
New Member
Jul 6, 2021
You don't have to go to school unless it was changed. Just skip class and do double shift at april's shop, once the first cleaning option has a low cost energy (-2 energy), it become easier.


Mar 26, 2023
I think I need something like a guide, or at least some help on how to advance things in this game...

I get that everything is about managing your resources, but I can't find any way of progressing because no matter what I try, it's a quick slide into failure.

1. Money: I need money, and really the only viable way to make money, seems to be working for April. Okay, fair enough, you can level up cleaning too, which lets you get paid without spending much food or energy. I earn about 30 coins for working for her, which pays for 1 warm bread, which is not nearly enough food... leading to...
The beginning is actually pretty hard but once you get through it, it gets much easier. Of course begging is fine too so beg for money whenever you want. We'll work on the rep during the playthrough so that won't be much of a problem. Even at the begining don't worry too much about money, even though it feels like your whole world at this point, especially when the skull girls rob you over and over again. But luckily this money gets taken from you each morning and not all at once.

So for now i recommend using your money each morning to buy a cappuccino. Give that cappuccino to the blonde girl on the very far left hand side of the map (walking up and down the path) to get awarded some homemade cookies. The higher rep you got the more cookies you get. Give one of those cookies to the red haired girl walking up and down the path on the far right hand side of the map to get a crisp apple providing your rep is high enough otherwise it will be just an apple. Now do wat you want but definitely go to class in the morning as this slowly builds up skills, etc (ALWAYS AIM TO GET A CRYPTOMINOR - these things gives you extra coins each morning - the more you have the more money you get paid (i have 12 currently).

In the evening do wat you want but finish by then working at April's. Try to to finish perfectly but at first you may have to start with the medium option. Don't do lazy. Then rub her feet for extra coin. You should get more than 30 coins.

Repeat this routine as best you can but it's up to you.

2. Energy: The only way to get energy is by going to bed with a full food bar. Going to bed with a full food bar is impossible... and without having a huge energy, I can't progress in the Gym thing, which bars a lot of content from me right out of the gate. It also means more often than not, I can't pay attention in classes, leading to further reduction of vitals. There is water, but I can't afford to buy water because I have no money.
Now, remember the cappuccino routine i mentioned above?

When you get those homemade cookies at least keep 1 but eat the rest (though after a few days start saving them when you can) and when you give that 1 to the red haired girl i mentioned, you get that crisp apple. Eat that straight away! Do this every morning! Why? That special apple gives you energy but also increases your permanent energy by 2. So doing this every morning not only gives you energy, but permanently increases your energy bar as well. Once you get more money you can start buying things that do similar benefits more often. If you only get an apple then that still gives you energy but you need to increase your rep to get the crisp type.

It doesn't happen overnight but this forever heals and increases your energy over time.

Of course begging for food as well is fine.

With the gym when you run just use the lowest option (not walk too often just a couple times if needed) as this will still increase for fitness over time and one morning you will level up. Once this happens you'll notice you use less energy when running and eventually you can run faster and faster. Make sure you speak to the 3 girls at the bottom of the gym. Eventually you'll get to clean their clothes. Once this happens do this every morning and the next day they will gift you a protein bar. Eat this bar to get a good food input and also helps before running.

So now every morning you'll be guaranteed a few cookies, a crisp apple & a protein bar. All these help with early food and energy. Then you can add the water girl. Buy a few waters and while doing this routine, walking through the sports field, give the girl a water and she gives you a cookie.

When your money goes up a little start buying 2 green teas. Give those to the girl next to your room and you get a super green tea that doesn't expire. Drink this before lessons and you get an energy boost and you do much better during lessons.

Now every girl you help (blonde cappuccino girl, red haired cookie girl, water girl, green tea girl) all give you a lot of REP so every time you lose rep for begging, you can get it back by seeing to these girls every morning. Then there's the missions with the main characters that reward you with money & rep as well on top so things should start working out.

Also eating shit from the skullgirl at night (bottom left of the map) fills your hunger before bed. This fucks you up though as i found out which made things harder for me but because I'm a sick fuck i couldn't not do it cuss it's so fucking hot. This permanently lowered my food and willpower often but sticking to my routine got me past this barely. If you don't do scat content it should be easier. It's got to the point for me where being a toilet raises my food and willpower now it's crazy, lmfao. I still get permeant damage every now and then but since my stats are so high it doesn't effect me much anymore. Plus I'm STILL doing the routine AND buying tones of food so I'm continuously getting permanent upgrades depending on wat you eat.

Then at the weekend do double shifts. I'll explain more on the rent part.

