It likely won't be as long until the next release (not counting bugfix releases), but it won't be a "big" update. Crushstation has said he wants to move to a shorter release cycle where each release adds one major feature/event (+ a bunch of small improvements).Pretty much this. It's a very nice update and I'm looking forward to the next big update (hoping it won't be as long).
I'd recommend fixing some of the reported bugs, ensuring the dance/make-out texts are updated and to add more options to the sex scenes (able to change positions, dirty talking (spicier if promiscuous), extra rough content, etc).
It would also be great to have added content and progress the story somewhat further.
A rework of the sex engine (to include the kind of options you're talking about) is in the works and should be amongst the next features implemented.
I also hope we'll move past Dubai soon enough, but I think the dev wants the core game to pretty much be feature-complete before he implements Bangkok. So I think we unfortunately have a few more releases to go before this gets to Bangkok.