
New Member
Jul 31, 2019
He should keep it much more simple that he was aiming before, i hope he do that. Just use the avatar system and 4 or 5 stats. Scrap the procedural generated content and just write a story.
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Apr 11, 2018
I don't think LifePath needs to be isolated off in any way. I kinda said before - Yeah, there are a ton of variables put in play by it, but they only matter so long as events reference them and how they're referenced.
If the variables don't matter (or mostly don't matter), that's effectively the same as isolating or scrapping it. It's just semantics at that point.


Jan 14, 2018
If the variables don't matter (or mostly don't matter), that's effectively the same as isolating or scrapping it. It's just semantics at that point.
It's true that you can simply ignore the variables, or just use some of them if you feel like it, but I feel like Crush wouldn't want that (and people might be angry that their completely crucial choice to play bass in their teen years isn't reflected when whoring out /s)

But the problem comes mostly from a design perspective, since you have 2 choices:

- You write a scene, mostly set in stone, and mostly just one path. As you write it, you decide on alternate paths, and just check in your "library" to see if you can use any of the already preset variables. This is like knowing you want to build a certain desk, and you use certain tools in your toolbox. You don't need to use all of them.

- You want to write a scene, and need to consider every variation according to all the previous variables. All in this context doesn't necessarily mean every single choice (that is beyond unmanageable), but all that could affect the scene somehow (if she gets asked about her hobbies, that's a lot of variations). This is like having to build a desk, but having to make it work for every person of every age, height, size, and that it fits in every possible room.

Option 1 builds a desk that fits some people, and will likely do so in a timely and efficient manner. Option 2 might manage to build a desk eventually, that fits everyone very well. If you're lucky.
(Addressing both quotes together) I didn't say they won't matter or won't be used. I'm just saying they won't be used in every scene, like how I pointed out in the second paragraph.

That said, I also think a lot of these variables aren't going to be dramatically game-changing. I think they might just be a repository for, say, conversation topics, or things to notice if out "exploring", or whatever. Like, say you're exploring a market. You have 200 French XP, 400 Bass Guitar XP. Game does a random roll to determine which skill it references. It picks Bass. You get a flavour text snippet about noticing a Bass guitar on a market stall. If you had more XP, you may have noticed it was an especially expensive brand. You have even more XP, you notice it's a very good knock-off of a very expensive brand. And then "But that's not what you're here for, You're on the look out for Guy Incognito blah blah."

Not that I'm saying none of these will be useful in missions in some way. Like, say you're chatting to a client before sex. The game picks out some random topics. If you happen to have skill in any of them, the client's opinion of you improves, which may lead to a bigger tip/developing a rapport with them/getting intel out of them/some other bonus I don't know because we know frustratingly little about how Bangkok is even going to work. But, it could apply to a lot of traits, scenes, and outcomes. A client may be more aggressive with you because you sound like a posh girl. Another may actually prefer inexperienced girls, which you can pretend to be if you're a good actor, or... just plain inexperienced.

To add - I am expecting Bangkok to be arranged more like a "Hub" world comparable to something like Life Choices where you have options to do different things and encounter a lot of repeating events (hence the procedural sex engine), interspersed with more complex "story" missions. There, I would definitely expect the use of more unusual skills for major different paths or outcomes. If the game was going to be a linear story then yeah, I wouldn't expect anywhere near the amount of skills added on because the game wouldn't need it. I am expecting to have to repeat a few "base" activities and am expecting the points picked up on LifePath to give us a few ways to vary those scenes up each time, but in ways unique to the characters we created.


Jan 5, 2018
From what Crush has said, I think that's what his idea was for the game. I know he mentioned things like infiltrating a gang leader to get intel and going on a rich expat's yacht to spy on them, as well as training in physical combat.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
You know, after playing the prologue, I'm not too thrilled about the planned Bangkok storyline. I'm afraid it will devolve into the tired "girl has to pretend to be a whore and become a whore" trope we've seen in dozens of games by now. I'd much rather do the James Bond spy stuff we got a taste of in Dubai.
Yes, you're not the first to wonder how much the title actually means. I searched something the other day and found this post.
Apparently, the dev's origininal plan was indeed to make the game a whore simulator and ignore the spy stuff. Thank god someone convinced him otherwise. I think it's crazy (and misleading) to make such an elaborate introduction only to make a whore simulator, but I guess it's also a very good example why the game isn't advancing.
HOWEVER, and this is very important: None of this really matters. The future of this game is very uncertain. The dev announced a big change a couple of days ago and even before that there was no way all those plans would be achievable. So until we actually get to Bangkok and see it with our own eyes, there really is no point speculating. So expect some answers in 10+ years. :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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Dec 11, 2017
And the drama goes on and on, more weeks, more money, more waste of time without any progression for the game. It is outrageous how this goes unnoticed with all his faithful followers who continue to justify him.


Mar 14, 2017
The drop is really not that big, tbh. And it could just be a blip on the radar. Similar drop did happen in the past but it crawled back up again. The last update helped. But in overall, it does show that the game is kinda at the peak potential already financially. Like 6k is the most he can expect from this slice of the market, at least at the current state. So if he doesn't start delivering, it's just a matter of time before the money starts trending down consistently.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2016
It's amazing how much trust and good will he's built up over the past 2 years, and how quickly he's burnt through that in the past 2 weeks.
Yeah, I stopped supporting after this cryptic "update soon" post. It's not just the past 2 weeks that he's burnt through all the trust and good will though, it's really been like the 3 or 4 months. The updates on this game have been getting more and more incremental and never progressing one step past Dubai.

I'd been a loyal supporter for 2 years mostly because Crush's nearly daily posts. Even if progress was depressingly slow, his frequent status reports showed that progress was being made. That consistency has gone out the window in 2020. I assumed we'd see real progress happening multiple times a month once he quit his job. It seems the opposite has happened. I've lost faith that what I really thought was going to be a fun, customizable whore simulator with a secret agent twist as I watched it turn into this convoluted RPG monolith with bizarrely complicated sex scenes and a very fuzzy looking roadmap.

I compare it to Summertime Saga, which I've been supporting for just as long, and they keep marching forward steadily, adding new features here and there, but mostly producing substantive story updates with full art every 2 months consistently; usually knocking out a character's full storyline in at most 2 updates. They have hours and hours of playable content in their game now.

Female Agent has been in development for just as long and yet can be played through in under an hour, and because I've read most of the passages already, I can rip through it in like 10 minutes. Crush has built an interesting game engine, but I think he's really gotten lost in the weeds. I'm not confident that there's any overarching story written for the game as a whole. It seems to just be a vague idea where a girl gets sent to whore for her government and does that until she becomes what she fears, with maybe some spy stuff thrown in here and there.

On the larger scale, more and more, I'm finding myself drawn to erotic games with linear stories and the interactive aspect applies only in how the sex plays out, but never impacting the story of the game itself. Maybe a few puzzles to solve here and there. This is what made the Sierra adventure games of old so fun: a good, well-written linear story, broken up by some challenging puzzles. I think the infinite freedom offered by sandbox games usually sacrifices story too much.
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