If you are having issues with the battlers (files like battlers\Fio being missing or what not, download my battlers folder here:
I fixed the translation for the ending conditions and the crystal's in the recollection room, so you can understand what they do. If there is any issues/something I missed, or something not translated I should look at, lmk
edit: translated a couple of untranslated lines during the first campfire scene with the bullies and fio
translated the banner notifications after defeating an enemy: e.g. got x G\
fixed an issue where fio's name would appear twice as speaker at the end of her H scene
edit 2 (v2):
Ok. I took a dive into the common events to translate the remaining parts of the H scenes, but there was a lot. more than 62% of it was untranslated, and i got tired of manually doing the h scenes really quickly, so most of them are just mtl. i also wasn't sure how to translate the sex sounds, so the ones that didn't get auto translated, i just did 1:1 phonetically for most of them.
if you notice anything particularly poorly translated (completely incomprehensible), or seemingly missing parts (e.g. a line that just says "Mr.", or mistranslated names, please let me know (with a screenshot if possible) and i will fix it as soon as i'm able
translated the masturbation scenes
translated the skill activation messages and the other miscellaneous combat messages and managed to fix the wrong parameter bug
fixed a issue with the base translation where you would get a bug during the air assault game in the playhouse preventing you from starting the event
fixed an issue with the base translation where the armored knight who teaches you skills would crash the game. i figured out how to fix it, but i'm so confused as to why it gets fixed, and more importantly, i couldn't figure out where the fix is being saved in the game files, so the patch now needs to encompass the entire data folder. so, this bug is now fixed, but the patch size went up a lot. so, apologies about that
enabled word wrapping. due to this being a script, some things are going to be aligned weird, but nothing should go off screen anymore. Also translated the orc scene i missed the first time. Fixed an issue in the orc scenes that would cause the game to crash
did a quick translation of the npc scenes and brothel scenes
Someone told me where to find the scrolling text, so did a quick MTL on it with some cleanup. Some discrepancies, but it's understandable