Apr 3, 2019
I feel like both parties are getting stuck on technicalities.

This is just a forum to share and comment about lewd games:

"F95zone is an adult community where you can find tons of great adult games and comics, make new friends, participate in active discussions and more! "

This is the thread where you share and comment about the game titled "Female Agent". That's it, really, I don't think there's any rule stating "You can only provide helpful and constructive feedback".


Mar 14, 2017
That's the thing.. In other threads I see people commenting and discussing about the content, best waifus, or whatever. But because this game is sorely lacking contents right now. Then the only thing we can do is complaining about the devs actions.
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Aug 6, 2016
ScarletCrow The dev has been working on the bed sex scenes of the dubai event for at least a month. So technically even the reworked dubai scene is incomplete. I dont know what to make of it but everytime he posts" I am working on the bed scene", the next post comes 2 weeks later and the scene still isnt finished.
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Mar 14, 2017
Yeah, I also don't know. But they are a team right? So while Crush is "struggling" with his writing, what are the others doing? Can't they start coding the general gameplay for Bangkok, or something? How about adding in Kate's wardrobe in Bangkok? Last time, clothing took a really long time. So instead of adding "regional school uniform" why don't they start adding in Kate's wardrobe for Bangkok? Idk, man. Maybe they should hire a smut writer and Crush can be the coder?


Feb 25, 2018
After months of sponsorship, what I saw was the continued revision and addition of the "prologue." The whole avatar has been changed, and some modifications have been made to the sex system, but in the end, the main episode has not progressed at all. When I pointed out this, the other sponsors criticized me.
After all, I don't think I'll ever see Bangkok in this game. Like most other games.
Apr 3, 2019
The one thing I genuinely wonder about is how many hours the team works on average every day. I'm sure they're not exactly clocking in and out 40 hours a week each, because if they do, seriously, what are they doing? I'm a corporate wage slave and even in our world of mindless reports and meetings, there's some weeks where 40 hours are just too many, we literally run out of work to do.
So I do wonder, even if "the creative juices run dry", what are they doing that first day...then the second...then the third and on?


Mar 14, 2017
I mean, I don't really care how they want to work. I also work remotely IRL, so i work in odd hours sometimes. I can understand if they don't want office "constraints", after all this should be a passion project. Follow office hours or don't, doesn't matter as long as there is a consistent output.

An interesting thing is, there is a task called "Decide on office hours / way to know when Crush is working" in their task tracker. It gives me the impression that there is a communication issue even among the team members.


May 25, 2017
I feel like both parties are getting stuck on technicalities.

This is just a forum to share and comment about lewd games:

"F95zone is an adult community where you can find tons of great adult games and comics, make new friends, participate in active discussions and more! "

This is the thread where you share and comment about the game titled "Female Agent". That's it, really, I don't think there's any rule stating "You can only provide helpful and constructive feedback".

Only replying to this because you appear to be interested in the merits of the discussion.

No, I don't think there's any rule stating "You can only provide helpful and constuctive feedback". Nor would I want there to be. I don't think offensive ranting should go unchallenged either.

Allow me to present the Restaurant d'Analogy:

I go to this restaurant with friends. We love the food. We discuss how it's complex and satisfying. The environment, the thought in the menu is amazing. It takes a while for the food to be served; we become hungry between courses; but ultimately we have a good time.

I mention the delay to someone on the staff and the head chef, who appears to be a crab for some reason, pops out and explains that they are doing their best to share their vision but it's taking time for them to realise. They share detail about what they are doing to make things better. We understand, make some suggestions, and thank them for their efforts.

Outside, banging on the windows, is someone ranting about how the food takes too long and the chef should just cook it faster and they won't pay and more importantly everyone in the restaurant shouldn't pay either because this chef is just taking their money and they want the restaurant to go bankrupt because they love the food and they could buy but not develop a AAA game in six months or something. They trail off in the end... it gets weird.

And I'll take a break and go talk to the person outside to explain. I mean literally 'explain'. We're all invested in the game. We all want the next update now, now now. But, crucially, we're supportive not bitter.


Jan 12, 2020
Only replying to this because you appear to be interested in the merits of the discussion.

No, I don't think there's any rule stating "You can only provide helpful and constuctive feedback". Nor would I want there to be. I don't think offensive ranting should go unchallenged either.

Allow me to present the Restaurant d'Analogy:

I go to this restaurant with friends. We love the food. We discuss how it's complex and satisfying. The environment, the thought in the menu is amazing. It takes a while for the food to be served; we become hungry between courses; but ultimately we have a good time.

I mention the delay to someone on the staff and the head chef, who appears to be a crab for some reason, pops out and explains that they are doing their best to share their vision but it's taking time for them to realise. They share detail about what they are doing to make things better. We understand, make some suggestions, and thank them for their efforts.

