Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
One of the problem with jarring scenes like the blowjob fiasco is that Crush is abysmal at the whole "illusion of choice" thing. He presents so many things as being important choices -- or choices at all -- when in fact nothing you pick matters in the slightest. He talks about the game having "sandbox elements" or whatever, but this is nothing more than a kinetic novel.

I'm not bagging on kinetic novels, because there are some awesome ones out there. What I am saying is that making a kinetic novel with all sorts of false choices and claiming it's an RPG is the fraudulent fraud of a fraudster. When this whole garbage fire began back in like 1882, he could claim that it was just early in the development stage and he'd flesh out other paths as he went, but it's readily apparent that nothing of the sort will happen now. It will continue to be a modestly erotic but inconsistent and sparse bit of fraudulence that offers choices that aren't choices.

One thing that really bugs me is how his fanboys/fangirls claim that his writing is somehow transcendent and the best erotica they've ever read. The guy is about the level of an average Literotica writer. He's inconsistent, endlessly repetitive, and dawdling. And yeah that's better than the writing you'll find in a lot of H games, but come on, it's pedestrian at best.


May 25, 2017
One thing that really bugs me is how his fanboys/fangirls claim that his writing is somehow transcendent and the best erotica they've ever read.
Who said that his writing is somehow transcendent and the best erotica they've ever read? Can you quote that here, please?

The guy is about the level of an average Literotica writer. He's inconsistent, endlessly repetitive, and dawdling. And yeah that's better than the writing you'll find in a lot of H games, but come on, it's pedestrian at best.
And yet you care so much about their pedestrian effort that you're here posting about it. To what end?

I think you love this game. The negativity of your post makes me think you're projecting, maybe a failed smut writer, maybe jealous of their success.

You can't simply move on to play another game you consider to be better. Or make something better, No, you're compelled to make a stand here. Why?

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
Who said that his writing is somehow transcendent and the best erotica they've ever read? Can you quote that here, please?
I'm not your quote monkey and this isn't a dissertation defense. If you want them, go check out his legion of squeeing fans on his Discord. I am soooo not going to do that to defend myself against yet another squeeing fan.

And yet you care so much about their pedestrian effort that you're here posting about it. To what end?

I think you love this game. The negativity of your post makes me think you're projecting, maybe a failed smut writer, maybe jealous of their success.

You can't simply move on to play another game you consider to be better. Or make something better, No, you're compelled to make a stand here. Why?
You make me laugh, so I'll bother replying to your blithering.

I love the promise of this game. It could have and should have been one of the best H-games out there, and in the hands of someone who was more concerned with creating a good game than milking the suckers, it would have been. Unfortunately, what we got is a sad attempt at a kinetic novel, fraught with one restart and engine change after another. Any old excuse not to produce content.

One thing I loathe is fraud. For a long time I was willing to defend Crush against accusations of fraud, both here and in other places. But eventually the evidence against him just became too strong to be ignored. I inveigh against him now in the same way that I would against anyone else I see ripping people off.

And as to your last "point," I play a great many games I consider better, but that doesn't mean that this game stops existing or stops being a fraud worthy of mockery. I don't make a game I consider better because I'm not a coder. I'm not "compelled" to do anything, but the reason I post here is because new people considering coming to the game probably won't read 312 pages (at this moment) of commentary dating back years, and they deserve to know that this game is a garbage fire before they waste their time on it.

Now here's one for you: I only very occasionally post in this forum about this game being the waste of time that it is, and yet you felt compelled to talk crap to me. Why?


May 25, 2017
I'm not your quote monkey and this isn't a dissertation defense. If you want them, go check out his legion of squeeing fans on his Discord. I am soooo not going to do that to defend myself against yet another squeeing fan.
So, it's what I thought: your strawman sock puppet whispered your hateful thoughts back to you and you merely repeated them. But, of course, it's never your fault, it's merely the sock on your hand who is the liar.

You make me laugh, so I'll bother replying to your blithering.

I love the promise of this game. It could have and should have been one of the best H-games out there, and in the hands of someone who was more concerned with creating a good game than milking the suckers, it would have been. Unfortunately, what we got is a sad attempt at a kinetic novel, fraught with one restart and engine change after another. Any old excuse not to produce content.
Good so far. I think everyone who has bothered to post here can agree this game has potential that it has not reached yet.

One thing I loathe is fraud. For a long time I was willing to defend Crush against accusations of fraud, both here and in other places. But eventually the evidence against him just became too strong to be ignored. I inveigh against him now in the same way that I would against anyone else I see ripping people off.
And now we're back to your weird and hate-filled accusations.

Absolutely nobody was forced to pay for Crush's work, so you really should lower your White Knight sword.

I have repeatedly paid for Crush's work. Sometimes I thought it was fucking amazing. Sometimes I thought it could be better. I never once felt defrauded. It's clear what you are paying for, if you even choose to support this game developer.

