Ren'Py - Completed - Foot of the Mountains 2 [v5.0 Finale] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Sadly, this game has nothing more than the cgi of a few characters going for it. It is the worst grind I have ever experienced, with the player being thrown in with absolutely no idea what to do to the degree that even the walkthrough barely helps. The story, initially good, became more and more unfocused and contradictory with every update. Most sex scenes are quite uninspired. Also, there are big quality drops with the renders sometimes becoming very grainy and blurry.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Logical review first

    Repetitive game to the extreme,
    History, is there history? And if it does, it was taken from the ass.
    Many low quality images.
    Sorry to the friend @Zombie Pornstar, I will put your text down here, I could not have expressed myself better, then I will complement it with mine

    "I discovered this game randomly and didn't really know much about the Dev but I played anyway. And right from the gate you can come to the conclusion that this game isn't gonna be easy and that it's most likely will take a lot of time and patience to play this game.It's also one of those games that you can't play without a walkthrough otherwise you're screwed, you can get caught in an endless loop of nothing if you're not careful. Unfortunately lol, even with a walkthrough it's still a headache because the WT is always off, the trigger scenes are normally a day or two early or late.

    Beautiful disaster is what I'd call this. Melinda, Ann and Shirley are probably the only knockouts of the game. The sister of the MC is bland and average as well as Rhonda. What's worse about Rhonda is the she feels like a throw in, there's nothing interested about her aside from the fact that she's insecure about her weight. Ann can be likeable but she's also too slutty, she'll literally fuck anything. Even after it seems she's falling for MC she's back to being a slut lol. Then there's Melinda who the Devs built up from the beginning as this badass powerhouse, only to tear her down within a update. I can't make this up, she's violated by William and ultimately raped by a black guy, but to make matters even worse .. The Dev out of nowhere gives off the impression that both her and the MC liked and enjoyed her getting savagely raped , Melinda even smiled which is very uncharacteristic of her. Both of their sudden change in personalities, these surprise tasteless rape / ntr scene and the limitless grind of this game is too much to fathom. I definitely wouldn't recommend this anyone.

    Now the sentimental review

    After those years of playing this game, creating feelings for characters, after version 0.11, seeing all your feelings being destroyed, seeing something you loved and was anxious for an update to be erased soon,
    see the magic getting lost.
    Okay, but you could play from the next version onwards, right?
    No, no way, I even downloaded the game again after the frustration passed, but as I said, the magic died, seeing now the most desired woman in the game, instead of lust makes me sick, I look at her and remember the smile of having liked to be raped.
    and as this game is meaningless, we have no choice, you have to do exactly what the author wants, you have to have sex with whoever he wants, in order to progress.
    The second woman I liked was Rhonda, what did they do to her? It looks like a monster now, why mess with her body? She was a cute chubby, now this horrible thing is left.
    About the developer, it went to my black list, are those developers that I don't even want their games for free (I deleted his three games) Childhood? It may be, but when you completely lose respect for someone, it's gone.
    Still on the developer, from now on it's my personal opinion, I may be totally wrong, but that's what I think.
    If you have seen his Patreon, it has been stagnant at + or- 600 dollars for a long time.
    So I thought, when there was the scene of the guy spying on Melinda with Daniel, I was already preparing ground (actually when I saw that scene, I called when the shit came, but the hope of being mistaken kept me going)
    Then he played that dream of Melinda's brother-in-law fucking her with Daniel, it seemed to me that it was to see people's reaction, and as there are many who like this shit, he went for an all or nothing, and just threw this shit in our face all.
    And guess what, his Patreon went up a lot.
    In summary, if Patreon has risen because of the NTR, he will have to keep and put more of that shit in the future, if he wants to keep those customers that he got, or he will end up losing.
    For me, he can put whatever shit he wants from now on, the game I liked the most is dead and buried, the magic has died, the feeling too.
    I know it sounded like an angry speech, but no, I have no feelings for this game anymore, my words were not for those who like NTR, but for the developer, who betrayed my confidence and killed any kind of feeling I had for the game.

    PS: But I admit that it is the game with the most beautiful asses.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The scenes are top notch, there's a LOT of content, ...

    BUT, and it's a big BUT : the gameplay is horrendous. You never know what you're supposed to do, there are hidden buttons to trigger events that you could never find if you played the game 10 times.

