. Etc.

This is nowhere near as unmanageable as people think, and unless the way it's coded is absolutely monstrous, these checks can still all be put in, with a tag to come back and finish them (which at least is there on the main TWINE editors - once games get past a certain size they do become unwieldy and people do use other tools but Ctrl+F in notepad is still a thing). In the meantime, the vanilla text can just be left in there, to be changed later. Or just comment out the if-section, idk. There's a bunch of ways of doing this depending on what's going on.

The only thing is that Crush would have to say "Yeah, we're progressing with Bangkok, but not everyone's character will get unique events. I have focused on builds which include [specific character traits/events] here while everyone else currently is treated as [a default option here] or doesn't trigger anything unique." (Unless he is abandoning all the wide character options, which... I mean, I guess he might, but I'm hoping isn't the case, considering all the work that went into them so far)
It's true that you can simply ignore the variables, or just use some of them if you feel like it, but I feel like Crush wouldn't want that (and people might be angry that their completely crucial choice to play bass in their teen years isn't reflected when whoring out /s)

But the problem comes mostly from a design perspective, since you have 2 choices:

- You write a scene, mostly set in stone, and mostly just one path. As you write it, you decide on alternate paths, and just check in your "library" to see if you can use any of the already preset variables. This is like knowing you want to build a certain desk, and you use certain tools in your toolbox. You don't need to use all of them.

- You want to write a scene, and need to consider every variation according to all the previous variables. All in this context doesn't necessarily mean every single choice (that is beyond unmanageable), but all that could affect the scene somehow (if she gets asked about her hobbies, that's a lot of variations). This is like having to build a desk, but having to make it work for every person of every age, height, size, and that it fits in every possible room.

Option 1 builds a desk that fits some people, and will likely do so in a timely and efficient manner. Option 2 might manage to build a desk eventually, that fits everyone very well. If you're lucky.
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