
Jun 3, 2017
The worst part is... I'm like, totally fine with the old 1.6.
I just don't understand why he couldn't have just copy/pasted the old content instead of rewriting the whole Lifepath just to remove it now. I just don't get it.
He could have started working on Bangkok a year ago, if not earlier.
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Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
I think dropping the lifepath is the right choice. By getting on with the game, he (and we) can figure out what the output of the lifepath needs to be, rather than doing the lifepath and trying to force-fit the results into the main game. Starting at the end of the lifepath and working backwards will work better than the reverse.


Dec 21, 2019
I think dropping the lifepath is the right choice. By getting on with the game, he (and we) can figure out what the output of the lifepath needs to be, rather than doing the lifepath and trying to force-fit the results into the main game. Starting at the end of the lifepath and working backwards will work better than the reverse.
This. The lifepath is a character creator for a game that hasn't even been designed yet. What does and didn't need to be there, what should get more or less emphasis, which traits need to be carefully balanced against each other, none of these are known because there's no game. Why worry about building an extended prologue/intro when you don't know what you're introducing?


Sep 29, 2019
While I agree with that, I really did like the lifepath and how it was done. I can only hope that they'll bring it back. However, going forward with the game now and then going back to make the lifepath and its outcomes fit is a hard task as well.

At this point they need to make a decision and make an outline what the actual game should be. (that should have been the first thing to begin with, but what do I know) What the story should be, what skills are needed and what kinks they want. Once they have done that, I' prefer developing it from start to finish or maybe drop in an experiment if you want, but jumping back and forth to see what works and what doesn't without knowing what you actually want to do can only fail. I mean, at this point it isn't even the story that is missing, it is all these skills and experience and stuff you get, yet it doesn't have any impact. I have yet to encounter any scene where that stuff actually makes a difference or even comes into play. In 1.6 the kinks gave you different options, but the rest? They need to make sure that they know how they actually want to use these features, because as of now they're in the game without any purpose. I am usually a fan of rolling dice, but what do you need dice rolls for when you can develop skills? What are skills for, if you can roll a nat 20 and succeed anyway? And why do scenes play out thes same way regardless of what you roll?

They have a lot of stuff in the game that could be interesting, but they don't have game and don't know what to do with these mechanics. It's like a tech demo.


May 31, 2020
I was going to get the game but then I saw the whole mess that it had become and now I've decided not to get the game.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
I agree that the lifepath is worth doing at some point, to build a character able to take the paths the player is interested in. Right now, though, the lifepath as we have seen it is just a crap shoot, with no clues as to what traits and skills will be useful in the main story path we want to take. Establish the consequences and then determine which decisions lead to those consequences.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2017
The changes are publicly very small at the moment and unfortunately so complex in the background that it is difficult to reach a desired scene without a guide.

Staying with the LP and Dubai, in several dozen runs I have not managed to get 1x anal sex scene, although it was eagerly discussed on Discord.

Personally, I miss the LP immensely, since it was "my" Kate who flew to Scotland. And especially 1.11, with the different scenes according to the financial background, had aroused very high expectations for further differentiations in the LP.
So in my opinion, the kinks in some scenes (especially the year abroad) were also implemented very well there, so that you could really experience a different development of a scene.
Other scenes, like the professor's, on the other hand, offered hardly any variety.

Minimising the kinks and limiting them to 3-5, but expanding on them accordingly, would be a big win. You don't have to offer all the kinks in a game to attract a broad mass of people who would then be disappointed because their favourite kink only occurs once a year, whereas kinks less loved by this player occur once a week in the game. You lose this player, but the one who gets to experience his kink once a week, but could only experience the less popular one once a year, would also overlook this one time.
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Oct 23, 2017
It's amazing how quickly this thread was again overrun with people just complaining about Crushstation...

FFS, we get it, you're not happy with what's going on with the game. Cool. There really is no need to go on about this for 100 pages.
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May 31, 2020
BTW, anyone got the Patreon build of 1.06?

I tried out the public 1.06 and it was alright.

pretty good prologue . . . until the devs got greedy and started milking their cash cow too hard.
Apr 3, 2019
It's amazing how quickly this thread was again overrun with people just complaining about Crushstation...

FFS, we get it, you're not happy with what's going on with the game. Cool. There really is no need to go on about this for 100 pages.
A new version got released, and the dev specifically asked for feedback. Everyone's giving their feedback. Most of it is negative, yes, but are you implying you only want to see positive feedback?
Mar 3, 2019
BTW, anyone got the Patreon build of 1.06?

I tried out the public 1.06 and it was alright.

pretty good prologue . . . until the devs got greedy and started milking their cash cow too hard.
Do you mean 1.6.3? Whilst not technically the Patreon release, I've edited all the features back in. You'll probably need the image pack from public version on the front page, I can't remember if this was the offline one or not.
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May 31, 2020
To all who might be interested,

After playing through the "all content enabled" version of 1.6.3 kindly provided to me by shadow_panther, I have come to a conclusion.

The devs of this game have become just like Innoxia (dev of Lilith's Throne). The UI and graphics change was an excuse, just like when Innoxia abandoned the party system in LT. Progress came to an immediate halt and there were no more major development in terms of storyline, just endless incremental updates for tertiary stuff like new species and whatnot.
Crushstation is going to milk this cash cow for every dollar it can produce. There will be no further development for months maybe even years.

You might be wondering though, why this has anything to do with my proposal.

After closely examining the system and progress of update 1.6.3, I have come to realize that it is a crossroads. The perfect point to start creating a mod. A mod that will finish the game starting from where 1.6.3 left off and improve on some secondary features at the same time. After completing the main story, we can clean the bugs and add secondary tertiary features until the mod is complete. Also, the mod will be a stand-alone. No need to download anything else, kind of like the Free Cities mod (Pregmod) in a way.

I believe the older system is easier to mod and has far more content and customization available, though at least 3 artists are needed to sort thorough the pile of art and make some new art. :LOL:

However, because this is a free mod, there will be no tangible benefit from joining this mod project. Yet the intangible benefits of participating are immeasurable. This mod project can be the building block, the cornerstone of your reputation as a artist, writer and/or coder. And we can always go and make our own games after completing this mod, our very own $10K/month cash cow.

As for myself, I am a experienced writer primarily working on SFW stuff, though I've also done some NSFW written work. I'm also learning how to make my own games on Twine Sugarcube, but I wouldn't call myself experienced or anything like that.

Ideally, this mod team will divided into 3 groups (with overlap); coders, writers, and artists.
I would like to have at least 3 artists, another 2 writers to help me out and at least 3-4 coders to turn all that writing and art into working code.

So I say, we stop complaining about the dev milking the cash cow and get to work building the mod of our dreams.
Anyone who is interested, send me a PM on F95 with your Discord, a little intro about yourself, and what group you'd like to work in (you can put more than one, of course). We'll go from there and make our little Discord, where we can discuss and vote on the main storyline and the other stuff.

Thanks in advance for reading through my horrendous wall of text,

-Black Dragon

Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
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Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
Did he say $10K/month?
Wtf? I've been doing GL for free for years, I'm an idiot.
Any preferences in regard to the cash cow I can shit out?
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