let me quote myself, because seems you also have problem to read - " putting credits list after each chapter is dick move in my books ", if you have problem to understand my objections, maybe just stay away yourself and don't comment ?
and i have been very polite, comparing that whole game is short as fuck, even saying that, i do appreciate whole graphic works was done, and even conception of story for it, still that dont account for dick moves like i have mention above [ even with skipping them ]
and on post itself, there is very old saying that also applies here, especially this is something that most people don't fucking get, and seems you both above are in that group, when someone ask if you like something, and you answer is no i dont like it and comment what you don't like it, don't be fucking duche, complaining that someone answered your question, if someone post game here, is asking for opinion from players, if he doesnt like answers, shouldnt ask a fucking question/post stuff here