    To play this game you need :
    - a very long detailed walkthrough
    - to read the game code to figure out why you can't trigger a certain event

    The game code is horrible, variable names don't mean much ("dfbek1" or whatever), there are hundreds of branching paths hard to follow ...

    If the gameplay was similar to CureMyAddiction, with lots of ingame hints, this would be a 5/5 game, no doubt!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great story, I think the setting is one of the best ones I've played. Most of the characters feel real and the art is fairly good.

    However, this isn't a true open world game as there's too much grind and too little guidance to expect a player to get almost any scenes without a guide or cheats. And while the characters are mostly interesting, one of them is not (won't say which) but there is unfortunately a lot of content there.

    The game's obviously WIP and there's also a lot of misleading dialogue boxes that pop up and playing without a guide will get you hitting a lot of bugs. What I mean by misleading is it will say there's no more content here, when actually there would be, and if you skip in certain situations you'll miss it.

    The game is very immersive if you can ignore the grind (skip with guide is a necessary combo) but don't expect it to be truly open world unless you're okay with spending a ton of hours with no progress and potential bugs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only been playing these sorts of adult games for about 3 months now but I have to honestly say that for sheer lush storytelling Foot of The Mountains is by far my favorite of all I have played thus far. The gameplay mechanics were definitely at first very tricky for me to comprehend properly but thankfully this forum exists and has been a tremendous help in navigation. In fact I created an account here solely because of this game and I reccomend it to everyone who doesn't mind working hard to get the scene plays.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly I used to love this game but after playing it a bit it's just becoming a shore.

    I guess if you fancy a game where you have to grind 10 hour for a 10 seconds sex scene, then go ahead play this game, otherwise, stay as far as possible from it.

    Not to mention that if you dont follow the steps the dev had in mind, you can stay stuck in game and play it for days (real life days, not ingame days) without anything moving on. The hints are vague at best so everything is frustrating. And even when I started a new game and followed the walktrough, some scene didnt trigger as written in it or some stuff are impossible to do because they are on the same option menu when you talk to the character.

    Models and sex scene arent that bad, nor is the story but the grind is absolutely INSANE.

    I'll never understand why a dev would do this. I guess he wants his game to be last long but that's not the purpose of a porn game and it's the worst way to do it.

    Stay away from this game, you have been warmed.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Lactation on a milf (could do with more though) and a girl that loses weight to impress the MC? Trying to think of the last game that had a girl do that, make herself change and look classically better (healthier) as the game progresses w/o going the bimbo route. Niiice to both.
    Grind that means the mods were basically a must? Not so nice.
    Overall I like it but grind is the enemy of a good adult game and in balancing it out, I'd call it a 4 with a mod installed but at it's base only a 3.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I so wanted to like this. Awesome art, interesting story. I even like the interactions with the fat chick, the old chicks, and am interested in the story line. BUT WOW...brutal grind, huge amount of paths, and miss one or not do a certain one a dozen times and no progression. I so wanted to like this, I played for days, reloaded 6 times, downloaded some saved games at key points to try and get through it...sigh. Followed the walkthrough joy. Beyond frustrating.

    I will come back, hell I will even pay to support, if 1. remove the unbelievable grind. 2. remove the insane amount of times things have to be done to progress. 3. If you have a crazy checkpoint that has to be done before anything else happens - put a bloody hint in there. 4. make the progression make sense. At one point I am banging melinda, two hours before I was kissing her, but at another point no kiss and barely a handjob. Anal with Rhonda, but cant even get here to touch you at another spot.

    This has HUGE potential, and even though I am stubborn, I can't get through this in its current format.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Tragic Princess

    I discovered this game randomly and didn't really know much about the Dev but I played anyway. And right from the gate you can come to the conclusion that this game isn't gonna be easy and that it's most likely will take a lot of time and patience to play this game. It's also one of those games that you can't play without a walkthrough otherwise you're screwed, you can get caught in an endless loop of nothing if you're not careful. Unfortunately lol, even with a walkthrough it's still a headache because the WT is always off, the trigger scenes are normally a day or two early or late.