And as to your last "point," I play a great many games I consider better, but that doesn't mean that this game stops existing or stops being a fraud worthy of mockery. I don't make a game I consider better because I'm not a coder. I'm not "compelled" to do anything, but the reason I post here is because new people considering coming to the game probably won't read 312 pages (at this moment) of commentary dating back years, and they deserve to know that this game is a garbage fire before they waste their time on it.
Yeah, it's easier to destroy than it is to create so why even bother to make a game. Pathetic excuse. Try making something.

Now here's one for you: I only very occasionally post in this forum about this game being the waste of time that it is, and yet you felt compelled to talk crap to me. Why?
Well, that's because I don't like bullies. You're playing to the crowd with your made-up quotes and accusations of fraud.

I'd rather see a crush game update saying they are trying to do something than you shitting on game developers.
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Oct 6, 2023
A Throwback to 2022: How Crushstation Made Us Love HTML Text Games

Hello, gamers! Some still doubt Crush's greatness, so let's revisit 2022, an undisputed fantastic year for Crushstation, the dev who is defo NOT a scammer. Let's appreciate this visionary, who mastered project management before game dev.

In April, Crushstation released 1.15, adding 10 minutes of gameplay and fixing typos. The fans were ecstatic, and the critics were blown away. The game got a realistic 10/10 from every reputable site.

In September, Crushstation released 1.16, adding 10 minutes of gameplay and changing the font color. The fans were overjoyed, and the critics were gobsmacked. The game got 101/10 from every credible site.

In December, Crushstation released 1.17, adding 10 minutes of gameplay and a semicolon. The fans were elated, and the critics were astounded. The game got 120/10 from every authoritative site.

What a year, huh? Crushstation showed us HTML game dev, who learns from his excuses mistakes. Before beat sheets he pushed 3 updates per year, now in 2023 he's making an impressive 3 side quests! Maybe he'll reboot the game as a novel on paper, or rewrite it in assembly for 2024. The possibilities are limitless!

Anyone who doesn't support his cause of reimagining game dev is a stingy fool whose opinions don't matter, even if valid. You are our hero, Crushstation. You are our crush, Crushstation. In closing, I attach a brand new plan which will bring us releases every 1-2 months since 2021!

P.S. More fun with ChatGPT.
Jul 21, 2020
Good ole MFAGA! :giggle:

I didn't remember this part:

"Bad personal management. I’m living on takeouts and trucker pills, and getting drunk to
tune out the stress. This is obviously not helping me, but more importantly it’s not helping
the project."

How much of a drinking habit does he have these days? If he's still getting drunk regularly and popping pills to stay awake, that would be one explanation for the slow output ...

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
I wasn't around when the game began or MFAGA was written, and reading it now is just...dear God, it's sad. To me it seems plain that Crush didn't start this project out with any ill intentions at all, he was just a gamer who wanted to make a game (and which of us hasn't had that desire?). But he was inexperienced and stubborn and wandered deep into the weeds, and on the way out he realized that he could get paid to do basically nothing and not have to have a real job: the resolution to his personal anguish was fraud.

Well, the road to Hell and all that.

When he talks in that document about streamlining things that are still not streamlined, it makes me think of all the times over on Discord where I urged him to abandon the idea that this is a game. It's not a game, it's never going to be a game, it will always be a kinetic novel. And again, being a kinetic novel is not bad or an insult, it's a neutral descriptor. Recognizing this project as a KN will immediately manage audience expectations in a positive way and align his rhetoric (which up until now has been nothing but pure, refined, highly concentrated bullshit) to reality. He keeps saying that we're on the edge of the sandbox part of the game, but...seriously? Sandbox? If he finds absolutely linear writing as difficult as he claims to find it, then a sandbox would make his head explode.

Seriously, if you aren't familiar with his Discord, you should check it out. You've got people over there clamoring for the return of the Lifepath, and Crush is always like, "Oh yes, that's definitely in the works"; you've got people suggesting new mechanics when the existing ones do nothing and likely never will do anything; you've got people suggesting new traits when existing traits only very occasionally let you see a little different text that has no bearing on the course or outcome of anything. The lack of contact with reality over there is cultlike.

And the worst part? Crush keeps saying that we're still in the Prologue of the game. Five years in and we're still in the fucking PROLOGUE? His squeeing fans get very upset when you point out how utterly repulsive that statement is.


Jul 6, 2023
It's not a game, it's never going to be a game, it will always be a kinetic novel.
He keeps saying that we're on the edge of the sandbox part of the game
As a programmer after looking into the code I confirm it
Crush uses wrong tools: he uses modification of the engine that created for simple (I mean really simple) novels, but to code RPG he needs to use another, more complex modification, that requires real programming knowledge

So stop dreaming about RPG, as for open world? Maybe Crush AI will code it for us in N years

The real tragedy here that Crush can't even write story with a good pace. Writing is not a simple thing, but if you are not programmer, learn how to write a decent text

Just in case of comparison Stardew Valley was made in 5 years by a single person
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Aug 22, 2022
I wasn't around when the game began or MFAGA was written, and reading it now is just...dear God, it's sad. To me it seems plain that Crush didn't start this project out with any ill intentions at all, he was just a gamer who wanted to make a game (and which of us hasn't had that desire?). But he was inexperienced and stubborn and wandered deep into the weeds, and on the way out he realized that he could get paid to do basically nothing and not have to have a real job: the resolution to his personal anguish was fraud.

