I get you, just know others might see it differently. You have a unique definition on the way you see it, and it's perfectly acceptable to see it that way. Personally I don't see most Rap as music but as poetry since it lacks instrumental music behind it. My definition of music is tailored, just like how you are tailoring the definition of what a game is. We are doing the same thing, we are using a personal definition which is fine, but others will see it differently.I think it’s not correct to call this stuff a game. It’s interactive fiction - visual novel
I straight up disagree with the AI images part. If they were AI they would be better LOL. He has garbage supposedly temporary photos he has pulled from the internet, which clash with the new art. Though I think the new art is decent since it's a consistent art style. It shouldn't take that long to remake all the live action photo... but I wouldn't hold my breath. I really wish he would just contract out someone to do that for him.
I also think the writing quality is good, just not great. I think you are being harsh, writing books is really hard and a slow process. Note most writing in games on this site are actively bad. I do think Crush sees himself as an amazing writer and he isn't. He takes WAY to long to write what he does. He really needs an editor to bounce ideas off of and then edit for him to take some of the load off of him. Crush's problem is production and he needs to find a way to get help increase production.