Outside, banging on the windows, is someone ranting about how the food takes too long and the chef should just cook it faster and they won't pay and more importantly everyone in the restaurant shouldn't pay either because this chef is just taking their money and they want the restaurant to go bankrupt because they love the food and they could buy but not develop a AAA game in six months or something. They trail off in the end... it gets weird.

And I'll take a break and go talk to the person outside to explain. I mean literally 'explain'. We're all invested in the game. We all want the next update now, now now. But, crucially, we're supportive not bitter.
To add a counter to your analogy, the price of the food keeps going up, and you pay it little by little in the hopes that the entree will soon show up, only to have the appetizers (that you continue eating) keep coming. The appetizers have been good so you keep paying, expecting the main dish to live up to the quality of the appetizers. The person outside got tired of waiting for their main dish to arrive and is trying to tell everyone that the head chef keeps charging you for your entree without delivering. The chef kept saying the main dish was coming, but the guy outside never saw the chef working on the main dish, just the appetizers. He had paid as much for the appetizers as he would've for a full course meal at another restaurant and wanted to tell people of his experience. Some of the people inside that are still paying for the appetizers tell the guy that if he just waits, it'll arrive if people just keep paying the chef, but the guy doesn't want to pay for a meal he may never see after paying before and only getting appetizers.
Apr 3, 2019
To add a counter to your analogy, the price of the food keeps going up, and you pay it little by little in the hopes that the entree will soon show up, only to have the appetizers (that you continue eating) keep coming. The appetizers have been good so you keep paying, expecting the main dish to live up to the quality of the appetizers. The person outside got tired of waiting for their main dish to arrive and is trying to tell everyone that the head chef keeps charging you for your entree without delivering. The chef kept saying the main dish was coming, but the guy outside never saw the chef working on the main dish, just the appetizers. He had paid as much for the appetizers as he would've for a full course meal at another restaurant and wanted to tell people of his experience. Some of the people inside that are still paying for the appetizers tell the guy that if he just waits, it'll arrive if people just keep paying the chef, but the guy doesn't want to pay for a meal he may never see after paying before and only getting appetizers.
I also feel like painting that one poster as "A guy banging on the windows outside and demanding everyone to bankrupt the restaurant" is a hyperbole at best and dishonest at worst.
If anything, it's more like if you're discussing where to eat and someone mentions "We could go to Restaurant d'Analogy! I heard they're serving some mean steak" and someone else says "Eh I don't know about that...I've gone there a few times in the past few months, and each time they just filled us with garlic bread and beer, steak never came. I just got fed up and left...I think that's their tactic, have a quick table turnover with cheap stuff"


May 25, 2017
I also feel like painting that one poster as "A guy banging on the windows outside and demanding everyone to bankrupt the restaurant" is a hyperbole at best and dishonest at worst.
If anything, it's more like if you're discussing where to eat and someone mentions "We could go to Restaurant d'Analogy! I heard they're serving some mean steak" and someone else says "Eh I don't know about that...I've gone there a few times in the past few months, and each time they just filled us with garlic bread and beer, steak never came. I just got fed up and left...I think that's their tactic, have a quick table turnover with cheap stuff"

No, it's really not like that at all. If you don't want to patr(e)onize the restaurant. Just don't go back if you don't like it! Nobody is telling you you have to pay to eat something you don't want!

But you do want it. You are here apparently wanting to tell everyone that this is a "money grab". Do you not see the difference between you choosing where you spend your money and protesting that everyone should not support them because they are cheating you even though you are not paying for their work?

I, me, personally, have seen the progress in the game from 1.4 (limited protagonist) to 1.6 (satisfyingly customizable, for me at least, protagonist). I'd like a full game tomorrow. I'd also like a holiday island!

This is leading me to suspect that you would never really be happy with their progress. I get it, we all want the next release ASAP. But, really, is this the best way you could help the development of something you clearly desire?


May 25, 2017
The chef kept saying the main dish was coming, but the guy outside never saw the chef working on the main dish, just the appetizers. He had paid as much for the appetizers as he would've for a full course meal at another restaurant and wanted to tell people of his experience.
Sorry, I have to call bullshit on this. Anyone on Crush's Patreon will have seen many, detailed, posts about the work on the main dish, as we're calling it. What you're saying is just not true.

If you don't like the appetizers, as we're calling it, then leave the restaurant! This is what I don't understand: you think this is a great restaurant; you clearly want the next course; but you're angry whether you pay or not?

Are you expecting a AAA game with hundreds of staff and millions spent on development? Why do you expect that?

I think the next updates will be fantastic. I think the developer has taken leaps and bounds and is consistently trying their best to deliver. I'm sorry you don't have that positive faith.


Jul 2, 2017
Newlife syndrome on that dev experience.
No new content = People lose interest, that's how the cookies crumble.

What's interesting about your restaurant analogy and that you're not apparently willing to understand is that it's human nature to be angry to only receive (although good) appetizers if you've paid the price for and been told that the steak is coming. When you can't even hear the steak begin to cook in the kitchen.

