
Mar 10, 2019
I have to find it funny how you all seem to be discussing about the plausibility of a story that does not actually exist (yet). 1.6 is discarded.
And it's not like it's never been discussed before. I certainly recall the same kind of pointless plausibility discussion that took place slightly more than a year ago, most likely wasn't the only one.

A lot of people expect a female James Bond kinda scenario from FA, which is probably why they find the idea intriguing, but it's not the case and it won't be. No matter what kind of a character you imagined, she has to work in a brothel, whether she likes it or not and what will "the game" be then? Is this going to be... check RNG... is this the guy? nope... service a client... do some grind... check RNG... is this the guy? nope... service a client... do some more grind...

As I always say, FA is a "game" that runs on people's imagination, which is one of the reasons this guy has been exploiting the interest in it.

You should at least demand to see a basic VN of it first, with a predefined character, in order to decide whether or not it's a plausible scenario and would it be interesting "to play" in such a scenario.
Nov 15, 2020
I'm constantly surprised by the level of criticism this game gets. The lack of progress is of course a very valid critique, but the predictable and not particularly clever jokes about it are really tiring.

Then there's the people that's upset they can't send a virgin to the brothel, and claims it would be believable if they go through the hypnotism sessions first. To me it seems completely unlikely that an intelligency agency would even considering hiring a virgin for this mission. The game also directs the fact that they want someone sexually experienced that are confident in their sexuality. Also, having the possibility to play her as a virgin would propably require a lot of aditional branching, that would further delay the development. It's basically a different and less unique game, a lot more similar to all the other female corruption games on this site.

And then we have the returning discussion whether it's believable to send an agent to this sort of mission. Sure, maybe they wouldn't, but there's a lot of historical examples of similar activities, and the game also directs this explicitly. They already tried sending in a backpacker: she was propably killed. Just sending a sniper isn't an alternative either, cause they don't know his whereabouts most of the time, so they need someone with intelligency skills and the ability to get close to him in some way.

It's not that the game doesn't deserve any criticism. But to be honest, propably 95 percent or more of the games on this site suffers from poor writing that makes either the game's premise or the internal logic of the scenes far less believable than in Female Agent.

Also, I think the best thing to happen to the game is that Crushstation stopped listening to random people's wishes, and instead started writing the game he(?) wants, with a limited number of alternatives. That was propably at least a part of the reason for the game's non-existing progression for the last few years. As an example, I personally really don't like the new avatar, but it makes the development go faster, so hey, it seems like a good compromise.


Mar 10, 2019
Not really, there is no difference. Random people who you have no real attraction to remain random people who you have no real attraction to regardless of their social status or specific reasons why you have to have sex with them. Having sex for money is no different from having sex for gathering intelligence.
Sleeping with a politician versus getting used and abused by dozens of lowlifes, most likely with numerous STDs on a daily basis. Sure, it's the same.

I have the impression that people for some reason think that game protagonist will be inserted in some sort of a shady basement shop employing human trafficking victims or something along these lines. But no, she supposed to infiltrate a fucking brothel that hires people and she is supposed to be able to do intelligence work in there, making connections and actually finding the target.
A simple Google search would reveal to you that most brothels employ human trafficking victims and are linked to all sorts of shady businesses. You obviously have some naive and fancy ideas about how working conditions in a brothel in third world country would be.

And drugged up hooker who are chained to the wall in the basement cannot do that for sure.
The kind of intelligence agencies in this scenario would never need to rely on a person for a job simple enough to do with a bunch of cameras in the first place.

BTW, I also must add that the idea about sex without attraction being inherently dehumanizing and/or damaging is a load of sexist bullcrap.
What are you talking about? "Sex without attraction" is either rape, or literally being used as a sex toy. Both are, by definition, dehumanizing. There's nothing "sexist" about it as it would be the same for both genders.
Apr 3, 2019
Why not? It for sure beats endless complaining and counting other people money.
Oh don't get me wrong, it is better than just hearing complaints. But you have to admit, at best, that entire discussion is/should be about the plausibility of a story that doesn't exist yet and has never been written (in a game, or other form of media) and not about this pre-alpha of a game.

I'm constantly surprised by the level of criticism this game gets. The lack of progress is of course a very valid critique, but the predictable and not particularly clever jokes about it are really tiring.

Also, I think the best thing to happen to the game is that Crushstation stopped listening to random people's wishes, and instead started writing the game he(?) wants, with a limited number of alternatives. That was propably at least a part of the reason for the game's non-existing progression for the last few years. As an example, I personally really don't like the new avatar, but it makes the development go faster, so hey, it seems like a good compromise.
This is simply not true. Crush is still listening to feedback, pretty much constantly. Both on patreon replies and on his discord: He consistently listens to comments...just some of them.


Dec 11, 2016
The discussion revolves around the plausibility of the premise, not the story.
I'm of the opinion the early years story has completely fucked the premise. It doesn't help the story to know that you got 4 A's and 3 C's and a D in your exams. It doesn't help you track down a terrorist by looking back into the past and remembering the time the guy drowned in a pool while you were preparing to go to college. Hes totally fucked the whole concept, anyone that pays for this needs to get a refund. In the end this idiot is going to earn 500k+ to develop the "How to move the goal posts and keep the suckers paying" guide book.


Mar 5, 2019
A simple Google search would reveal to you that most brothels employ human trafficking victims and are linked to all sorts of shady businesses. You obviously have some naive and fancy ideas about how working conditions in a brothel in third world country would be.
I actually reasonably well informed about working conditions in brothels. Brothels are widely different in the nature of their services, employees and working conditions. Organizations that are oriented to service low-lifes usually do not have brothels, because having a brand, a distinct place incurs way too much overhead costs, so they don't bother and operate at street-level.
And Thailand brothels specifically are oriented mostly to serve tourists who had money and expectations of certain level of service.

