
Jun 11, 2020
Just for fun and to try to steer the conversation away from the obvious, let's say Crush was working on some new mechanic (no Bangkok, just some pure gameplay mechanic for what currently is there in the game). What kind of change would truly surprise you (in a good way)?
I would like to see something like I suggested earlier in the "intro" section for relationships. A one-night stand where you can start off with a simple BJ and by the way you click, or options presented, you end up with a one-night stand that was only BJ (which impacts stats) or maybe anal (again stats) or exposure to rough/older/exhibit traits. If it is a mechanic in the game, then at least that would would actually be a very huge improvement overall.

Crouching Koala

New Member
Apr 28, 2017
Sure, I suppose that he could have faked all of that, but faking it would have taken as much work as doing it.
I am not saying that Crush is faking it, and I am not trying to be passive-aggressive, but just for the sake of popping your bubbles a little more than Ripe already did, faking it definitely does not take that much effort.

I could come up with 1-page report on what I did this week with detailed schedule and contents in less than an hour without doing any of them. All I have to do is work just for a few days right before the due date, and tell people that despite the lack of result, well, I worked hard! I could keep doing it, and when things get a little fishy fishy, simply spice things up a little with tears on my cheek along with a comment that things are not going my way, again, despite my effort, and that my self-esteem is getting low, things are rough, etc... You know, appeal to their compassion to gain credibility by "opening up". This is pretty much what all clever procrastinators do. To say that this is a hard thing to do is straight up being naïve.

I've been there. I've grown up under rich, but extremely strict and demanding parents, and I faked a lot of things throughout my teenage years. I used to make reports of what I studied by specifically recording detailed pages and the name of some random chapters and equations on my textbook to demonstrate my studying effort. My favorite part was shedding tears while "opening up" that I hate myself because I feel so dumb getting B+ even though I did nothing but study soo haard. That would always catch them by surprise and get me out of trouble for a while. In real, I was almost living in Karaoke, Billards and PC Cafe after school. How did I get B+? I merely crammed for a week before the exam.

Anyways, I personally do trust Crush, but not because of his weekly reports (which are, let's face it, more like personal diary than meaningful developer diary) and diligent community communication. Remember, this is sort of things that PR/community managers do. You don't need an effort or knowledge of a developer to do it. You are familiar with the infamous meme "we have our best men working on it", right? No. I trust him because the contents already out there and his writing styles in the game actually reflect his obsessive personality: Obsession to write every sentences into perfection, obsession to make a flawlessly flowing plot and coming up with game progression so orderly structured that Germans would get jealous.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
I tried to get Alpha Female to start the game but I seemed to max out (or down) the 4 stats to try and get it, but it's always grey. Is it impossible to get with a new game? I just quit because I don't want to play with any other background.


New Member
Jul 16, 2020
Anyway to trigger the greyed out "You're Ukrainian?" option when testing the Dubai scene? Tried with an analyst, older, PC and nothing happened. Is there any actual content there?
As far as I'm aware of you need to be a operations officer (the agent is stationed in eastern europe)


Jun 19, 2018
Wow, the game is really good, so is the playing, and the writing is entertaining.

However, if someone could explain why the story is stuck after the Dubai scene, I'd appreciate it.

I really check every update and the changelog whenever it appears here, to see if the story moves forward...

I guess that there must be some work being done in writing that got them stuck.


Jan 12, 2020
Wow, the game is really good, so is the playing, and the writing is entertaining.

However, if someone could explain why the story is stuck after the Dubai scene, I'd appreciate it.

I really check every update and the changelog whenever it appears here, to see if the story moves forward...

I guess that there must be some work being done in writing that got them stuck.
Yes, the "writing" has been stuck for two years.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
However, if someone could explain why the story is stuck after the Dubai scene, I'd appreciate it.
Dev got stuck in a feedback loop of endlessly perfecting the life story portion of the game and the paper doll. Wanted it to be
"fixed before we move on," but ended up chasing their own tail. The dev has conceded that he screwed up and is executing a plan to move the story forward. We'll see how that works.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
PostDrip, Joe Steel,

Thanks for the replies.
Seems like checking in six months is a better plan than checking every update.
For the casual player, I think that you are correct. Even when the Bangkok mission starts, it's going to need tweaking, so six months is probably the earliest you could expect usable story expansion.
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