3. Willpower: So here I am, not a lot of energy, food is at 0, and I need money to buy more food... so i work for april anyway, but because I have no energy, I get punished, which lowers my willpower and forces me into the "foot fetish" content with 0 energy, you get no reward for this, all you get is foot addiction which.... slashes your max willpower by an insane amount.
Following the above routine should help with willpower as you'll have enough food and energy to keep willpower relatively high. Buying milkshakes once you get enough money also increase Willpower permanently as well.

Also various classes in the morning will help so check those out!

Lastly addiction isn't too bad as it will start raising willpower after a while but may permanently damage it instead but you can offset that by the methods above over time.

4. Rent: I have no surplus money, and so I have no money to pay rent after the first time. Which the game thought of and "helpfully" lets someone pay for your rent, but in return whatever tiny progress you may have made in the game gets deleted by taking the pink pill. What used to be a spiral has now become a nosedive. My stats are going down and I have no way to get it up, not even over time, because of this pill that resets all progress and then some.
I recommend restarting and avoiding this pill. It is possible to get enough money for the first week. Apart from getting robbed the only thing you should buy is that cappuccino to start that routine. Also remember to knock on the landlords door (opposite your room) to offer to clean the hallway. This not only gives cleaning experience but once completed your rent can drop down from 150 coins to 120 coins for a perfect clean and 130 for an average clean (don't be lazy though).

Now after doing the cappuccino routine all week and working at night, when the weekend comes do the cappuccino routine in the morning still for Saturday & Sunday but once you're finished with any other business do the double shift. With all the food & energy you've built up over the week you should have enough at least to clean averagely.

By the time you finish Sunday night you should have over 130 coins at least. Ignore the pink haired pill girl and pay the rent by knocking on the landords door again. If you manage to get enough before Sunday night then pay as soon as you can in case it gets robbed again.

After this the 2nd week becomes much easier. Then the following weeks even more so.

5. Skull girls: They keep attacking you, taking your willpower, energy, money and accruing debt. There is now way to get on top of this, and you can be damn sure that if I am able to run up 30-40 gold in a week of grinding, they will simply take it in forced encounters, which guarantees you have no chance to ever build up any money for rent.
Yea these are a pain with nothing much you can do. Most of the time you don't have enough so rather than take it in one go it's added to your debt like you said and partly paid off each morning until it's paid off. Those cryptominor things you get from lessons can help with this but other than that doing the cappuccino routine followed by work every night and doubles shifts all weekend should help greatly making the skullgirls more of an annoyance than a game-breaking pain. Once your fitness level goes up from running you can either fight back or run away from these encounters.

I am sorry, I am frustrated, I understand that you're not meant to flourish in this game, but I can't even see the content because I can't find any way to avoid getting into this loop. And the game takes a LONG time to play, and after several failed attempts, I've spent hours on basically nothing...
I hear ya i struggled too at first, i think everyone does. The funny thing about my first playthrough i didn't care about the consequences and submitted to everyone and loved the content. I took the pill every week so my stats were the lowest they could be. My maximum willpower, food and energy were all 30 so after like 30 days i couldn't progress because my stats were too low lmfao! So had to restart. Did the cappuccino routine and cleaned the halls and managed to get the 120 coins i needed before Sunday even arrived.

So give it another few tries before giving up because it is a fantastic game. It is super hard at the beginning and even has super unforgiving punishment's throughout but the prizes and the content itself (art scenes, etc) are worth it!


Jun 24, 2019
I think I need something like a guide, or at least some help on how to advance things in this game...

I get that everything is about managing your resources, but I can't find any way of progressing because no matter what I try, it's a quick slide into failure.

1. Money: I need money, and really the only viable way to make money, seems to be working for April. Okay, fair enough, you can level up cleaning too, which lets you get paid without spending much food or energy. I earn about 30 coins for working for her, which pays for 1 warm bread, which is not nearly enough food... leading to...
2. Energy: The only way to get energy is by going to bed with a full food bar. Going to bed with a full food bar is impossible... and without having a huge energy, I can't progress in the Gym thing, which bars a lot of content from me right out of the gate. It also means more often than not, I can't pay attention in classes, leading to further reduction of vitals. There is water, but I can't afford to buy water because I have no money.
3. Willpower: So here I am, not a lot of energy, food is at 0, and I need money to buy more food... so i work for april anyway, but because I have no energy, I get punished, which lowers my willpower and forces me into the "foot fetish" content with 0 energy, you get no reward for this, all you get is foot addiction which.... slashes your max willpower by an insane amount.
4. Rent: I have no surplus money, and so I have no money to pay rent after the first time. Which the game thought of and "helpfully" lets someone pay for your rent, but in return whatever tiny progress you may have made in the game gets deleted by taking the pink pill. What used to be a spiral has now become a nosedive. My stats are going down and I have no way to get it up, not even over time, because of this pill that resets all progress and then some.
5. Skull girls: They keep attacking you, taking your willpower, energy, money and accruing debt. There is now way to get on top of this, and you can be damn sure that if I am able to run up 30-40 gold in a week of grinding, they will simply take it in forced encounters, which guarantees you have no chance to ever build up any money for rent.

