
Jul 1, 2017
Hello again!

Started new game with the version and got an error when i assign someone at the 'Drill Sergeant' Duty:

Error: <<=>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read property 'getUnit' of undefined
At the 'Duty' option...

Thanks again for your kind attention!
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.3.2 begins QoL work on content creator.

Someguy01 Equipment filtering is in, thanks for the feedback!

Regarding the quest to get the wings item, you are right, I made a miscalculation. I forgot advanced trait and basic trait doesn't stack. It's lowered to 40k now. The goal is to require a maximally-trained slave whose base value is already 10k+, which is commonly found among dragonkins and demons.

Advanced equipments as well as advanced potions are reserved for veteran quest rewards. Right now the advanced equipments can be obtained rarely during critical success in the "Bounty Hunt: Kraken" mission, but it is not the intended way of obtaining these. Advanced potions can currently be obtained via the "Alchemist of the Seven Seas" quest.

Dirtyxmind Thanks, it's fixed!
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Jul 1, 2017
Thank you!

I found other errors...

When i assign someone at the 'Northern Plains Scout', 'Western Forests Scout', 'Kingdom Capital Lucgate Scout', 'Eastern Wasteland Scout' or 'Southern Seas Scout' duties, everything seems fine, until i do the 'END WEEK'... i got at the results:

Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: unit is not defined

Thanks again for all your hard work!
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Aug 31, 2017
Am I supposed to be able to get quests from areas I haven't made contact with yet? I just started a new game, I'm in week six with North Plains open but I've got a quest to the Desert and City open.


Jul 1, 2017
Thanks again!

Still having the same errors with the 'Northern Plains Scout', 'Western Forests Scout', 'Kingdom Capital Lucgate Scout', 'Eastern Wasteland Scout' or 'Southern Seas Scout' duties... maybe i need to start a new game?

Got another error when i assign a 'Rescuer' at the Team (Mission Control):

Error: cannot execute macro <<their>>: character.isHasTrait is not a function

Thanks again!
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Dirtyxmind Thanks again, fixed! Most of these errors are caused by the v0.12.3.1 update changes --- except for the Scout one it's all just flavor text bugs and not affecting the game.

For the scout one, you can either start a new game, or fix it by typing this in the javascript console (ctrl + shift + J):

SugarCube.State.variables.dutylist.getDuties().filter(a => a.DESCRIPTION_PASSAGE.startsWith('DutyScout')).map(a => SugarCube.setup.setupObj(a, SugarCube.setup.Duty.QuestPoolDuty))
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
I have built the training chamber, and once I click on the "Train" link, I can see a list of slaves which can be trrained. So far, so good, but...

Once I click on the slave's name, I get a list of about 50 identical errors:

 Error: <<unitactioncard>>: error within widget contents (Error: <<costcard>>: error within widget contents (Error: <<=>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read property 'getTraitCover' of undefined))
It doesn't matter which slave I click, the errors are identical.

Version, game freshly started on this version (no save from previous version).


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Hermenegild Thanks! I've fixed it in the latest version (v0.12.3.5). Your save should carry over to that version without any issue.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.4.0 finished up the bulk of Content Creator QoL revamp and documentations. All quests are also revised minorly, giving the participating slavers a little bit more personality on each.

v0.12.4.x Should be the last minor version before v1.0.0. Work now shifts to smaller QoL changes and bugfixes, and once that's done, the game is complete!


Dec 12, 2018
With v0.12.3.1 the game essentially reaches Beta phase. All content are done. Remaining work is QoL changes and bugfixes.

While content is done, it only means the "core" content is done. More content is always better, and the game is always open if you want to add in your content.

Since all content and engine are done, moving forward there should be very few updates that break save compatibility.

v0.12.3.1 adds flavor text for duties as well as company statistics. With this, all planned content are done and written in the game. The only remaining work before the game is completed is QoL changes and bugfixes. In particular, the content creator tool needs some QoL changes to make it more user friendly.

