It was a joke because I find it utterly bizarre to compare the indie adult game Female Agent with War and Peace to determine the winrar.
The high word count / minified SLOCs is because of included libs. No idea if Twine has a word count but I don't care because in addition to above:
As I've stated before and will restate in a different way: word count is literally quantity not quality.
If you must compare Female Agent to something, maybe pick a popular (money earned per month) game on F95 and take a look at their release schedules and play time. They're often not great either. It's all pretty shitty.
I'm not sure there is a fair way to evaluate the games on patreon. Different developers on there make use of it different ways.
Some developers take the time to refine their skills over the period in multiple areas programming, art, writing and game design.
Others I think take it differently, some are lazy and see this as just an opportunity to milk people, some get scared and think they can't come up with another good idea so don't want to risk ending the first project...
They are human so different reactions for different people makes sense.
Should we compare it then to "Trials in Tainted Space"?
I'm not a fan of the game TITS. Not my cup of tea.
The developer First chose an audience and stuck with it. His game is built around a certain theme that doesn't work for me. But it works well for the story and what he wants to go on.
Both games now are HTML based.
Apparently TITS thought started as FLASH. It appears they then moved to Node.js with electron.js. That means they had to learn to do some actual coding.
Female Agent on the other hand uses twine. There is very little actual coding needed and most of that is a do once so you can use it over and over again if need be. Most the coding is handled by twine itself.
The amount of story TITS has far exceeds that in female agent.
Release and time on this site. TITS first comment is 1 year earlier than Female Agent but the number of release in the amount of time far exceeds that of female agent. It seems they are more active.
Art. Not sure if the developers of TITS creates their own art or if someone else does or they just harvest it from the net.
They have a fair bit of art though.
Female Agent. It borrows images from the web along with self developed images for the avatar
One thing I noticed about the art for the avatar is a lot of duplicated work. Take eyebrows as an example. They appear in different colors. I'm not sure why they didn't just use a single one and apply color to it. It could simple be because he is limited to pure HTML and didn't use canvas or even know he could. If he had built the images as SVGs he could have applied color regardless. That would have saved him a lot of work. The reason that is the SVG is just a text file and you can alter the color with JS in it. But he may not even have that coding capability.
So is that a fair comparison? Sure TITS has been around 1 year longer but they also had to deal with the engine they using becoming scrapped. Build an entire new engine. I said they. Because at some point they gained a developer to my understanding. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
TITS story / dialog. It is mixed in with their code. But about 70% of the file seems to be dialog and such. 93Mb of files that roughly 65.1Mb of dialog. Strip the white space and punctuation 54.25Mb which works out to about 10,850,000 words.
That using the average words size of 5 every 6th character as white space or punctuation.
From that we can realize that the developer form Female Agent isn't doing even half the work the developers from TITs are doing. For that matter he isn't even doing half the work any single developer from TITs is doing.
Is that a fair comparison though? I have no idea. If I am just looking at work and production and quality and so on. Maybe, if I want to take in a broader picture such as what is going on in their lives, the back ground, education, ...
I am 100% sure you can also find worse developers that have been on patreon. Does that however make him a good developer. No.
The way I see it they are performing at the level they choose to or are capable of. What motivation there is behind it and so on I have no idea.