Well, I would say things are a bit more complicated than that. While what you describe has and still does happen since probably the beginning of media. There is a difference between picking something new up not licking it and then complaining about it and being a long time fan of something only to see it change to chase a new audience while alienating the old fans. Especially if this also proves to be an economically bad decision, where the new version looses way more old fans than it gains new ones. Just look at how many box office disasters Disney has produced in the last few years. That kind of also proves that it isn’t always the minority (at least not the minority of those willing to spend money on something) that is complaining. I can understand why people get really angry about having one of their favorite thing turned into something they hate and why they feel the need to vent. The internet is in the unfortunate position that it simply is the least risky place to vent your negative emotions.TBH There's a pretty big issue in a lot of media with ultra-toxic, terminally online Twitter/youtube "fans" just constantly screeching and drowning out actual discussion. These people are less than 1% of the audience but they dominate all discussion.
Sometimes it feels like those big budget content creators know they can no longer produce quality content and so decide to try milking established fan bases of a few bucks before those realized the have been duped. But then again the atrociously large budgets they really only have a snowball’s chance in hell of recouping are a pretty big contradicting factor. Maybe humanity just collective lost the ability to learn from failure and change their approach when something doesn’t work? Or at least the ability to remove people, who are incapable of learning, from positions of power and influence before something catastrophic happens. Would explain a lot about the current world.
But back on topic, I don’t think the lack of content creation is the biggest problem given how much good content was created only to be removed again. Yeah, the extensive character creation of earlier versions clearly couldn’t receive more than a wink and a nod in the actual game but it was pretty interesting in its own right and was a great opportunity for role playing and justifying your later decisions. On that note, I hope he makes proper use of the great setup he has create for getting the MC into prostitution. They whole Emilia is pushed by her boyfriend and obviously insecure and vulnerable, coupled with the explicitly stated threat that one of the barmaids would have to move on to prostitution or be fired just screams sadistic choice. Either our agents puts her foot down stays a bargirl and sees Emilia coerced into prostitution or she compromises her integrity and dignity much further still to spare her that fate for now. I think that would be a fairly believable way to justify the MC agreeing to prostitution. Would also give her handlers reason to worry whether she gets too emotionally attached to her colleagues and whether that might jeopardize the mission as the MC is making decisions no longer on just what is most expedient for the mission but also takes her fellow bargirls' wellbeing into account (which will clearly be at odds with what is best for the mission).