What are you talking about? "Sex without attraction" is either rape, or literally being used as a sex toy. Both are, by definition, dehumanizing. There's nothing "sexist" about it as it would be the same for both genders.
Sex without attraction is just a way to get off. There is nothing sacral in the sex act. It is pure physiology for the most part.

I'm of the opinion the early years story has completely fucked the premise. It doesn't help the story to know that you got 4 A's and 3 C's and a D in your exams. It doesn't help you track down a terrorist by looking back into the past and remembering the time the guy drowned in a pool while you were preparing to go to college. Hes totally fucked the whole concept, anyone that pays for this needs to get a refund. In the end this idiot is going to earn 500k+ to develop the "How to move the goal posts and keep the suckers paying" guide book.
And we immediately back to complaining about other people money. I seriously do not understand attraction of looking into contents of other people wallets.
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Mar 10, 2019
Organizations that are oriented to service low-lifes usually do not have brothels
All brothels serve low-lifes in various forms.

Sex without attraction is just a way to get off. There is nothing sacral in the sex act. It is pure physiology for the most part.
You don't need to fuck or get fucked by random strangers to get off.

And we immediately back to complaining about other people money. I seriously do not understand attraction of looking into contents of other people wallets.
So when one gets scammed we should all shut up about it, cause it's not "our money" after all, otherwise the scammer may not get a chance to make more money by scamming other people. Is that what you want? We all live on the same planet in interconnected societies and economies, therefore how you earn your money and what you do with it affects everyone one way or another. Why are you bothered by it anyway? Why can't you just ignore them instead of complaining? At least those people have a valid concern, what is yours?
Aug 6, 2016
Trying to apply real life logic in a porn/erotic/sex game or any game or movie or other fantasy is an exercise in futility. The whole point of media like this to indulge your fantasy. Real life is often stranger and more fucked up than we care to admit. Suspend your logic and just roll with it. If you are insistent on applying rl logic then you are just working against yourself from enjoying content. Imo the only thing that really matters here is the dev's hardcore fetish for reworking the same stuff for 3 years. Technically now its a rework of a rework.

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018
Version 1.10.1 (14 Jan 2021)
General release of version 1.10. Lots of bug fixes!
Floating tattoos – fixed certain tattoos and piercings floating in mid-air when Lena puts Kate into bondage (thanks Danny Cav and others).
Je m'appelle Crushstation – corrected some of my bad French in the Montreux scenes (thanks Tuko).
Diamond Eyes – fixed a graphics glitch when combining wide eyes with the diamond face shape (thanks Bread Pitt).
Hold still while I do this, sweetie – repositioned the left nipple piercing for agents with medium boobs.
Montreux partners roll – fixed dice roll for random partners in Montreux not happening (thanks Stefan K).
Montreux is not in London – fixed location header not updating when the heroine moves to Montreux (thanks Stefan K).
Bethan is not Stacey – fixed text referring to the wrong NPC in the Prom Queen scene (thanks Stefan K).


Aug 30, 2017
I have to find it funny how you all seem to be discussing about the plausibility of a story that does not actually exist (yet). 1.6 is discarded.
No kidding.

It is so strange to see almost-philosophical debates in a porn game. But i think this is the reason why this game gained so much attraction without actually develop any "real" content for a few years now. The premise of this game is promising.


May 21, 2020
Even the new content that does come out feels underwhelming. The sex scenes themselves are far too terse to be enjoyable in any significant way. Wish more text h-games were like Cloud 10.


Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Even the new content that does come out feels underwhelming. The sex scenes themselves are far too terse to be enjoyable in any significant way. Wish more text h-games were like Cloud 10.
I'm sorry to hear that! I haven't played Cloud 10; how are the sex scenes better?


May 21, 2020
I'm sorry to hear that! I haven't played Cloud 10; how are the sex scenes better?
It's mostly the quality and detail of the writing, I suppose. The main writer behind Cloud 10 is a guy named Nonesuch, who has also done some of the better segments of Trials in Tainted Space. Honestly, I'm not sure why he even bothers with smut. I imagine he could easily be a top selling sci-fi novelist if he switched genres.


Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Hmm maybe he spends more time editing than I do. As soon as a scene's "good enough" I always feel pressure to move onto the next thing instead of taking time to get the writing just how I want it. :(

I'll try to check out Cloud 10, thanks for the pointer

Please note: I'm rarely active on this thread, I mostly came in to update the banner. If you have feedback you'd like me to see it's best to message me on Discord, where I'm: Crushstation#8544


Mar 10, 2019
Trying to apply real life logic in a porn/erotic/sex game or any game or movie or other fantasy is an exercise in futility. The whole point of media like this to indulge your fantasy.
And I totally agree. It's only a problem when some people confuse fantasy with real life and try to convince others that that is "realistic", which is a case often caused by too much porn.
Last edited:
Apr 3, 2019
It's just like the whole "this is the year of Linux on the desktop!". Don't worry guys, 2021 is definitely the year of Bangkok in FemaleAgent.

If it is not that year, let's be honest, we have to praise Crushstation for having enough creativity and know-how to keep people attached.
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Nov 6, 2019
We have a developer who openly admits their fuckups and tells people what's causing them and why and regularly checks in to let people know how they're fixing them. Is Female Agent at the state you want it to be? No, probably not. It's not at the state they want it either.

At least they're open about it. How about you start appreciating that fact instead of shitting on them all the time? There are many worse cases of feature creep, slow development, etc etc out there where the dev stays silent.
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