
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
So many bugs hahahaha, all reported ones are fixed. I have a good feeling about this version.

Also, save files should be now compatible with most future updates.

Regarding slaver leveling, there is a building that can rapidly level new slavers now.

1) If you are talking about specific unique unit (e.g,, a named unit), then it is certainly possible for quests to reward such units. All the current quests are "generic" quests though, so this feature is not currently being used yet.
2) You can specify a quest to give slaves with any properties you want! I have added a short example in
3) Quest-chains are certainly possible, and in fact was one of the objectives during the design of the engine. I will try to write something so people can prototype of it.
4) You can! I think they are mostly cosmetics though, and that's why I was holding off filling them, but if you want to then you can! For example, see:

To add a new interaction, create another file in the same directory (e.g., similar step with making new quest), and once done, don't forget to put the <<include "InteractionXXXSetup"> in

P.S.If you have fully written the quests, you can also just drop the fully written texts here and I can add them to the game when I'm not busy.

docclox thanks again for the steady flow of bug report. They are all resolved, tyvm!


Jun 10, 2019
There didn't seem to be anything to do. I started a game, named my character, had him start with a big cock, and then was given the option to hire two slavers of my choice from a list. After that there was nothing further to be done other than to click "end week" each time and watch my available funds slowly tick down to nothing. There was no option to acquire any slaves or really to do anything else.

I mean, technically I could do things in the sense that I could choose which fetishes I did not want in the game, see a list of buildings I couldn't afford, and so forth but I couldn't do anything in the sense of advancing the plot or meeting any actual girls.

I realize that this game is in an early development stage. Perhaps I misunderstood the OP. I thought that "feature-complete" meant that I could do things to advance the plot. Maybe that comes later.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
JHorcoc6 uh oh that's odd... At the start of the game there should be a starting quest that you can do, which opens up the Construction Menu on the left which allows you to build the Scout Hut. Once you have the Scout Hut then the game truly begin. Hmm I can see why it can get kinda confusing there, I will think of something to add to the UI to make this obvious.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
When constructing new improvments, the description of lodging room says
"Renovate one of the rooms into a lodging area for two slavers."
However, constructing the improvement increases your slaver capacity by only 1.
So either the description is wrong or the code is not increasing the capacity correctly.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
Scouting the City of Lucgate is susceptible to that negative time remaining bug



Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Regarding the slaver capacity bug, unfortunately changing slaver capacity of a room is an engine-change, so if you want to use the change you have to start a new game :'( sorry.

Thanks for the reports. I've uploaded which should temporarily fix it, but I couldn't find the root bug. The root bug is that the scouting quest had an error when it tried to complete, which I couldn't reproduce. If that happens again, do you mind screenshotting it? Thanks


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Ran into this bug in I see there have been other patches since, so I'll download again and attempt to reproduce.

Establish Contact: City of Lucgate has finished

Your slavers struck a deal with one of the local thief. All you know is that you will get quest leads every week from the city.

Success by Team 1

Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: Actor gift lacks unitgroup in gift_exchange

New contact: Contact in the City of Lucgate (+)


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Thanks for the bug reports. I believe those has been fixed in the latest version, although save games from before version 9.4 might not be compatible with 9.4+. Version 9.4+ should be (hopefully!) compatible with future updates though.

Equipments are fully implemented. In the current version (9.4+), it has been clarified that it needs a pants and torso to be not slutty enough for slavers.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
There didn't seem to be anything to do. I started a game, named my character, had him start with a big cock, and then was given the option to hire two slavers of my choice from a list. After that there was nothing further to be done other than to click "end week" each time and watch my available funds slowly tick down to nothing. There was no option to acquire any slaves or really to do anything else.

I mean, technically I could do things in the sense that I could choose which fetishes I did not want in the game, see a list of buildings I couldn't afford, and so forth but I couldn't do anything in the sense of advancing the plot or meeting any actual girls.

I realize that this game is in an early development stage. Perhaps I misunderstood the OP. I thought that "feature-complete" meant that I could do things to advance the plot. Maybe that comes later.
well, all you have is to click on quest on menu, select the only one avaivable (build a fort) and next week...you are free to do anything :).


