A second (and additional...) thought continuing what I posted just above: part of this is due to Crush's social media presence. Since he seems to spend a lot of time and energy on Discord, it makes him more relatable than the average username on the Internet. Most people on the Internet are just names to everyone else, even though all of us are absolutely human.
However, to us we just see a username that might as well be an abstract entity or a robot instead of a human. Why not trash some random username that does not seem real? Lots of Discord chat changes that. It takes a special kind of person to trash a human with known relatable details. That's why you see some of the dynamics here. People who chat a lot with Crush on Discord get into one aspect of the personality dynamics here (stumbling over each other to tell him to take however many decades are needed, and trashing those who disagree), while many of those who don't chat with him are into the other aspect (trashing Crush for delays). It's becoming more purely psychological than economic at this stage, even though economics and psychology were always inseparable.
These details also help explain why certain other late creators don't have all this surrounding them. Many creators communicate very minimally, sometimes maybe 1 sentence a month that is some short apology or explanation. That doesn't make them seem more human at all, and so not as much will be said for or against, but the proportion against should likely higher.
Let's get into real reasons for delays: very often, what is really happening is that a creator gets into the doldroms emotionally for no other reason than their own minds, but in other cases it is due to alcohol or party drug abuse, gaming addiction, poor health due to eating badly and not exercising, or other factors that are too rare to mention here. Can't say those out loud (much), because people don't find many of them to be excusable. Still, a master can mention these and make them relatable. That's when you know you have a kool-aid situation going on.