Well, the road to Hell and all that.

When he talks in that document about streamlining things that are still not streamlined, it makes me think of all the times over on Discord where I urged him to abandon the idea that this is a game. It's not a game, it's never going to be a game, it will always be a kinetic novel. And again, being a kinetic novel is not bad or an insult, it's a neutral descriptor. Recognizing this project as a KN will immediately manage audience expectations in a positive way and align his rhetoric (which up until now has been nothing but pure, refined, highly concentrated bullshit) to reality. He keeps saying that we're on the edge of the sandbox part of the game, but...seriously? Sandbox? If he finds absolutely linear writing as difficult as he claims to find it, then a sandbox would make his head explode.

Seriously, if you aren't familiar with his Discord, you should check it out. You've got people over there clamoring for the return of the Lifepath, and Crush is always like, "Oh yes, that's definitely in the works"; you've got people suggesting new mechanics when the existing ones do nothing and likely never will do anything; you've got people suggesting new traits when existing traits only very occasionally let you see a little different text that has no bearing on the course or outcome of anything. The lack of contact with reality over there is cultlike.

And the worst part? Crush keeps saying that we're still in the Prologue of the game. Five years in and we're still in the fucking PROLOGUE? His squeeing fans get very upset when you point out how utterly repulsive that statement is.
The discord is incredibly toxic.


Jan 21, 2018
I've been largely absent from this thread lately because everything associated with FA seems more like a relic of the before-times prior to ai, even the brand of forum drama that was my source of entertainment here. I considered even the early life-path version of FA to be promising but inferior to other games that did similar things. I don't like anything that I've seen or heard about the reboot. Game development is highly rewarding and I strongly recommend it, however. I can have anything that I've ever wanted from a game of this genre.
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Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
I first got hooked onto this game *because* of the lifepath. I thought, "wow, we have a game here that actually will take into account your background and choices here will be meaningful." Well....since that has been taken out of the game, there really isn't a lot of meaningful choices left in the game. If any at all.

So probably won't bother playing until if/when it is implemented back into this game.


Oct 6, 2023
At this point, I think it's important even a squeeing fan ask, is there a plan to reach at least one ending? And if so, how many updates before we get there? Doesn't matter lifepath, dice roll, avatar with a million expressions... At a historical rate of 3 releases per annum, assuming ending is at version 1.30, that's easily 3+ years away.

When we started this journey, FA was worth a fap. I'm legit worried that by the time it ends, the equipment may not work. By equipment, I mean my laptop of course. Let's Make FA Great Again Once Again (MFAGAOA)! Might I suggest a key difference is to pause Patreon after each missed deadline until delivered? I repeat, Crush is NOT a scammer. Because I say so.

Go make your own game if you disagree, but not Blue Swallow or Girl Spy.

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
At this point, I think it's important even a squeeing fan ask, is there a plan to reach at least one ending? And if so, how many updates before we get there? Doesn't matter lifepath, dice roll, avatar with a million expressions... At a historical rate of 3 releases per annum, assuming ending is at version 1.30, that's easily 3+ years away.

When we started this journey, FA was worth a fap. I'm legit worried that by the time it ends, the equipment may not work. By equipment, I mean my laptop of course. Let's Make FA Great Again Once Again (MFAGAOA)! Might I suggest a key difference is to pause Patreon after each missed deadline until delivered? I repeat, Crush is NOT a scammer. Because I say so.

Go make your own game if you disagree, but not Blue Swallow or Girl Spy.
Blue Swallow looks to be following up on the promise that Female Agent failed to deliver, and produced in six months a volume of content that Female Agent has barely exceeded in, what, coming up on six years now. Girl Spy is a parody but still shows how a competent dev who isn't trying to milk the process can produce FA-style and quality content; Lobsterman9999 said he hadn't worked on it very long to get the release out the door, and while there haven't been any updates since the initial release, one can hope.


Jul 6, 2023
Go make your own game if you disagree, but not Blue Swallow or Girl Spy.
Although I cannot lay an egg, I am a very good judge of omelettes
- Bernard Show
Ideas and their implementation are very different things. And FA is the best example of it. I am very happy that some more competent people want to make something similar to FA


Jul 14, 2019
Not sure I agree that they are more competent. Quicker perhaps, to get content out. I think Female Agent's writing is significantly better than Blue Swallow, even with its flaws (not into trans stuff, so I haven't bothered with Girl Spy).
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