I am sorry, I am frustrated, I understand that you're not meant to flourish in this game, but I can't even see the content because I can't find any way to avoid getting into this loop. And the game takes a LONG time to play, and after several failed attempts, I've spent hours on basically nothing...
I mean if you don't care about the challenge to keep yourself alive and simply want to play for scenes you can always just use something like and upload your most current save, edit the gold to 9999, and replace the copy in your save folder with the edited copy. You'll return to the game with 9999 coins. Once you have essentially infinite money, every other issue you listed is trivial. Just buy like 100 gourmet coffees and 100 bags of chips to use at your leisure, rent not an issue, etc.


Jan 8, 2018
Bro, don't be upset, just beg girls for coins and food, to hell with pride and reputation! Also, find the skullgirl in the lower right corner of the map at night, take her on your back to the gate of Isabella's mansion - it's safe! Use the two tokens she gives you to buy food at the Skullgirls Secret Store. And so every night, for this you need only 20 energy.
Thank you so much for this. It's not the most broken thing ever, but it's enough for me to actually be able to make it through a day without being crushed.


Jan 8, 2018
With the gym when you run just use the lowest option (not walk too often just a couple times if needed) as this will still increase for fitness over time and one morning you will level up. Once this happens you'll notice you use less energy when running and eventually you can run faster and faster. Make sure you speak to the 3 girls at the bottom of the gym. Eventually you'll get to clean their clothes. Once this happens do this every morning and the next day they will gift you a protein bar. Eat this bar to get a good food input and also helps before running.

I recommend restarting and avoiding this pill. It is possible to get enough money for the first week. Apart from getting robbed the only thing you should buy is that cappuccino to start that routine. Also remember to knock on the landlords door (opposite your room) to offer to clean the hallway. This not only gives cleaning experience but once completed your rent can drop down from 150 coins to 120 coins for a perfect clean and 130 for an average clean (don't be lazy though).
I think you might be playing a different version of the game perhaps? Rent for me is 200 coins per week, not 150, and doing the cleaning in the hallway reduces it to 185, which is still much more than I have a chance to make...

Now that I know about the chocolate donuts, I am able to (for the most part) wake up with full energy, so that I might start making progress on fitness again, so I will see how I do now. As for the laundry, that was just a few days and then they gave me their votes, and I can't remember them ever giving me a reward for this.


Mar 26, 2023
I think you might be playing a different version of the game perhaps? Rent for me is 200 coins per week, not 150, and doing the cleaning in the hallway reduces it to 185, which is still much more than I have a chance to make...

Now that I know about the chocolate donuts, I am able to (for the most part) wake up with full energy, so that I might start making progress on fitness again, so I will see how I do now. As for the laundry, that was just a few days and then they gave me their votes, and I can't remember them ever giving me a reward for this.
Wow that rent might be a bug! It did go up to 200 after a previous update but I assumed that means it would still be 150 at the beginning and then go up to 200 after a certain day (like day 40 or something). After the update the landlord comes to you saying the rent is going up to 200 but by doing various things you can bring it down.

I had no idea the rent was 200 now straight from the beginning. That does seem a little overkill.

Sorry about that lol.

With the laundry u have to go to the locker, search draw 2 and clean the clothes. Then talk to them the next morning to get the bar. Then do the laundry again, speak to them again the next morning and so on.

Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
idk, but the content from the biology teacher is certainly connected to the rent. you get forced into it at some point, and the whole point of her chastity stuff is to lower your rising rent. i didn't check, but maybe this changed some rent related values (on purpose or not).


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I think I need something like a guide, or at least some help on how to advance things in this game...

I get that everything is about managing your resources, but I can't find any way of progressing because no matter what I try, it's a quick slide into failure.

