*Raises hand* Why isn't there a warning tag like "SCAM" part of the tagging system on F95 to help protect users and potential patrons?
I mean, I get it when it's debatable or if the matter is in question and people's opinions differ. However, when it's very clearly a scam and fact-based, and the dev is just leading folks on, then why not tag a game like Female Agent with SCAM? Even the moderators on F95 thinks it's a scam after all, stating to the effect that "this is a scam, the Dev is milking, etc.".
The concept for the project is interesting and all, but most of the discussion about the project isn't even about what's going in the game but what's missing from the game (Bangkok), about the lack of genuine development and the endless reworking of the intro, and about Crush this and Crush that and whatnot. It's mostly about the failures of the game's development rather than the game itself. Opinions on how development could be better notwithstanding, the dev is obviously milking his patrons. So why not tag it as such to help insulate those folks who didn't know otherwise?
Look, I'm not trying to be "toxic" with this post and I don't believe that I am. Shouldn't we, as a community, try to protect potential victims from a scammer though? I have discovered many games on F95 that I otherwise wouldn't have, and in turn, have become a supporter for several of them for a time. Seeing the "SCAM" tag would certainly be appreciated if I happen to look into a new project to support. I'm sure there will be hurdles and challenges to implement such a divisive tag, but after a series of debates and the community's general consensus is that a certain game is a scam, then shouldn't it be tagged as such? It's no different than other controversial tags like NTR, right? Look, just let people know what they might be getting into before they jump on that bandwagon is all. Let people be armed with better knowledge of the situation -- tag such games with said tag and have an explanation in the opening post why it earned such an ignominious label. Many tags for various games were added or changed through user suggestions after all, but perhaps such a tag as this one is too controversial... idk.
What do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? Or F95 (tagging system) shouldn't step in it at all, and let people discover or decide for themselves if a game or project is a scam or not on their own? In any case, I hope y'all stay healthy and happy. Cheers!