Thank you very much for all you helping testing the games to reach this phase!

sappho sorry, but there is no way to do that right now. My hope is that once I fix the content creator and make it more user friendly, and also when the game reaches v1.0.0, more people will start putting in more quests to the game to make it less likely for that to happen.
IMO the content creator is very friendly, but the entire building system needs a revamp urgently


Aug 1, 2017
I would agree with DaddyDekar to a degree about the building system.

I'd prefer to see lodging, dungeon and armory slots to work closer to the mission control does, the first several can be upgraded without needing building slots, right there without having to leave the initial build screen. Hell, scrap all the expansion stuff like that and just roll it into the initial build screen and have their cost ramp up the more of them you build. That's the items most likely to be built frequently, and it saves clicks. I'm a big fan of saving clicks, regardless of how long-winded I get typing here. ;)

I'd also like to see building dependencies illustrated a little clearer, perhaps by having top level buildings then underneath them in the list indented with the sub buildings. There have been times when I knew the building I wanted to build but couldn't build it and had no idea what was keeping me from building it. As it is, it's not a deal-breaker, but I can see it giving brand new folks issues.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.4.2 brings more QoL changes into the base game, inching closer to completion.

Someguy01 I've added a "tree-like" display for buildings now, which should hopefully make the dependencies clearer. It's not as clean as I'd like, but I feel it's good enough for v1.0.0.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Some general game help and mechanics explanation would be nice. For example, it took me a while to understand the four probabilities for the mission success, and now I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) they are chances for critical success, success, failure, and critical failure. Some things I was unable to guess so far, for example what does it mean when a skill icon is blinking after selecting a mission, is it good or bad that it's blinking? For a while I was even unable to find how to train slaves.

A page or two of text under a new "Help" button in the sidebar would do the thing.

And I agree that the cost of upgrading the fort should be rolled into the cost of building. Less clicking usually means more fun!

EDIT: Another thing, in the building list you should mark the missing requirements in red, or maybe hide the satisfied requirements behind a "(+)". For some buildings with long list of requirements, like Veteran Hall, checking what you need to build first gets pretty tedious.
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Oct 19, 2017
almost complete? there's barely anything on the nsfw side of things!

the sexual interactions are just 1 page of text that never changes. the only pics are character portraits and all of those are sfw.

this game isn't censored because there's nothing TO censor.

i'm just going to go back to fantasy slave trainer because this is a...borderline nsfw game.


Aug 1, 2017
almost complete? there's barely anything on the nsfw side of things!

the sexual interactions are just 1 page of text that never changes. the only pics are character portraits and all of those are sfw.

this game isn't censored because there's nothing TO censor.

i'm just going to go back to fantasy slave trainer because this is a...borderline nsfw game.
treos You do realize that you can literally make those events yourself and have them put in the game, right? Want a quest/event where you roll into a small village, take it over and rape everyone, just make it and include all the perverted flavor text you'd like.

At this point when darkofoc says almost complete, what he means is that he has put together a fully functional framework ready for content creation by anyone. All the under the hood stuff is done and I might add, he has been remarkably open to ideas about changing/modifying things to better suit the community. If you don't like where the game is now, instead of just complaining and bailing, help him with specific ideas of where you think it could be better.

Edit: Not to mention FST has been being developed for 3 years vs a month for FoC. A single month vs years of intermittent development and look at the states of both games. If darkofoc manages to hook up with someone with a strong ability in writing smut I think you'd be missing out by not sticking around for the game. There's far more systems happening under the hood than "click button and penis happens".
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Nov 18, 2018
Has anyone successfully tweaked values of their svalers/slaves?

I have tried to use Notepad++(code simply became a soup), (values can be tweaked, but it seems to not affect the game), and a Dev Tool (which either also does not work, or I simply don't know what can be changed without breaking game)


Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Version bug report: when selecting a new building to build, the "All" and "Buildable only" buttons appear to be switched, i.e. pressing "All" only shows buildings which can be built while "Buildable only" shows all of them.
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