damn! that crossing cups game was amazing! in my first try i got every single guess right! but seriously though that was programmed so well the speed and shuffle oh my that was fun! wow best crossing cups in a sex game yet. too bad there was no scene afterwards. the second one though was fucked up. forget this shit. too many grammatical errors ridiculous riddles that are so fucking random and make no sense. then more mini games that are almost impossible for very little pay off if any at all. fuck this game. im done. the card games and the first crossing cup game were fine ez pz, the space bar games and flower games were challenging but not impossible and with skill and experience with those types of mini games they are like medium difficulty. but to have all this shit and bad story dialog in between worthless cg its just ugh no thanks.
you guys can make a good game im sure and im sure you have good ideas BUT maybe consider teaming up or working for another dev for a similar game or something instead. your skills might be best served as backup animators or programmers or whatever you do to make these games help someone else do it so you can learn more and get better at it. maybe reach out to sirens domain, Huli is making project stockholm, SexyVerse is making goddess realms, you got team nimbus working on cloud meadow still, Anduo games is making third crisis. 4minutewarning has ravager, could use more cg, any of these dev's could prob use more people to help animate and draw, you wouldn't have to write story you'd have so much time to work on drawing and animating which im sure would make your stuff even better! let's see skeep is making heroes rise, bones tales survivors guilt, kiobe escape from the hospital, sex curse studio erolon dungeon. all good devs making solid games too slowly lol. similar art styles and concepts, genre's of inter-species sex etc, are there too. just something to consider, you could still get paid and help these games. anyway good luck hope this advice helps, im out!