then how come it is called "version 10"? If it is a standalone episode?
now i'm confused lol
Because it wasn't put to its own thread like most other standalones do. Also it seems as though it's more a preview-drop for what's coming up in v10 which was
meant to come out around Christmas but some amount of balls was dropped on scheduling and past a certain point, "might as well chuck this up there."
However, that is why 9.9 and v10 (Holiday Standalone) are listed separately in the OP.
any way to force them to both be there? iv gone to the pool at all hours and only once have they both popped up there for swimming and tanning.
Saw someone else answer it, but there are hotspots in the 'pool' area for Morning and Noon times; far left allows for peeping in the bathroom (like Daniel keeps figuring there should be some way to do when he notices someone's using it already), most of the rest of the image allows for;
(Morning) finding Melinda and doing varying amounts of yoga with her, and
(Noon) Pool time with Debbie and Melinda. Saw someone mention that they could only ever find one or the other out there, and I personally haven't pulled that off, so probably more scenes in that direction.
what linda i dont get it, im new on this game, and the hint v10 say go to lind before start game, and i dont know who is linda.
Saw someone else answer this as well; so long as you are playing the standalone version, in the first options, make an excuse to Melinda to not go to church. You'll be redirected to a room screen, with a row of options at the bottom of the screen. The one all the way to the right that looks like a blonde woman's face is Linda.
why a standalone ? the teaser show differents scenes as on this holiday gimmick ? when the full v10 comes out ?
Probably standalone because it's introducing 3 new characters but not much else and it was figured that it would "not go over well" to make people download the full girth of the game to get access to characters and scenarios that don't involve most of the rest of 9.9 and before.
For me, personally, between annoyed and weirded out that Melinda starts capped at 500. Sure, it's fine and dandy that no grind has to be redone for her specifically to get into her pants (and really, kind of confused what the shit people are on about there being "another grind" when... there isn't?), and I find it neat that Debbie's scheming seems subject to how we're supposed to do things (in that she has to keep trying to get into MC's pants on repeat events) as opposed to I dunno repeatedly making forced attempts over the course of a single day (which might seem weird given she's supposed to be led to believe he's gay).
That said, her being capped at 500 seems a bit odd because in my possibly-busted save for 9.9 everyone's near an even thousand and stuff doesn't seem to have progressed to where it 'should' be (based on the walkthrough). Wanting to suggest that
maybe making everything need to repeat so much with the
slightest progress each round
might break how it's supposed to work. Just throwin that out there.