    Beautiful disaster is what I'd call this. Melinda, Ann and Shirley are probably the only knockouts of the game. The sister of the MC is bland and average as well as Rhonda. What's worse about Rhonda is the she feels like a throw in, there's nothing interested about her aside from the fact that she's insecure about her weight. Ann can be likeable but she's also too slutty, she'll literally fuck anything. Even after it seems she's falling for MC she's back to being a slut lol. Then there's Melinda who the Devs built up from the beginning as this badass powerhouse, only to tear her down within a update. I can't make this up, she's violated by William and ultimately raped by a black guy, but to make matters even worse.. The Dev out of nowhere gives off the impression that both her and the MC liked and enjoyed her getting savagely raped, Melinda even smiled which is very uncharacteristic of her. Both of their sudden change in personalities, these surprise tasteless rape/ntr scene and the limitless grind of this game is too much to fathom. I definitely wouldn't recommend this anyone.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall well delivered V11beta update by SNC
    AFTER long time waiting , animation are Plus, storyline needs some work to keep players interested would consider adding some twists and turns containing all characters giving some output by themselves leading towards MC , mystery is the main Zone in such formats , Melindas there for all to keep entertain :geek:
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v11 Beta

    I am editing this review for playing this game again. They are almost 5gb of download, a sandbox game with a lot of grind and a terrible interface for information or tips. What stands out in this game are some female models who are Melinda and Ann, but the rest is ugly just by looking. So, I don't know if the game has a lot of content, but I think I didn't even reach 20% of history because it is a game full of grinds like do this, do that, increase the progression with the character... it's too tiring.
    You play as Daniel, a boy who lives in the home of his aunt (Melinda) and his uncle (William), with his cousins (Ann and Rhonda, the fat girl). I don't know why the hell the developer put a fat girl for the player to interact with her. It is a character that does not attract attention, it is pathetic to waste time going to Rhonda's path and doing her tasks and progression. Not only is Rhonda the ugly girl in this game, there is also an old woman for the MC to interact and fuck with her and other ugly women.
    It is a sandbox with a progression system (grinding) with a lot of repetition and an unpleasant interface of information or tips. The game has tips and suggestions for what you should do, however, it is a horrible and awful system. Anyway, this should be better improvised because it's horrible to play a game like that and feel stuck or stupid without knowing what to do. So, in the least doubt, use a walkthrough.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are bad, some model renderings of the female characters are good (Melinda and Ann only) and others are to your liking (I thought they ugly). Melinda is undoubtedly the best, she really is a great model. Another is Ann, but she doesn't come close to Melinda, because you'll be more interested in her. The sex scenes I could only see very little, because the amount of grind didn't make me go very far and the animations are acceptable. The sexual content is good, as maybe you can have a little fun.

    So, why I did gave 1 stars?
    Think of something like a lot of grinding, repetition and tiresome gameplay. It all comes down to that game. It is mandatory to play with cheats and a walkthrough, because without it your time will multiply. It is very easy to get stuck in the game, as the information and tips system is lousy and poorly organized. They are almost 5 GB in size and do not think that the game has a high quality graphics, no, it is content that you will spend a lot of time grinding and wasting your time. But is the game good or not? I would say no. I was only interested in two characters that are Melinda and Ann, the rest I don't even want to know. The game does not have a comfortable gameplay, if it had it would be acceptable to play or good to play. Anyway, luckily I had to give it a low rating of 1 star, because the gameplay is really tiring and we feel like we are wasting our time playing it. It's a shame, because the game even has a good storyline, with great rendering by Melinda but it’s disappointing to play that. Therefore, I do not recommend it, but in case you are interested I suggest playing with cheats and a walkthrough.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game have some great characters that are believable and are able to either hate or love , and a interesting story I can't wait to see how ends. But I am not sure I really I want to work for it like this, because this games gameplay is a grinde with a lot of repeat of same scenes and quite annoying qualifications to be able to advance. I truly wish this game was easier and more straight forward, I feel all this grinding is unnecessary and annoying. It would make a lot more enjoyable to play.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The reason why this game is good.
    Every event scene has a result.
    This game don't use up a lot of events for a one sex scene.
    There is sex at the end of every scene.
    Of course, it is a big disadvantage that one wrong choice can ruin the game.
    But even considering that, it's a really good game.
    There is no game without drawbacks.

    And I look forward to Paul's mother, Gina.
    I like women with short hair.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I have tried several times to fight my way through this game and it beats me every time. Even with the walkthrough , I have not been able to fight my way past the second week. The initial grind is so torturously repetitive that I lose all desire to continue. Only a few choices seem to do anything to raise stats or advance the story, while the remaining choices simply prolong the slogging. It does however look like it could have an interesting story buried in there somewhere that I would love to discover.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Walkthrough is like a minibook (more than hundred pages). It doesn't explain general ropes what you are supposed to do or what requirements you need to fulfill to get various scenes. But rather, it repeats in detail what you should do every hour of every week. And it goes on and on for months.