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
When constructing new improvments, the description of lodging room says
"Renovate one of the rooms into a lodging area for two slavers."
However, constructing the improvement increases your slaver capacity by only 1.
So either the description is wrong or the code is not increasing the capacity correctly.
did you continued from old save ? start a new game and see if problem remains.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
did you continued from old save ? start a new game and see if problem remains.
I started a new game and it seems fine.
I did notice a minor typo in the Critical Success for
Factory: Kidnap Female Specimen
Your slavers then grab the collapsed slave and with some effort managed to smuggle her out. [object Object] eventually arrive at your fort, ready to serve her new purpose from hollowed-up milk slave into whatever you feel is appropriate for her.

Somehow I don't think [object Object] is supposed to be what it says.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Had a problem on quest failure:

Werewolf Waylay has finished

Helmet /(+) chose a wrong target for the quest —- Gryllus /(+) grows too suspicious of the situation that
Error: cannot execute macro <<they>>: character.isHasTrait is not a function
left Helmet /(+) midway to the ambush site.
Failure by Team 1


Jul 12, 2018
So many bugs hahahaha, all reported ones are fixed. I have a good feeling about this version.

Also, save files should be now compatible with most future updates.

Regarding slaver leveling, there is a building that can rapidly level new slavers now.

1) If you are talking about specific unique unit (e.g,, a named unit), then it is certainly possible for quests to reward such units. All the current quests are "generic" quests though, so this feature is not currently being used yet.
2) You can specify a quest to give slaves with any properties you want! I have added a short example in
3) Quest-chains are certainly possible, and in fact was one of the objectives during the design of the engine. I will try to write something so people can prototype of it.
4) You can! I think they are mostly cosmetics though, and that's why I was holding off filling them, but if you want to then you can! For example, see:

To add a new interaction, create another file in the same directory (e.g., similar step with making new quest), and once done, don't forget to put the <<include "InteractionXXXSetup"> in

P.S.If you have fully written the quests, you can also just drop the fully written texts here and I can add them to the game when I'm not busy.

docclox thanks again for the steady flow of bug report. They are all resolved, tyvm!
Thank you for the complete response! I don't really know how to code at all, so I may have to take you up on that.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Thanks, all fixed. Fortunately, those are all just text glitches that don't affect the game. I marked as STABLE build, since there does not seem any gamebreaking bug in that version.

xJxxxDx Sure!


Oct 14, 2019
I've tossed ~5 hours into this and I'd like to offer my thoughts. First of all Twine tends to slow down a lot after some playtime, not that this is your fault but it's relevant to a lot of points I'll make.

  • The combination of traits and attributes makes the game feel harsher on success chances than No Haven, thankfully disasters are much more mild compared to NH.
  • I really like the idea of teams, not having to select multiple slavers for a mission was a really nice change in the beginning. However, the limit of three slavers per team and 10 attributes means each team will have 1-6 stacked attributes with missions requiring multiple different attributes. This means that players are forced to juggle team members in and out, which is suffering with Twine's slowdowns. After a couple of hours I really missed individual slaver selection, teams are an awesome "Eh, close enough" button though.
  • The market and Sex Shop could be combined into one screen to save players from having to check 2 screens a week instead of 1. Shop item expiration dates could also use a couple more weeks, giving players the option to check the shop/s every few weeks instead of every week. The expiration date extension could also be applied to prospects/slave pens.
  • Characters could use more 'favored attribute slots', or just more than 2 favored plus 2 random attribute gains on level up.
  • End of week reports could be improved by making them a single screen, glacial Twine speeds to view mission reports I've already seed dozens of times is a drag.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
c4145317 thanks for the feedbacks!

First on twine slowdown, it is actually my fault. I was delaying implementing "garbage-collection" on the twine --- for example, once a unit is generated, it stays in the save game forever, even when the quest they're associated with are long gone. I will implement this in the next update which should completely eliminate the lag.

On attributes, I share your pain on team management. The design goal of team is that for the end game, you want each team to specialize on some kind of missions. As you suggest, I think letting units focus on 3 traits instead of 2, and get 5 attributes on level up instead of 4, is probably good. That way a team can cover 9 out of 10 traits.

Good point on markets, will implement.

Thanks for the feedbacks!
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Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
love these bugfixes/updates, but can you pls update date, at least overy second day, so we dont have to scroll several pages back to look for new versions (i have sorted it by date of uploading).
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