Yesterday I searched a few scenes from FOTM II to see if I could find clues about what might happen in the future.
And voila` there is the scene after the fight between Daniel and Lee.
It is the statement of Rhonda
She says: yeah probably, she killed his father, now she wants to kill him in a cockfight
In the old scene at the lake, Rhonda says that Daniel has no idea who Aunt Melinda really is.
What does Rhonda really know and how does she know?
Hmmm, does that mean that Melinda really is the murderer of Daniel's father ?
There is one thing wrong with Rhonda's statement, Melinda will hardly think about Lee's motive when she herself ordered him to get rid of Daniel.
Lee himself now has a motive to get rid of Daniel in order to be able to carry out his " mission ?" with Melinda undisturbed, but in order to move the story forward it is only an attempt
But if Melinda is really interested in killing Daniel, why?
She can't really kill him, main character dead, story over !
Could she even be the murderer of Daniel's father?
Possibly, if she lured Daniel with sex so that he doesn't investigate and the whole relationship turns out to be a lie.
But the effort Melinda herself would have made with Daniel would have been unnecessary, a suitable girl would have been engaged and Daniel would have been busy enough.
Which still doesn't answer the question what drives Melinda to kill Daniel
Possibilities over possibilities, but no option is even remotely conclusive about the characters and their previous actions