While I agree with that, I really did like the lifepath and how it was done. I can only hope that they'll bring it back. However, going forward with the game now and then going back to make the lifepath and its outcomes fit is a hard task as well.
At this point they need to make a decision and make an outline what the actual game should be. (that should have been the first thing to begin with, but what do I know) What the story should be, what skills are needed and what kinks they want. Once they have done that, I' prefer developing it from start to finish or maybe drop in an experiment if you want, but jumping back and forth to see what works and what doesn't without knowing what you actually want to do can only fail. I mean, at this point it isn't even the story that is missing, it is all these skills and experience and stuff you get, yet it doesn't have any impact. I have yet to encounter any scene where that stuff actually makes a difference or even comes into play. In 1.6 the kinks gave you different options, but the rest? They need to make sure that they know how they actually want to use these features, because as of now they're in the game without any purpose. I am usually a fan of rolling dice, but what do you need dice rolls for when you can develop skills? What are skills for, if you can roll a nat 20 and succeed anyway? And why do scenes play out thes same way regardless of what you roll?
They have a lot of stuff in the game that could be interesting, but they don't have game and don't know what to do with these mechanics. It's like a tech demo.
At this point they need to make a decision and make an outline what the actual game should be. (that should have been the first thing to begin with, but what do I know) What the story should be, what skills are needed and what kinks they want. Once they have done that, I' prefer developing it from start to finish or maybe drop in an experiment if you want, but jumping back and forth to see what works and what doesn't without knowing what you actually want to do can only fail. I mean, at this point it isn't even the story that is missing, it is all these skills and experience and stuff you get, yet it doesn't have any impact. I have yet to encounter any scene where that stuff actually makes a difference or even comes into play. In 1.6 the kinks gave you different options, but the rest? They need to make sure that they know how they actually want to use these features, because as of now they're in the game without any purpose. I am usually a fan of rolling dice, but what do you need dice rolls for when you can develop skills? What are skills for, if you can roll a nat 20 and succeed anyway? And why do scenes play out thes same way regardless of what you roll?
They have a lot of stuff in the game that could be interesting, but they don't have game and don't know what to do with these mechanics. It's like a tech demo.