1. Money: I need money, and really the only viable way to make money, seems to be working for April. Okay, fair enough, you can level up cleaning too, which lets you get paid without spending much food or energy. I earn about 30 coins for working for her, which pays for 1 warm bread, which is not nearly enough food... leading to...
2. Energy: The only way to get energy is by going to bed with a full food bar. Going to bed with a full food bar is impossible... and without having a huge energy, I can't progress in the Gym thing, which bars a lot of content from me right out of the gate. It also means more often than not, I can't pay attention in classes, leading to further reduction of vitals. There is water, but I can't afford to buy water because I have no money.
3. Willpower: So here I am, not a lot of energy, food is at 0, and I need money to buy more food... so i work for april anyway, but because I have no energy, I get punished, which lowers my willpower and forces me into the "foot fetish" content with 0 energy, you get no reward for this, all you get is foot addiction which.... slashes your max willpower by an insane amount.
4. Rent: I have no surplus money, and so I have no money to pay rent after the first time. Which the game thought of and "helpfully" lets someone pay for your rent, but in return whatever tiny progress you may have made in the game gets deleted by taking the pink pill. What used to be a spiral has now become a nosedive. My stats are going down and I have no way to get it up, not even over time, because of this pill that resets all progress and then some.
5. Skull girls: They keep attacking you, taking your willpower, energy, money and accruing debt. There is now way to get on top of this, and you can be damn sure that if I am able to run up 30-40 gold in a week of grinding, they will simply take it in forced encounters, which guarantees you have no chance to ever build up any money for rent.

I am sorry, I am frustrated, I understand that you're not meant to flourish in this game, but I can't even see the content because I can't find any way to avoid getting into this loop. And the game takes a LONG time to play, and after several failed attempts, I've spent hours on basically nothing...
clean perfect and massage her feet, you get like 200+ coins a day

at the start you can buy a black tea which increases your stats for the day so you can perfect clean, rhonda and genia gives you milk/chocolates that fill your stats up to full, save those for cleaning you can skip your classes and go double shift cleaning

you can get food and coins from begging or looking at trash cans, you can also do the mini quests which also give you extra cash - Kelly gives you 15 coins a day, mara gives you like 30 coins a day the first week can be challenging if you make it like that on yourself but there is nothing preventing you from sleeping with full energy and full food if you play properly

there is a girl at night if you do her homework she also gives you 60+ coins

its not difficult once you explore the game a little bit


Jan 4, 2021
I think you might be playing a different version of the game perhaps? Rent for me is 200 coins per week, not 150, and doing the cleaning in the hallway reduces it to 185, which is still much more than I have a chance to make...

Now that I know about the chocolate donuts, I am able to (for the most part) wake up with full energy, so that I might start making progress on fitness again, so I will see how I do now. As for the laundry, that was just a few days and then they gave me their votes, and I can't remember them ever giving me a reward for this.
It might help you to know that there is a skull girl who trades three homemade cookies for 1 ritalin, if you collect three ritalin and give them to the girls sitting at the bottom right of the cafeteria, they will give you 200 coins and tell you to come back later, the next day they will give you 50 coins extra or 10 coins depending on your rep.

Once you give the skull girl the cookies they will also be available in the skull girls token shop for four tokens, you can do this once a week I believe, the skull girl should be between the two school buildings at the bottom just above the path leaning on a lamp post.
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Aug 9, 2020
Lore-wise question. Why in the original FemU the Skullgirls usually wears a black cotton stockings and in FemU Zero they only wear nylons?
Strange question, I know.. But speaking from irl experience: regular socks or cotton stockings is always has the best odor. Nylons is really an elegant thing, but nothing more.
This guy KNOWS, finally another odor conoisseur !


Aug 27, 2022
Thank you so much for this. It's not the most broken thing ever, but it's enough for me to actually be able to make it through a day without being crushed.
Use it before it gets nerfed ) In early builds, donuts from the skullgirls serket shop were generally imba, and you could live one night riding on the back of the skullgirl as a good supporter, while the skullgirl keeps it safe and clean )


New Member
Mar 31, 2020
I have already downloaded RPG Maker Ace and checked webgl on my browsers. However, I still can not open the game. Does anyone know how to fix this error ?


Game Developer
May 23, 2018
I have already downloaded RPG Maker Ace and checked webgl on my browsers. However, I still can not open the game. Does anyone know how to fix this error ?
You don't need Rpg Maker Ace.

1.Download the game.
2.Extract the rar-file contents into a folder
3.Start the executable "game.exe" (not the browser)


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
I have already downloaded RPG Maker Ace and checked webgl on my browsers. However, I still can not open the game. Does anyone know how to fix this error ?
Verify you can run webgl by visiting . If you don't get a spinning cube your computer doesn't support webgl. If you do get a cube. Try updating to latest video drivers. Make sure the game is using the dedicated graphics instead of integrated.


New Member
Mar 31, 2020
You don't need Rpg Maker Ace.

1.Download the game.
2.Extract the rar-file contents into a folder
3.Start the executable "game.exe" (not the browser)
I did choose the application like you said. It did not work. I used to play this game before but reinstalling it because I reset my PC. By the way, your game is appealing. You might be into hard-core femdom, I thought.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2020
Hey Salia, can I ask what the chastity levels affects on the MC will be?
Also will it have an affect on the relationship with other characters in FemU?
4.20 star(s) 25 Votes