Yeah, you leave the restaurant, but you're also angry, because you have paid a price for a good steak and been served appetizers. For months, in hopes that the restaurant will get "better" and serve the steak. Only for the chef to only serve more and more complicated appetizers. When most people are here for the steak.

EDIT : I'll also add that it isn't completely dishonest to think that the chef is "milking" clients that are in the restaurant and fell asleep, therefore not noticing that their money is being taken for appetizers. Of course when they wake up, they'll either see that their money was gone and notice that there are only appetizers, they'll most likely leave, or if they're content with the appetizers, they'll stay.

Also : Wouldn't you refund a game on steam you payed 10 dollars for if it had only the tutorial ? It's advertised as early access, but there isn't anything more than the tutorial, a more and more in depth tutorial, true, but 3 years for a tutorial is too much.
Reminder that it has now been 2 full years since the last addition to the story was made (not counting slight remakes of scenes that were already there)


(I won't be furthering this particular topic more, I honestly think you are blind with trust for Crush, and I'm not saying it's a wrong thing, since you also seem to be a Patron, but to genuinely say you can't understand our opinion you are either dishonest or very bad at understanding others, which would be quite strange since you seem to understand the "struggles" Crush goes through.)
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Apr 3, 2019
Sorry, I have to call bullshit on this. Anyone on Crush's Patreon will have seen many, detailed, posts about the work on the main dish, as we're calling it. What you're saying is just not true.

If you don't like the appetizers, as we're calling it, then leave the restaurant! This is what I don't understand: you think this is a great restaurant; you clearly want the next course; but you're angry whether you pay or not?

Are you expecting a AAA game with hundreds of staff and millions spent on development? Why do you expect that?

I think the next updates will be fantastic. I think the developer has taken leaps and bounds and is consistently trying their best to deliver. I'm sorry you don't have that positive faith.
His latest patreon post could be summed up as "I spent a lot of time reworking the Max scene, and got stuck in transitioning between positions for a couple of days." Naturally, there's a lot of "I learned not to do this", which is an improvement, and technically speaking, it's new content, but this is the equivalent of "I spent a few days perfecting the fancy curve on the sauce sitting on the plate"

But, really, is this the best way you could help the development of something you clearly desire?
We have given a lot of feedback on how to help the development over the (now) years. Most of it has been "don't focus on reworking existing content, start making the new content and then we can rework older things with what we learn from the new content". Crush's responses have ranged from "No, I need to rework this now so I can actually write the new stuff" to "People are good at telling you what's wrong but not how to fix it"

Lastly: Crush actually did consult me about it in private. And, while the code itself does reflect learning and improvement, it is (was, probably still is, but this was a couple of months ago) not in any state to be reusable. So all of these "I'm doing this so it's faster later" is not exactly accurate, unless something has fundamentally changed (and judging by the patreon posts, it hasn't), the scenes are very much black boxes with very little to properly reuse. So it's not just that he's perfecting the sauce swirl on the plate, he's perfecting the brown sauce on a square plate.


Mar 14, 2017
Seems like he's just obsessing over minute details that probably will only be noticed by a few people to the point of being unhealthy (even using pills to stay up apparently). It's pretty messed up. He should be utilizing his hired hands more. But instead he has the tendency to going dark near deadline.


Aug 12, 2017
His latest patreon post could be summed up as "I spent a lot of time reworking the Max scene, and got stuck in transitioning between positions for a couple of days." Naturally, there's a lot of "I learned not to do this", which is an improvement, and technically speaking, it's new content, but this is the equivalent of "I spent a few days perfecting the fancy curve on the sauce sitting on the plate"

We have given a lot of feedback on how to help the development over the (now) years. Most of it has been "don't focus on reworking existing content, start making the new content and then we can rework older things with what we learn from the new content". Crush's responses have ranged from "No, I need to rework this now so I can actually write the new stuff" to "People are good at telling you what's wrong but not how to fix it"

Lastly: Crush actually did consult me about it in private. And, while the code itself does reflect learning and improvement, it is (was, probably still is, but this was a couple of months ago) not in any state to be reusable. So all of these "I'm doing this so it's faster later" is not exactly accurate, unless something has fundamentally changed (and judging by the patreon posts, it hasn't), the scenes are very much black boxes with very little to properly reuse. So it's not just that he's perfecting the sauce swirl on the plate, he's perfecting the brown sauce on a square plate.
Absolutely dead on. I've been a big supporter of this games potential from the very early stages, helped a lot with the casting couch scene, and I genuinely believe Crush is a good guy. But it's been years now and in the same time I've seen creators like SierraLee put out multiple quality games and books.

If you want to support the game hey go for it it's a great premise. But it's like Star Citizen at this point. Still operating on dreams and promises of what it will be with few tangible results.
3.50 star(s) 117 Votes