    So here I am doing my chores and following it step by step what feels more like doing homework than playing a game.
    But finally somewhere midgame I get stuck. Don't understand what requirements I haven't fulfilled for scene progression. But there I am repeating the same scenes, trying every possible option without progress.

    I go back through the walkthrough to hopefully find something I might have missed but everything seems fine. I ask in the thread and everyone ignores my questions.
    I ask myself should I restart the game and this time around try harder not to miss any key points? The answer is definitely - No, I should not.

    The so called "game" needs to be remade into a visual novel, the so called "walkthrough" needs to burn, the grind needs to go away and this piece of homework might easily make 4 stars instead of 1.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I've played this game from the very beginning up until now, there's one positive...and a lot of negatives. That major positive for me, and probably a lot of others was Melinda. Even though she has her flaws, I still loved her character and enjoyed the back in forth interactions between her and the main character. You begin to sympathy with the fact that she's married to an asshole like William. I've suffered through the never ending grindfest, constantly doing the same thing over and over again to activate scenes or make progress which is a mindfuck in itself... only to have the main character raped. What's even worse is it's not avoidable, no matter what you do it still happens.

    What's even more of a slap in the face is that Melinda, like a lot of characters in poorly written or crappy NTR games had a complete personality change. As she's being raped she starts to enjoy it, as does Daniel. Nevermind the fact that she's throughout the game this alpha female who's probably helped organized killing, all of the sudden she allows herself to easily be blackmailed? Nevermind the fact that Daniel has been trying to seduce Melinda and keep her all for himself, he's now a cuck who enjoys rape? It just doesn't make any sense that this strong, overbearing, sometimes intimidating woman now is forced to suck and fuck a random black guy when she could've easily had him executed as well.

    To put up with the fact the game doesn't have much of a story, the mechanics are horrible, renders are sometimes grainy, and it's a grindfest isn't enticing. But when you randomly insert NTR scenes as well as rape scenes it's an insult to me. If this was an NTR game from the start I wouldn't have even wasted my time on it. Cynthia the character was a bust, she served no purpose but to be a bitch, she apparently hated Melinda and her family but ends up being DP'd lol. Just an example of random shit SNC does with his games.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    I liked so much how the are built characters's personality.
    I do not enjoy the grind... do not get me wrong, I love the suspense , but I am a casual gamer and I cannot spend 100+ hours on a single game repeating the same scenes hundred of times.

    My advice, for who builds games, is: give options and understand that games are for entertain not drain energies out from the gamer.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Master Noda

    I really like this game. Good graphics and the characters are beautiful. I believe that a little more work is needed in history so that it is not often so redundant and tiring. I believe that many developers are doing the same thing lately, stretching the story and making scenes repetitions a thousand times, thinking that this leaves an interest for the next version. I don't think so, I believe that a greater amount of events and maybe filling the spaces with secondary characters to preserve the main ones, but anyway, the players want the main ones and it is often very frustrating to keep repeating and repeating the scene. I believe there is a little more creativity in the script. And the MC ejaculates in two seconds in almost every scene, that sucks, the desire to die with it. And for no reason being that they could enjoy it with a better animation, make the most of the scene time, thus making players more satisfied. If you do a thousand scenes, with a second, I don't understand that. But I really like the game. It just lacks someone who really has the creativity and imagination of a pervert in this type of story, but to this day, I have seen almost none. There is a lot of play on the subject of incest, but at the time of the incest scene, all Puritans are making excuses not to do it, if that theme is proposed, do shit! (I am not saying that I agree or disagree with any topic proposed in each game, just be faithful in what you propose). But anyway, none of this is for this game. Just, as I said, I think there has to be more creativity in the script and avoid repetition of scenes as much as possible, because that is very boring.(y)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Downloaded this game when I saw it under the latest game updates. It had 5 million views and pretty good models from what I could see. Felt it was worth a shot.

    After an hour of waiting, downloading, I booted it up... This game is like if somebody told an alien what a renpy porn game was like and then the alien tried to recreate one on their own with a good rendering computer. Dear god, the text and conversation is unbearable. And I only played five minutes of it.

    Definite skip.